Feminists are doomed…to laugh


Someone mentioned me on Reddit, which is never a good thing, I’ve learned, but at least this time their comment is ironically funny. This person is announcing the imminent demise of feminism and America because human beings are apparently going extinct, to be replaced by cats.

They will trumpet nothing. They will not exist. They don’t tend to breed, having cats instead of kids, and even if they did the West will collapse soon. Occasionally some of these freaks do breed, like PZ Myers or Jessica Valenti, but those are rare exceptions. Plus PZ bred in the era before feminism completely destroyed America so I’m not sure how applicable his example is anyway.

Hey, I’m not that old! They make it sound like I was born in the paleolithic or something. Humanity is also not undergoing a population crash, so that argument is always kind of silly.

But what amused me is where this argument was made: feminists don’t breed, except for a few freakish outliers, says the guy on the Trucels subreddit.

The Truecels subreddit is an online community where involuntarily celibate males can vent and express their feelings and frustrations without fear of getting banned. The moderators of other online communities for incels (e.g. ForeverAlone) are often not so welcoming to the very people they are supposed to cater to. Females may post here too, but they will not be given any special treatment, and you will not be banned for disagreeing with one. This is a free speech subreddit.

If Jessica Valenti and I are freaks who have children (as do a great many feminists), we’re going to need a new word for people who are bitterly envious. Maybe incels ought to adopt a cat?


  1. Siobhan says

    America has been completely destroyed?

    Fuck, I wish.

    I also find it amusing that there’s this emphasis on procreation. Do feminists who adopt count?

  2. Lofty says

    A good feminist just looks for a better quality partner than a Reddit infestor. Hey you, Redditors, humanity will survive longer with you out of the breeding game, anyhow.

  3. Athywren - not the moon you're looking for says

    Hey, I’m not that old! They make it sound like I was born in the paleolithic or something. Humanity is also not undergoing a population crash, so that argument is always kind of silly.

    Pfft! Yeah, right. We all know your secret, Pezuthela!

  4. Menyambal says

    So feminists don’t breed, and involuntarily-celibates don’t breed either? Sounds like y’all should form a club or something.

    A social club, PZ, not a wife-getting club like you used to use.

  5. Nerd of Redhead, Dances OM Trolls says

    Yes. I’m going to work this morning in a post-apocalyptic ruin. Aren’t you?

    The upstairs looks intact and zombie free. I’ll have to check downstairs, as something might be lurking in the kitchen.

  6. Athywren - not the moon you're looking for says

    The upstairs looks intact and zombie free. I’ll have to check downstairs, as something might be lurking in the kitchen.

    Remember to check the fish tank! Zombie fish totally count.

  7. dianne says

    But…I thought feminists were supposed to murder all the men and reproduce by parthenogenesis or oocyte fusion or raiding the sperm banks or something. Did I miss the memo where it flipped over to destroying humanity by refusing to reproduce? I swear, you miss ONE meeting of the international feminist cabal and they just change everything on you!

  8. ck, the Irate Lump says

    Siobhan wrote:

    I also find it amusing that there’s this emphasis on procreation. Do feminists who adopt count?

    Of course not. This concern for procreation is often a thin veneer over blatant white supremacist ideology, especially when they also express concern for the “imminent collapse of western civilization”. If you’re not having lots of good WASP babies, you’re not part of their solution.

  9. Jeremy Shaffer says

    Maybe incels ought to adopt a cat?

    Hey now! I’m not the biggest fan of cats, but even I wouldn’t wish such misery upon a single feline to suffer their company. A good substitute would be sea monkeys.

  10. Derek Vandivere says

    #1 / Moggie:

    America has been completely destroyed?

    Well, I did finally get confirmation last week from DC that I’m officially no longer American…

    But more importantly, it seems that I either have to get rid of my kid, get rid of my cats, or start being a chauvinist prick. I’m confused!

  11. slithey tove (twas brillig (stevem)) says

    ackk, cats already overlord FaceBook, the entire internetz. Ad you know how single ladies often have houses filled with multitudes of catz. eh?
    this cartoon is too boring, old hat, phwww.

  12. lucifermourning says

    I’m a pregnant feminist…I guess that makes me a freak? Or is it okay because, while I am an American, I live in the UK?

  13. themadtapper says

    involuntarily celibate

    That phrase tells you everything you need to know about these guys. It’s honestly hard for me to even wrap my brain around that kind of attitude, that sex is something that they’re somehow entitled to and they’re being denied it. “Help, I’m being kept virgin against my will!” The mind boggles. And I can’t help but find the “free speech” and “won’t get banned for venting” bits amusing in a sad sort of way. Clearly those other boards that ban these guys are just doing it because they’re “PC”, and not because these guys only have morally repellent things to say. And of course, as PZ implied, the irony of guys belittling feminists for “not breeding” on a board dedicated to supporting guys who aren’t breeding.

  14. wzrd1 says

    Well, I’ll be leaving for work through a post-apocalyptic ruin.
    They’re digging up the cracked street, to replace it with nice, smooth, non-undermined concrete. But, first, we have to put up with busted up concrete and unsightly holes in the ground until everything’s ready to install new concrete. I’m fine with that, as whenever I back out of my driveway, I pull onto an undermined part of the street, where a storm drain appears to be leaking under the street. It’ll be nice to not have to worry about the car breaking through the concrete and I’d have to climb to safety or something.

    As for the involuntarily celibate males, perhaps one should examine the actual source of the problem, may I suggest using a mirror? If you’re an asshole, nobody will want to sleep with you, if you call someone worthless, they sure as hell won’t waste time hanging around with you.
    But hey, what would I know? My wife and I have only been married for over 34 years and still going strong. We both have plenty of friends, unlike the involuntarily celibate males, who chose their own isolation via misogyny and misanthropy. Far too many on Reddit appear to have no friends, which is one of the reasons I still don’t have an account there.
    As a military medic, I’ve never had very good graces toward a man with a self-inflicted wound, especially the one who shot himself in the foot, then complained about the resultant limp.

  15. themadtapper says

    They have a picture of Elliot Rodger at the top of their subreddit. Seriously?

    Just verified that myself. Though one thing I will point out, is that this sub has a whopping 230 subscribers, which is pretty damn tiny. It appears to be one bitter guy and a handful of random supporters, and he had to limit up/down voting because of the influx of disapproval he was getting from outside his sub. And from what I could see there’s still people commenting against this guy’s message, so some of those 230 subscribers are probably people who subbed just so they could downvote. This is not a large well-coordinated predator community; it’s one lonely wanker with a few random anonymous supporters.

  16. Arete says

    I’m a feminist who intended to probably only have one baby. But it turns out that co-parenting with another feminist who considers equitable division of child care to be essential is so much fun that I think I may have another. And maybe even another one after that.

    But the thing that should really occur to them is that feminists don’t have to be born that way. This argument just doesn’t work for anti-feminists any more than it works for fundamentalists or political conservatives that think they can just outbreed the opposition. I wasn’t raised a feminist, I wasn’t raised to be a liberal, and I sure as hell wasn’t raised to be an atheist. These are ideas. They are contagious. You can catch them up all over the place.

  17. says

    and you will not be banned for disagreeing with one. This is a free speech subreddit.

    Ah, so.. run by right wing Republicans, or religious fanatics then? Or, just fanatics. lol

  18. Akira MacKenzie says

    You know, I’m an “involuntarily celebate” male. Despite my best efforts, I haven’t had anything approaching sex in nearly 20 years. Yeah, I’m frustrated. I’m lonely. I get jealous. It bums me out quite a bit, especially around couples. However, it would never occur to me to blame feminism for my lack of intimate companionship. I DO blame morbid obesity, bad teeth, having a face like a hog after a hornet attack, and a head full of mental health issues for my lack of a relationship, but those are mostly my own damn fault. I can’t fault women I’m attracted to for having both good taste and good sense.

    Hey, “Incel” assholes! Pull your heads out of your fucking ego and take a look in the mirror, both literally and figuratively. You might finally see what the real problem is.

  19. says

    They don’t tend to breed, having cats instead of kids, and even if they did the West will collapse soon.

    Should we tell him about Grounded Parents, the blog for and by feminist, atheist and science based parents?

  20. GiantPanda says

    As long as there are cats they won’t let humans go extinct.
    Someone has to open the cans.

  21. Jake Harban says

    Humanity is also not undergoing a population crash, so that argument is always kind of silly.

    No, but white people aren’t having as many white babies that are taught to defend white privilege and as far as they’re concerned humanity doesn’t extend beyond that insular group. (See: “The West will collapse soon.”)

    That phrase tells you everything you need to know about these guys. It’s honestly hard for me to even wrap my brain around that kind of attitude, that sex is something that they’re somehow entitled to and they’re being denied it.

    I always think of it as being a bit like someone who says: “I refuse to shower or show up to places on time or talk to anyone without insulting them. I’m INVOLUNTARILY UNEMPLOYED!”

  22. says

    They don’t tend to breed, having cats instead of kids

    Whereas masturbating at one’s keyboard … uh, doesn’t tend to breed either.

  23. Ryan Cunningham says

    “Do feminists who adopt count?”

    Of course not! Biotruths! They must pass along their flawed brain genes or their thinking will be culled by evolutionary selection. Evopsych!

  24. kayden says

    So why are these men assuming that they will be #foreveralone? What is it about them that they believe renders them unable to find partners or lovers? Very strange how some men love to play the victim while decrying feminists for that exact reason.

    And please don’t suggest that these bitter men adopt cats. Leave cats out of this.

  25. wzrd1 says

    The cats already decided that among themselves, kayden. No cats will accept being “adopted” by these creatures.
    It came up in the last feline overlord world domination meeting minutes, which I had eavesdropped in on.

  26. Colin J says

    kayden #29

    So why are these men assuming that they will be #foreveralone? What is it about them that they believe renders them unable to find partners or lovers? Very strange how some men love to play the victim while decrying feminists for that exact reason.

    It’s an easy trap to fall into. I’d have classified myself as involuntarily celibate up to my late 30s. I was fat and boring and socially awkward. But like Akira MacKenzie, I never blamed anyone but myself. I never thought that I was owed anything by anyone else. Bloody depressing though, which just reinforces the whole deal.

    It’s a trite platitude to say that things will get better and that your soul-mate is out there somewhere. In my case it was true: 10th wedding anniversary this year.

  27. Akira MacKenzie says

    Colin J @ 31

    I never thought that I was owed anything by anyone else. Bloody depressing though, which just reinforces the whole deal.

    Oh, don’t I know it, It’s worse when you have actually had a taste of love. You know how it feels to be close to someone, to be liked, to be wanted. Up until that point, I was the nerdy teenage outcast who had been picked on a lot as a kid and my peers left me the impression that no one would want to be with me. When I met her in college, it was wonderful. I thought I had finally found someone who understood me and shared my geeky interests and I had proved all the high school bullies who told me that I “couldn’t get laid if I paid a $2 whore $2 million” that I really could find love. Then, she figured out that I was a loser and didn’t want to get her life destroyed by my stupidity, so she dumped me. While it was the right move for her, it really really hurt me.

    After they leave you, there is this massive hole in your life that you desperately want to fill to make the pain go away. You get angry. You get frustrated. You get depressed. You see other couples and you remember, then you feel nothing but envy and you wonder “why?” I thought about it, and decided that the most obvious answer was me. The women I’m attracted to want nothing to do with a fat, ugly, old, head case with no prospects. It’s not their fault. I rolled the cosmic 3d6 for each attribute and ended up with below-average stats and negative modifiers. There is nothing I can do about that, so I guess I have to live without.

    But these creeps… They came to conclusion that there is some vast conspiracy out there to deny them sex; that the whole of female-kind is out to get them. I can only imagine that they don’t do a lot of self-assessment and they don’t think there is anything wrong with them. THEY are just fine. Hell, THEY are perfect. THEY are handsome. THEY are Charismatic. THEY are Alpha Males, the epitome of the human race. Therefore, it’s the rest of the world, especially those uppity women who think they out to grant permission before they are fucked, who is at fault for their lack of a sex life.

    No doubt they would scoff at me as a lesser breed, a “whipped” mangina who is not a Truly Masculine Macho Male, at least my conscience is clean. I don’t have to bring other people down to make my pathetic life seem better.

  28. karpad says


    there’s a sub-reddit for off-brand battery enthusiasts? Because I’m a bit of a devotee of Unicel myself. the sky blue background with the bright yellow sunrise on the logo is just so cheerful, and it’s got a pretty solid battery li-

    is an online community where involuntarily celibate males can vent and express their feelings and frustrations without fear of getting banned.

    oh. So… we aren’t going to talk about Rayovac. okay.

    I’m just disappointed, is all.

  29. Mrdead Inmypocket says

    I’m confused. If feminists “don’t tend to breed”, but have cats instead, thus feminism is dying. The underlying assumption in that statement is that only feminists can give birth to feminists. But then I tell myself nobody could possibly be inferring that. So I assume I’m missing something.

    *walks away mumbling incoherently to myself