
Ken Ham has declared Darwin’s birthday, 12 February, to be Darwin Was Wrong Day. It’s another brilliant misstep for that bastion of inanity: browse the #DarwinWasWrongDay hashtag.


And on #DarwinWasWrongDay, PZ Myers declares that Ken Ham has done something good, and laughs.


  1. Crip Dyke, Right Reverend Feminist FuckToy of Death & Her Handmaiden says

    On #DarwinWasWrongDay the media’s job “isn’t to assess the government’s information and be an independent intelligence analyst … . [It’s] to tell readers what the government thought…”

    Oh, wait. I think I’m doing this wrong.

  2. Crip Dyke, Right Reverend Feminist FuckToy of Death & Her Handmaiden says

    Feb 12, 2015

    Manchester – According to several moth sources, differential reproductive success in the face of predation in an environment whose color background changed with an increase in coal burning had little to do with allele shifts. In fact, shifts in allele distribution were entirely irrelevant to scientific observations, sources assert: “Natural selection, smatural shmelection,” one said. “Have you ever tasted plain birch? We just decided it tasted better with pepper and lacked ourselves some opposable thumbs. You got a problem with that?”

  3. Crip Dyke, Right Reverend Feminist FuckToy of Death & Her Handmaiden says

    Damn. Still wrong.

    I guess I just don’t get the format.

    Ken Ham, I suppose I’ll just have to make peace with the fact that you’re a natural twit and I’m not.

  4. Janine the Jackbooted Emotion Queen says

    On #DarwinWasWrongDay, the power of Christina Hoff Sommers will make Prager University a respected institute of learning.

  5. says

    Another anniversary tomorrow, that’s worth mentioning:

    The first known science fiction television programme was produced by the BBC’s pre-war television service. On 11 February 1938 a thirty-five-minute adapted extract of the play R.U.R., written by the Czech playwright Karel Čapek, was broadcast live from the BBC’s Alexandra Palace studios.

    In which play this rather apposite line is uttered:

    Well, anyone who’s looked into anatomy will have seen at once that man is too complicated and that a good engineer could make him more simply.

  6. Randomfactor says

    The point is that Darwin got many things right, including evolution.

    Maybe Ken Ham will get something right…some day.

  7. Nerd of Redhead, Dances OM Trolls says

    One day a year Darwin gets it wrong. The babble is mythology/fiction 24/7/365.

  8. komarov says

    Richardelguru (#3):

    On Darwin was wrong day not being a biologist is a valid and widely respected scientifc credential.

    Come to think of it, this gives many of a unique albeit brief opportunity to start a new career in a completely different field. We’d better make the most of it…

  9. zetopan says

    “Ken Ham thinks Darwin was wrong?”
    There is your entirely obvious error right there. Ken Ham “thinks”?!

  10. says

    One lousy atheist holiday a year and the christers want to hijack that holiday, too?

    It’s the war on Darwin Day! Fight back! Eat a ham sandwich on Thursday!

  11. says

    One lousy atheist holiday a year and the christers want to hijack that holiday, too?

    It’s the war on Darwin Day! Fight back! Eat a ham sandwich on Thursday!

  12. Ashley haworth-roberts says

    ‘Ken Ham is Wrong’ will take place between 13 February 2015 and 11 February 2016.

  13. David Marjanović says

    On #DarwinWasWrongDay the media’s job “isn’t to assess the government’s information and be an independent intelligence analyst … . [It’s] to tell readers what the government thought…”

    That’s actually Wikipedia’s job instead.

  14. rietpluim says

    There is no god but Atheos and Darwin is his prophet. The prophet of Atheos cannot be wrong.