I don’t understand how this was made

You’d think I’d have noticed if ever someone had cracked my chest open.

Unless…there are others like me?


  1. Menyambal --- making sambal a food group. says

    I understood that the aortic arch can be tracked back to the circulatory system of fish.

  2. azhael says

    I knew some species had remarkable mimetic habilities but that is bloody impressive.

  3. Lofty says

    Ya’d think the suckers would be on the inside of the curved bits but it wouldn’t have looked so cool as a drawing.

  4. David Marjanović says

    I understood that the aortic arch can be tracked back to the circulatory system of fish.

    The whole thing can be, except for the wall between the left and the right ventricle!

  5. Azkyroth Drinked the Grammar Too :) says

    So if it’s a tentacled heart, are those blood suckers?