
  1. nohellbelowus says

    I’m dying laughing… gott DAMN that is funny! What a talent Roy is.

    Thanks for that one, PZ.

  2. Ichthyic says

    ooh, I like the “dark ballad” approach he took with this.

    even down to the eye makeup and facial expressions.

    the man just gets better and better!

  3. DLC says

    Roy Zimmerman, brilliant as ever.
    I keep thinking of Mitt Romney and Walter Mitty.
    But it would be insulting to Thurber.

  4. 'Tis Himself says

    even down to the eye makeup and facial expressions.

    Did you notice how his collar was unbuttoned?

  5. Sunday Afternoon says

    The splicing together of many takes has me imagining Roy losing it and bursting out laughing uncontrollably for lengthy periods before the next attempt…

  6. birgerjohansson says

    I was thinking, make a Tim Burton inspired music video with cast in victorian outfit, Romney as hideous Sweeney Todd-esque apparition holding razor dripping blood.

  7. lynnwilhelm says

    “Swing your scissors high Romney…”

    I love, love, love Sweeney Todd and now I love, love, love Roy Zimmerman even more. I wish I could “really like” that video!

  8. andusay says

    As a long time Sweeney Todd fan (who has acted in the play in community theatre) this absolutely rocks! What a creative talent both musically and lyrically. Looks like I have a new subscription on youTube!.

  9. says

    Regarding Mitt’s claim that no one is more pro-woman than the Republican Party, Rachel Maddow produced a good segment that summarizes the facts. She details actions Republicans have actually taken against women and puts the label of lie on their claims that they always put job creation legislation first.

    I think Mitt thinks of women as the little guy he can pretend to protect while really restricting their rights.

  10. Azkyroth, Former Growing Toaster Oven says

    I think Mitt thinks of women as the little guy he can pretend to protect while really restricting their rights.

    …what do you think “Respect for Women” (as opposed to respect for human beings) even MEANS?

  11. says

    @16 Very telling that Lipton advises viewers to put their hand over Romney’s mouth when he’s laughing in a freeze-frame. You’ll see his eyes are not engaged.

    The smile and the laugh behind which no kindness lies.