
  1. ChasCPeterson says

    When you ain’t got nothing, you’ve got nothing to lose
    You’re invisible now, you’ve got no secrets to conceal.
    How does it feel (x2)
    To be without a home
    Like a complete unknown
    By a rolling stone?

  2. chigau (not my real name) says

    Oh my head.
    I’m never drinking Judas’s wine again.
    Why am I wearing a kimono?

  3. autumn says

    I remember partying with the gang, made a bad joke about the wine being blood. . . And now where the hell am I?

    Peter was right, Jerusalem is a fucking awesome city!

  4. Pierce R. Butler says

    This artist hasn’t read the story: Zombie Jesus rolled that rock away – and stalked out (of the hole where they’d dumped his carcass about 36 hours before) upon the unsuspecting city of Jerusalem – before the sun came up.

    I’ve drawn an exquisitely detailed, biblically-correct miniature of the scene here: •

  5. Rip Steakface says

    “Finally managed to crawl out of that dungeon. Let’s check what new gear I’ve picked up…”

  6. moarscienceplz says

    “I’m sorry sir, we are out of the ’25 Lambrusco, but we do have an excellent Chianti.”

  7. robro says

    “Excuse me, guys, but I’m going to the loo. I’ll be out in a few millennia.”

  8. Beatrice (looking for a happy thought) says

    “I’m the champion of hide and go seek, LOSERS! “

  9. says

    Breaks into song:

    The sun on the meadow is summery warm
    The stag in the forest runs free
    But gathered together to greet the storm
    Tomorrow belongs to me

    The branch on the linden is leafy and green
    The Rhine gives its gold to the sea (Gold to the sea)
    But somewhere a glory awaits unseen
    Tomorrow belongs to me

    Now Fatherland, Fatherland, show us the sign
    Your children have waited to see
    The morning will come
    When the world is mine
    Tomorrow belongs to me
    Tomorrow belongs to me
    Tomorrow belongs to me
    Tomorrow belongs to me

  10. Hammer of dog says

    [voice of god]”Um.. son.. this is kind of embarrassing… but could you do that whole passion thing again? I forgot to put film in the camera.”

  11. R Johnston says

    I will use my mighty power of time travel to make a fortune selling bleach and razor blades to ancient two-bit hustlers! What could go wrong with that plan?

  12. Beatrice (looking for a happy thought) says

    “The hills are aliiiiiiiiiive with sound of…”


  13. Carlos Cabanita says

    Today, I overheard a comment from a Portuguese woman while seeing the TV series ‘The Bible’: Oh this Jesus is so handsome! And he is even a Portuguese boy!

  14. says


    Today, I overheard a comment from a Portuguese woman while seeing the TV series ‘The Bible’: Oh this Jesus is so handsome! And he is even a Portuguese boy!

    :laughs: Priceless.

  15. Abu Iksander says

    “Not many people know what their life’s worth is. I do. Seventy grand. That’s what they took from me. And that’s what I was going to get back.”

  16. Abu Iksander says

    “You’d think after three days of lying on my back, I would have given up any idea of getting even, just be a nice guy and call it a day. Nice guys are fine: you have to have somebody to take advantage of… but they always finish last.”

  17. Alex the Pretty Good says

    Got hammered two days ago, only wakes up now.
    Truly a Great Friday.

  18. carlie says

    All at once I’ve had enough
    As if I’m made of sterner stuff
    I take a breath and open up the door
    Dawn breaks hard and falls on me
    For just one moment I can see
    The pale blue sky
    I close my eyes because
    The world’s so bright and beautiful I have to look away
    Braced against the beauty of another perfect day
    As I go to pieces and the breeze blows me away
    One more blue sunny day…

  19. cag says

    Billy Jesus here for Michael Jackson Miracle Whitener. You too can look like me, just send $19.95 for the Miracle Whitener, but wait, if you call within the next 10 minutes we will double your offer. Be twice as white, just pay extra shipping and handling. Don’t miss out, call now, 666 666 6666.

  20. says

    “Wait — I can explain
    On the day I went away
    Was all I had to say
    Now I
    Want to come again and stay
    Oh my
    Smile and that will mean I may

    I’ve seen blue skies
    Through the tears in my eyes
    And I realise I’m going home
    I’m going home

    Everywhere it’s been the same
    Like I’m outside in the rain
    Free to try and find a game
    Cards for sorrow cards for pain

    I’ve seen blue skies
    through the tears in my eyes
    And I realise — I’m going home
    I’m going home
    I’m going home.”

  21. athyco says

    Abu Iksander’s pulling in Mel Gibson lines from Payback (and I’m kinda shamed to know that). I guess Passion of the Christ reminded him of that Gibson masterpiece.

    My caption:

    Just as long as we’re clear. You’ve got the cleaning bill since I have to keep the holes in my hands and side for that asshole Thomas Didymus.

  22. says


    Abu Iksander’s pulling in Mel Gibson lines from Payback (and I’m kinda shamed to know that). I guess Passion of the Christ reminded him of that Gibson masterpiece.

    Oh. Never saw that. Chris, thank you too.

  23. Lofty says

    Use new “Smugly” washing powder, makes everything come out whiter than whitey.

  24. Beatrice (looking for a happy thought) says

    “Is “blindingly white” a bit too much? It is, isn’t it?”

  25. Félix Desrochers-Guérin says

    “WTF? I went in as a Palestinian Jew and came out as a white European Christian”.

    Palestinian goes in, European comes out. You can’t explain that.

  26. cubist says

    “Everyone agreed that the Reverend Boltzmann’s remake of the famous “big stone ball” scene from INDIANA JONES was not entirely well thought-out.”

  27. Maureen Brian says

    “Either this artist can’t do perspective or that stone never sealed the tomb. I could have been out 2 days ago.”

  28. robro says

    My FB page is full of Easter cheer this morning from some Southern relatives: various images of Jesus plus a wealth of threatening pro-gun posters. Interesting isn’t it?

  29. anuran says

    #72 robro – Mine has some of the Easter cheer, lots of joyfully blasphemous images and a lot of stuff about candy. We obviously have rather different friends

  30. carlie says

    Get your coat and grab your hat
    Leave your troubles on this doorstep
    And just direct your feet
    to the sunny side of the street…

  31. carlie says

    I have to say, one of the benefits of having left fb is that I don’t get that deluge of Christianity every holiday. It’s quite nice.

  32. says

    You are at the entrance to a deep dark tomb, its round stone door rolled to one side.

    shut door

    The tomb's round stone door is locked in the open position.


    You have: stale bread, dried fish, wine cork, key, olive oil, crown of thorns, three nails

    use key

    You pull the key out of the folds in your robe. It falls through the hole in your hand and rolls out of sight.

  33. yazikus says

    Your comment just made my day! -Scurries off to play hitchhikers guide to the galaxy-

  34. Acolyte of Sagan says

    Jesus was clearly impressed by his tour of the Indiana Jones film set….

  35. says

    Is this open thread the place to admit that I found it pretty depressing when I looked at my facebook feed this morning and saw otherwise sensible people posting explicitly religious statuses. People who you know must battle cognitive dissonance every single day to continue to hold these ridiculous beliefs in their minds alongside their other more rational thoughts. I kid you not, I have a friend who is a biologist working in DNA/evolutionary research at a prestigious university who posted this morning, “Christ is risen! He is truly risen!” It just leaves me baffled and wondering do I even know these people? AHHH…anyone else?

  36. Acolyte of Sagan says

    For a qualified carpenter, Jesus always had a problem making doors fit…

  37. says

    Let’s see. We can go for the old tried-and-true:

    “By this time, my lungs were aching for air.”

    We could go for the obvious:

    “Counterweights, people! These stones are fucking heavy.”

    Or the historical:

    “I’m not sure you needed a millstone to seal a door. Also, why am I European? I have yet to invent Champaign!”

    Or the geeky:

    “Really, Dad? A fucking Grue?”

    So many choices.

  38. Acolyte of Sagan says

    Caine, Wonder-wench
    31 March 2013 at 5:35 pm

    Acolyte of Sagan:

    For a qualified carpenter, Jesus always had a problem making doors fit…

    “Dammit, Jim, I’m a carpenter, not a stone mason!”

    Heh heh :-)


  39. cicely (mumblemumble-SomethingHalf-Witty-mumblemumble) says

    “By Me, that was one helluva shit! I’ve never felt so clean inside!”

  40. says

    “It’s the millstone miracle door! Comes complete with a track kit, easy to assemble! This door can withstand anything! Order yours now, 500 easy payments of 100 shekels, and shipping costs! Don’t delay!”

  41. SteveV says

    Abu Iksander’s pulling in Mel Gibson Lee Marvin lines from Payback Point Blank.

    Sigh: I’m getting old.

  42. athyco says

    MattG @….oh my fsm…86:

    I was just mostly dead.

    “And unlike Westly, I actually did say, ‘To blaaaaaaaaave.'”

  43. DonDueed says

    “Jesus? Yes… that’s what they called me. I was Jesus the Grey. I am now… Jesus the White!”

  44. patchmonkey says

    The Big Labowski watches the very luminous UFO ascend, wonders why they left the big flywheel.

  45. tsig says

    You saw the first movie “The Passion of the Christ”

    Now see the sequel The Revenge of the Christ”

  46. Gregory Greenwood says

    “Me? A grave robber? No, no – you have it all wrong – this is my tomb. I used to be dead, but I got better…


  47. says

    This artist hasn’t read the story: Zombie Jesus rolled that rock away…

    Well, that depends on which version of the story you go by. Mark, Luke and John tell it as you say (about the only thing they agree on in their accounts), but Matthew says an angel rolled the stone away after the women arrived. What’s really neat is that the tomb was already empty, so either Jesus ghosted out, or he replaced the stone after crawling out.
    No explanation of why the roman guards (if they were there, accounts differ again) didn’t notice that the very corpse they were guarding got up and walked away.

    Completely unrelated: really handy tool for comparison between gospels.

    “Is it stalagmites or stalactites that hang from the ceiling?”

    Stalagmites might hang from the ceiling, but they don’t.

  48. chigau (not my real name) says

    Stalagmites might hang from the ceiling, but they don’t.

    I hate mnemonics.

  49. kreativekaos says

    ‘Shit, just my luck– I come outta da votin’ booth, and dey run outta da, ‘I voted for Romney stickers’!

  50. Ulysses says

    Hey Mom, the next time you go to the store, we need more asswi…er, I mean, toilet paper.

  51. chigau (not my real name) says

    No, no, it’s “Stalagmites might reach the ceiling.

    See? Mnemonics suck.

  52. Uncle Ebeneezer says

    I’ve been up partying for three days straight. Cocaine is a hell of a drug!

  53. robro says

    @ anuran #73 —One of us isn’t so lucky, but then I have relatives who think that Jesus and guns just go together like butter and grits.

  54. carpenterman says

    “Remember now, boys: what happens in the Garden of Gethsemane, *stays* in the Garden of Gethsemane.”

  55. brazenlucidity says

    “It’ll have to go,” the men of Krikkit said as they headed back for home.

  56. redwood says

    “Hey, Pops! Where’s the skytaxi you promised me? And don’t give me that flying horse crap, that’s for that other guy.”

  57. UnknownEric is GrumpyCat in human form says

    “Man, I can’t wait till the 1970s. Everybody’s gonna want to look like this.”

  58. Nichodeemous says

    Pictured: Jesus “Harold” Christ, Cleric of Yahveh, strikes a confident pose before entering the demilich Acererak’s fabled Tomb of Horrors. He was never seen again.

  59. Azkyroth Drinked the Grammar Too :) says

    …if Jesus was a carpenter, why is having wood sinful?

  60. Azkyroth Drinked the Grammar Too :) says

    Also, people keep calling Jesus a zombie, but we know he was a vampire – he rose from the dead after being buried and drinking his blood makes you more like him!

  61. says

    “And I, Jesus, shall take up the mantle of White Ranger and swear to defend the Earth from the vile forces of Rita Repulsa!”

  62. ednaz says

    Abu Iksander @ 40

    I told her I’d stop killing if she quit hooking.

    I think we were aiming high.

  63. Crudely Wrott says

    Awake to the Zest of New Life!

    Erzatz Brothers Sleep Products introduces the Solid Stone Mattress!

    “You’ll sleep as Peacefully as the Dead and wake up to New Life!

    Guaranteed,* accept no substitutes.

    *see fine print for multiple disclaimers

  64. ottotellick says

    Okay, the trap door, the lever, the food and water, the sh*t hole — everything checks out. Let’s go ahead with the arrest and “crucifixion”. (You better be sure the guards are going to have the right “nails”!) And let’s not have nobody else get “buried” in here before I do – that would be awkward. Now, who did you say is fronting the money this gig, and when do I get my cut?

  65. Alex the Pretty Good says

    “I’m not dead yet!”

    OS: “Oh quit whining. You’ll be stone dead in a moment.”

    Meta – though it isn’t my first language, I always liked the French mnenomic:
    stalacMites Montent
    stalacTites Tombent

  66. Gregory Greenwood says

    “Well, that is the final practice run for my escapology act done. I will have to get around to writing up my notes about how I do it; having a bespoke tomb with hidden counterweights to roll back that stone built, faking a crucifiction and paying off the local officials to claim I was dead – it was a master stroke, if I do say so myself.

    Nah, I’ll get round to it later. Even if I forget, what’s the worst that could happen? I mean, you would have to be a total fool to actually think this resurrection business is real…”

  67. Brother Ogvorbis, Fully Defenestrated Emperor of Steam, Fire and Absurdity says

    “Jesus Christ! Get your grubby hand off the wall. I spent all day yesterday washing the walls and now you put your grubby mitts on it. grumble, grumble, grumble

    “Sorry, Mom.”

  68. clayhale says

    “So the last thing I remember is walking into that Roman hotel with some nails and asking them to put me up for the night.”

  69. Brother Ogvorbis, Fully Defenestrated Emperor of Steam, Fire and Absurdity says

    Damnit. I’m not going to law school. I got nailed on my boards!

  70. AlanMac says

    Jesus ? Yes that’s what they used to call me, Jesus the Grey. I am Jesus the White!

  71. randay says

    This isn’t what I expected when I booked my vacation in Norway.

    Blake Stacey, try Mark Twain’s version. The beginning: “Mine eyes have seen the orgy of the launching of the Sword;
    He is searching out the hoardings where the stranger’s wealth is stored;

    He hath loosed his fateful lightnings, and with woe and death has
    His lust is marching on.

  72. DLC says

    :singing:: “Always look on the bright side of Death ”


    New and Improved Jesus, now with Whitening!
    “Man, I’ve been Punked! “

  73. great1american1satan says

    “You moved the headstones, but you didn’t move the bodies!”

    “Back up in yo ass with tha Resurrection!”

    Can I make a joke that isn’t a pop culture reference? Hm…

    Not tonight apparently.

  74. sundiver says

    With apologies to Gary Larson: “I feel like I’ve been dead for three days”. Stolen from a panel he did that his editors thought maybe wouldn’t go over too well; he only published it in “A Prehistory of the Far Side”.

  75. FossilFishy(Anti-Vulcanist) says

    “Fucking cops! Calm dude, just keep calm. They can’t see shit from up there. Gotta remember to score Judas a couple of bags, putting the op back there was fucking genius.”

  76. dcg1 says

    Reply to 8) by PZ Myers

    Forgive him father, for calling people who dwell in desert countries “ragheads”.

    Even the Athiests are embarrassed by his presence in their ranks. They want to get rid of the mysogenists first however, before they start on racist bigotry and language.

  77. mikecline says

    crazy ass falsetto… “well you can tell by the way I use my walk I’m a woman’s man no time to talk”

  78. Gregory Greenwood says

    dcg1 @ 179;

    Forgive him father

    Sorry, we don’t recognise undetectable phantasms as paternal relatives ’round these parts.

    …for calling people who dwell in desert countries “ragheads”.

    I think you need to consider the context of this comment. While I can see why you find the use of that term offensive, I am pretty sure PZ was referencing the brutal and unjustified (and clearly at least partially religiously motivated) violence of the illegal wars faught in the Middle East. Wars with a very toxic racist undertone initiated by former President Bush – a man who literally saw himself as the red right hand of his god – and fought in part by an American military infamously riddled with christian religious extremism – hence jesus calling in the flamethrowers.

    Even the Athiests are embarrassed by his presence in their ranks.

    Citation needed. You do realise that ‘atheists’ aren’t some single, unitary movement, right? We come in all manner of political affiliations and social philosophies. PZ most certainly has opponenets within atheism, but most of them are reactionary misogynist bigots who despise PZ for his progressive attitudes and the stand he has taken against sexism, or hardcore libertarians who hate anyone who doesn’t worship at the altar of the invisible hand of the free market.

    They want to get rid of the mysogenists first however, before they start on racist bigotry and language.

    The ‘atheist movement’ (in so far as there is such a thing) certainly has a deep rooted problem with misogyny that requires (and is beginning to receive) urgent attention, and it is equally true that a movement that is still predominantly made up of White middle class men also has problems with discrimination along other axes, including racism. However, racist bigotry is not tolerated on Pharyngula – PZ was mocking the attitude of religiously motivated racism, not endorsing it.

  79. says

    Broad shoulders: check
    Muscular body: check
    Lantern jaw: check
    I don’t think I’ve ever seen Jesse Ventura so overdressed before.
    I’d love to see JV portray JC as he recites the story of the good Samaritan.

  80. Nick Gotts (formerly KG) says

    Laundry was a more advanced craft than indoor plumbing in first-century Palestine.

  81. cmaximus says

    “I sure hope no one noticed that me, Jesus H. Christ, the almighty creator of everything, had to open a door in order to escape from a cave…”


    “Jesus Christ that thing was heavy!”

  82. says

    “Man what a weekend. Managed to lose 3 days and Judas… Ah well, YOLO.”

    (And never let me use that awful work ever again. This is what Jesus makes me do *shudders*)

  83. UnknownEric is GrumpyCat in human form says

    “Why yes, I use Clorox bleach to make my whites whiter.”

  84. Brother Ogvorbis, Fully Defenestrated Emperor of Steam, Fire and Absurdity says

    He once died for three days. Just to find out what it was like.

  85. dianne says

    “Don’t even bother. I’ve already found all the eggs the Easter bunny left in there.”

  86. stevem says

    re everyone:

    great captions all around, applause, bravo.

    I apologize for this brief interruption but I must throw out my long standing nitpicky objection to this “holy day”. 3 days? 3 days? when did we count nights as days? He “died” on Friday(evening) and “rose” on Sunday(morning). So how is Saturday 3 days. oh, 1)Friday night, 2)Saturday, 3)Saturnight. bah humbug, is their counting of years equally aberrant? Is that why they say Noah lived 600 years when they counted each month as a year? (or somesuch)

    er, just wondering…

  87. says

    Dude, you’re trying to get logic out of the Bugs Bunny-Road Runner Hour. Don’t do that, some religidiot will mistake your confusion for a genuine need to know. If that happens you’ll never get the bastards off your doorstep.

  88. says

    OK Cephas, that’s stocked for a weekend party, now I’m ready for my crucifixion. What, what do you mean they crucified Brian?

    3 days? when did we count nights as days?

    They counted the start of the day from sun set, so that is :
    Day 1 – Thursday evening -> Friday (Death)
    Day 2 – Friday evening -> Saturday
    Day 3 – Saturday evening -> Sunday (He rose on the third day)

  89. chigau (not my real name) says

    Jesus was dead for portions of three days.
    and the myth doesn’t say “72 hours later”, it says “on the third day”.

  90. chigau (not my real name) says

    Thursday is not involved.
    he died on Friday before sunset – Friday
    dead all day – Saturday
    still dead Saturday sunset – Sunday

  91. moarscienceplz says

    Apparently, you’ve never read a brochure for a vacation resort.

  92. says

    “Silly rabbis, death is for kids! Yeah, Passover sure is a hoot. Hey Magdalene, cue up that Freddie Mercury song from Highlander. What? Oh, never mind.
    ♫♪ I am immortal, I have inside me blood of Kings. No man can be my equal! ♪♫

  93. cicely (mumblemumble-SomethingHalf-Witty-mumblemumble) says

    “It’ll have to go,” the men of Krikkit said as they headed back for home.

    :) :) :)

  94. Gregory Greenwood says

    Tom J @ 199;

    “Silly rabbis, death is for kids! Yeah, Passover sure is a hoot. Hey Magdalene, cue up that Freddie Mercury song from Highlander. What? Oh, never mind.
    ♫♪ I am immortal, I have inside me blood of Kings. No man can be my equal! ♪♫

    So that is how jebus survived crucifiction and being stabbed with a spear…

    There can be only one!


  95. carlie says

    Where the hell did he get the clothes?

    That was in one of the translations of Matthew 28: “He has linen, just as he said.”

    Tom J – There can be only one!!!

  96. Michael says

    “Hey guys, I just had a great idea for a sci-fi show. It’s set in a space station which will be the last best hope for peace…since I kinda sucked at it.”

  97. Owlmirror says

    Damn, but the geometry of that tomb is definitely non-Euclidian. And he looks like he’s dressed as a cultist. He’s clearly been resurrected by ancient arcane science.

    I bet 5 bucks pieces of silver that inside is a shrine to Dogon with runes scribed in Old Enochian, and that an eldritch breeze blows from inside the cave system carrying the faint batrachian sound of voices of a lost elder race chanting in an unspeakable ritual to an ancient cyclopean god.

    (Call of Cthulhu: Ancient Judea)

    NB for DMs: Actual paleoarchaeological site of Gesher Bnot Ya’akov

  98. dcg1 says

    181 Gregory Greenwood.

    …for calling people who dwell in desert countries “ragheads”.

    “I think you need to consider the context of this comment. While I can see why you find the use of that term offensive.”

    That was the whole point of my post!! .

    As for citations: you make a lot of assumptions about motive with no evidence. I’m an atheist and find the casual use of racist language by privledged white middle class males both offensive and embarrassing!.

    It should not be used!!!!

  99. Acolyte of Sagan says

    “Yes, I have bleached my skin. You don’t think the ‘merkins are gonna accept a brown saviour, do you?”

  100. Howlin' Wolf says

    Jesus leaves the safe house so that now he could go into the witness protection program after testifying against the Roman Mafia.

  101. Rich Woods says

    “You want to use the cave next? Sure. But I’d give it a minute, if I were you.”

  102. macallan says

    “I’ve had it with these motherfucking snakes in this motherfucking tomb!”

  103. weldonribeye says

    “No, I’m not wearing underwear, and, yes, I did just wake up. Is it that obvious?”

  104. Howlin' Wolf says

    Lance: You are not bringing this fucked-up bitch into my cave!
    Vincent: This fucked-up bitch is Marsellus Wallace’s wife! Do you know who Marsellus Wallace is? Do you? If she croaks on me, I’m a fuckin’ greasespot!

  105. tim rowledge, Ersatz Haderach says

    I have a friend who is a biologist working in DNA/evolutionary research at a prestigious university who posted this morning, “Christ is risen! He is truly risen!”


  106. fastlane says

    What day is it? Oh, I guess that was a good friday then.

    If it were a Great Friday, I woulda been out at least two more days. Now, someone get me a bloody Mary. (No offense mum.)

  107. ChasCPeterson says

    “You want to use the cave next? Sure. But I’d give it a minute, if I were you.”

    ffs, read the OP’s title, if not the comments.

    And the restaya: day jobs.

  108. nikki630 says

    Look … up in the sky …
    It’s a bird
    a plane !!!!
    it’s SUPERMAN!!!!!!

  109. chigau (not my real name) says

    If I wanted a day job I learn how to say, “Anything to drink?”.

  110. azpaul3 says




    god damn prick

  111. Shane Street says

    The sun on the meadow is summery warm
    The stag in the forest runs free

    Jesus Christ! It’s only Saturday!
    No go the fuck to sleep!

  112. Acolyte of Sagan says

    “And I, Jesus Son of God, declare unto you that everything I say will be true for all eternity……or until the Gnu Atheists turn up, whichever comes first”.

  113. gakxz1 says

    So you’re sure a portrait will convince them? Christ, I should’ve asked dad for a camera phone.

  114. gakxz1 says

    “You can tell the good messiahs from the bad by their pose. I call this my number 7.”

  115. joanimal says

    when did we count nights as days?

    Ever since the hotel industry marketed 3 day weekends as starting at 2pm friday and ending at 11am sunday, which if I have done the math correctly is less than 48 hours.

    Wait a second… the hotel industry didn’t exist… the means Jesus invented the 3 days is less than 48 hours hotel standard. That bastard!

  116. Gregory Greenwood says

    dcg1 @ 209;

    That was the whole point of my post!!

    And I was trying to point out that PZ was deliberately mocking the attitude of religiously motivated racism. Accusing him of the very form of bigotry he is so clearly lampooning seems a tad unreasonable.

    As for citations: you make a lot of assumptions about motive with no evidence.

    Do I indeed – care to provide some examples? Remember; I have been commenting here for some time, and am already aware of PZ’s stance on the issue of racism. I characterise his outlook the way I do for good reason – can you say the same?

    I’m an atheist and find the casual use of racist language by privledged white middle class males both offensive and embarrassing!

    It should not be used!!!!

    Not even with the obvious intent to mock that prejudiced attitude and those who hold it? Context cannot simply be ignored to bolster your point here, however much animus you hold for PZ.

    I also find it curious that as a self declared atheist, you open your post @ 179 with the words;

    Forgive him father

    That wouldn’t be a freudian slip, now would it…?

    I would also point out that in your original post @ 179 you wrote;

    Even the Athiests are embarrassed by his presence in their ranks.

    (Emphasis added)

    This clearly suggests that atheists as a notional group – or at least such a substantial portion of atheists that their opinion can be taken as indicative of the view of the broad sweep of atheism – find PZ ’embarrassing’. This is hardly the same thing as simply stating your own personal opinion.

    Also, the use of the term ‘the atheists’ clearly positions atheism as a group with which you do not identify, else you would have written ‘we atheists’, ‘other atheists’, the ‘broader atheist movement’ or some such, and yet in your very next post you claim to be an atheist. What are we to make of this?

    If you are an artheist as you claim, do not presume to speak for the rest of us. If you are not, then I would suggest that your time and effort may be better spent elsewhere.

  117. Brian says

    No, no, it’s “Stalagmites might reach the ceiling.

    See? Mnemonics suck.

    Only if you pick sucky mnemonics! The mnemonic I was taught was:

    Stalagmites grow on the ground.
    Stalactites grow on the ceiling.

  118. chigau (not my real name) says

    Chris #239
    notes on a clavichord?
    cranial nerves?
    Egyptian dynasties?
    the ingredients in the ultimate pizza sauce?
    Mnemonics suck.

  119. thumper1990 says

    “Psst! Judas! Are… are they gone? Did they buy it? PfffftBWAhahahaha! Oh… Oh, dude, give Longinus a bell; let’s hit a bar, see how long it takes these morons to work it out…”

  120. thumper1990 says

    “…It got better.”

    (a shiny interent for anyone who can tell me what film I’m referencing)

  121. la tricoteuse says

    thumper1990 @#242 isn’t it “I got better”? (She turned me into a newt!)

  122. says

    chigau (not my real name)

    Thursday is not involved.
    he died on Friday before sunset – Friday

    If that was in response to me, you appear to be disagreeing with me by agreeing with me. Thursday sun set to Friday sun set, day 1.