So that’s why he has all these rallies

It’s because when he goes to an event with a more representative sample of the population, he discovers that there are people who despise him. Case in point: Trump was booed at a baseball game. He better get used to it, because he’s going to be seeing open expressions of contempt from the public for the rest of his life.


  1. Bruce Fuentes says

    Have we finally reached the tipping point? Are a majority of people fed up and willing to demand action from their representatives? One can hope.

  2. wzrd1 says

    Telling was Melania’s face, the only time I saw that change of expression was from an abused wife, when she realized he’d go off when they got home.

  3. says

    @#1, Bruce Fuentes:

    Are a majority of people fed up and willing to demand action from their representatives?

    You’re a funny man. You think the representatives care what their voters think. Republican voters demonstrated years ago that they will vote for anything that runs as a Republican, Democrats officially admitted in 2016 (by way of Chuck Schumer) that they want the votes of the Republican base, not the votes of people who have traditionally been the Democratic base, and so they certainly aren’t going to do what their own base wants. If they did, we’d have a couple of hundred Democrats in Congress who were like AOC, rather than just the one, and the entire Clinton crew, including Biden, would have been tossed out on their ears years ago, rather than running the party. But hey, “blue no matter who, because where would Lucy be if we stopped trying to kick her football”.

  4. stwriley says

    My favorite moment was definitely the “lock him up!” chant. Serves the narcissistic bastard right.

  5. stroppy says

    So let me get this straight. The Kurds provide intelligence on Abu Baker al-Baghdadi, Trump stabs them in the back basically green lighting genocide against them, US forces kill Baghdadi, then little Lord Trumpleroy thinking this is such a big propaganda win for himself that he goes to the ball game expecting to be cheered by his adoring masses. And gets booed. Poor baby.

    …Does anyone know if the Kurdish mole survived the attack?

  6. Saad says

    stwriley, #4

    My favorite moment was definitely the “lock him up!” chant. Serves the narcissistic bastard right.

    Yeah, they sure showed him.

  7. says

    I just want to point out something that I would guess most people here would not know. The day before, in game 4, Jose Urquidy turned in the single best pitching performance (by game score) for the Astros, or Nationals, to date. He is a rookie and it was his first postseason start. He is also a Mexican national. So while I utterly enjoyed the booing I really wish this happened yesterday for the irony. (I guess Trump is rooting for the Nationals?).

    Depressingly I have run across more than 10 Astros fans who refuse to believe Urquidy is Mexican.

  8. unclefrogy says

    sorry if this is off target a little. I just watched part of a clip of morning joe that was supposed to be about the chant at the game when some guy who I did not catch the name of because I turned closed the tab as soon as he went to how we should pay attention to the killing of Al-Baghdadi because that is the best of us what we stand for.
    well we do act like we are trying to clean up the mess we have had a big hand in creating and sustaining. Instead of you know we could support and promote the purported principles the US was founded on. It is my opinion the a much more equitable distribution of prosperity world wide along with civil rights would go a very long way to suppressing radicals of most persuasions to a more manageable level because all of what we have been known for up to now it seems is kicking ass and taking names (to little positive effect)
    uncle frogy

  9. says

    #3 Vicar says:
    “Democrats officially admitted in 2016 (by way of Chuck Schumer) that they want the votes of the Republican base, not the votes of people who have traditionally been the Democratic base, and so they certainly aren’t going to do what their own base wants.”

    Sir, were you counting on no one reading your linked source, or have you not read it yourself? This was Schumer’s quote from July 2016:
    “For every blue-collar Democrat we lose in western Pennsylvania, we will pick up two moderate Republicans in the suburbs in Philadelphia, and you can repeat that in Ohio and Illinois and Wisconsin.”

    Do you really think that working-class white people are the Democratic base, or that moderate Republicans are the Republican base? I disagree. Working class white guys, the folks Joe Biden is chasing? Moderate Republicans are their base? It is to laugh. Pipe down, Mercutio. You make it out like Schumer is courting Rush Limbaugh fans to vote for Hillary.

    Moderates like Schumer and Biden want more moderates, not more AOC’s. That much seems clear. I want the opposite, and I would happily help give Schumer & co. the boot and replace them with Democrats to their left, if we can.