
  1. hemidactylus says

    Damn! Some people I knew in my personal life also died recently. Two of them. The folks you mention were influential in my intellectual life. Just pulled Bonner’s The Evolution of Culture in Animals from my shelf. Amazingly I knew exactly where it resided. Raff’s The Shape of Life is around here somewhere. Thanks for conveying that sad news.

  2. KG says

    I’m kind of relieved it’s bad becasue of people dying, not being exposed as sexual harrassers or worse.

  3. Owlmirror says

    I’m kind of relieved it’s bad becasue of people dying, not being exposed as sexual harrassers or worse.

    Death comes for all men.

    Harassment accusation comes for #NotAllMen.

  4. hemidactylus says

    Was busy watching the midseason premiere of a show last night so got around to watching this video just now. It was heartfelt eulogy of these important folks. I didn’t come to Bonner through interest in development, but strangely enough cultural evolution. Very odd. I think I read Raff’s book because PZ recommended it to me way back when. Along with Wallace Arthur and Brian Hall, Raff was an evo-devo rock star in its formative years. Great video though sad subject matter. They will not be forgotten.