A shocking development

I went to bed at 9 last night, and woke up this morning at 7:30. My whole body is staggered at having gotten a full night of sleep and waking up feeling rested. My schedule for the day is wrecked, but I don’t know…I could get to like this.

Alas, I seem to be well rested for a long day of nothing but grading exams and labs. I expect this strange feeling to be demolished in short order.


  1. blf says

    i went to bed at 9 last night, and woke up this morning at 7:30.

    Hum… that wasn’t supposed to happen, I understand. The mildly deranged penguin says that in addition to being transported in space (which has presumably been noticed by now (hint: check the colour of the aardvarks)), and in extrasensory phenomena (goat entails no longer work), time should also have been adjusted (she estimates the local arrival time as 666:3.142 exactly, just in time to see the local unicorn pointedly refute one of the local politicians, thereby causing a shower of walruses (walruses get everywhere and everywhen)). Odd, that, she says. She’s checking the hammock legs now to see if there’s a problem…