Cussin’ poll

Bill Maher said something rude. No surprise there, I know, but apparently what has some people particularly upset is that he used a naughty word and Jesus’s name in the same sentence. Someone has the idea that Jesus and swearing need a certain unspecified distance apart for propriety’s sake — like maybe Jesus has filed a court order against “fuck”.

After Tebow performed horribly in Denver’s loss to the Buffalo Bills on Christmas Eve, Maher tweeted "Wow, Jesus just f—d #TimTebow bad. And on Xmas Eve! Somewhere in hell Satan is tebowing, saying to Hitler ‘Hey, Buffalo’s killing them.’ "

This is so silly. Don’t they even know Jesus’s middle name? Anyway, now there’s a poll to settle the issue.

Did you find Maher’s joke about Tim Tebow in bad taste?

Yes. Jesus and a swear word just don’t mix. 57%

No. It was a joke. Cut the guy a break. 41%

Not sure. 3%


  1. Reginald Selkirk says

    Did you find Maher’s joke about Tim Tebow in bad taste?

    Yes, but that was the whole f-ing point. Jesus H. Christ!

  2. says

    Ding! Poll Pharyngulated in 3..2..1…

    For the record I couldn’t give a f*ck about Bill Maher and whether he’s cussing on Twitter. I can’t believe anyone does, really. His anti-vax stance sent me away from him long ago.

  3. Dick the Damned says

    Jumpin’ Jesus on a stick, (two sticks actually), aren’t there more important things going on in the world to worry about?

    Anyway, i’m aware that there’s some contention over his middle name, but i usually hear it as Jesus Fucking Christ.

  4. anteprepro says

    From the article:

    “Bill Maher is disgusting vile trash,” Fox News host Eric Bolling tweeted. “I can’t even repeat what he just tweeted about Tebow … on Christmas Eve. #straighttohellBill.”….

    Maher’s comments come two weeks after “Saturday Night Live” was slammed for mocking Tebow in a skit.

    “If this had been a Muslim country and they had done that, and had Muhammad doing that stuff, you would have found bombs being thrown off!” evangelical preacher Pat Roberston ranted on the Christian Broadcasting Network after the show.

    Mmmm, good ol’ fashion Christian hypocrisy from a Fox News host, and some Fatwah envy from Pat Robertson. Warms the cockles of my heart. Merry fucking Jesusmas, Jesus-fucks!

  5. johnkruger says

    I was hoping for a “Maher’s comment is not nearly as offensive as the idea that a god is helping Tebow cheat at football”, but I guess the second option will have to do.

    Even my theist wife is offended by the idea that her god helps people win football games or reality TV shows. More people need the courage to call this crap out for what it is.

  6. davidct says

    It seems use of the “f” word is so common today that it is hardly much of a curse. It is just another word used for added emphasis. What is it about fu*king that makes it a curse anyway. If it were not for the judgmental moralists out there it would simply be a slang expression.

  7. Jim says

    If Maher pissed off some people, then the 2011 winner of the Hunky Jesus contest, sponsored by the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence every easter and held at San Francisco’s Delores Park, would make their blood boil. The winner for 2011 was Jesus Fucking Christ. The guy was dressed as the alleged Jesus and also had a Jesus dummy attached to the front of him so that when he walked it looked like he was fucking the dummy, hence Jesus Fucking Christ. The crowd loved loved loved it and he won.

    That used rubber and papist supporter, Andrew Sullivan, threw a hissy fit. Something about how can gays expect acceptance when blah blah blah and then some wank wank wank. The Sisters replied with essentially a fuck you, you pissy uptight conservative queen.

    To Bill Maher and to Jesus Fucking Christ, good for you.

  8. whheydt says

    Of course we know what Jesus’ middle name is…It’s “Haploid”.

    –W. H. Heydt

    Old Used Programmer

  9. says

    That poll needs an option of “Yes, it’s in bad taste — More! More!”

    But, like others, I can’t talk about Bill Maher without mentioning that I despise him for his anti-vax stance. It takes more than just being a public atheist to be considered “on my side”.

  10. bpcross says

    I hate it when polls don’t include the most appropriate options – which in this case is: No, I find Tim Tebow to be a joke.

  11. Matt Penfold says

    It seems use of the “f” word is so common today that it is hardly much of a curse. It is just another word used for added emphasis. What is it about fu*king that makes it a curse anyway. If it were not for the judgmental moralists out there it would simply be a slang expression.

    There was a recent case in the UK where a charge of offensive behaviour was thrown out by a judge on the grounds that that the only people who heard the accused repeatedly saying fuck[1] were two police officers who he did not believe were offended.

    [1] The accused man had been stopped by the police and was being questioned. He repeatedly told them to fuck off.

  12. janine says

    Oh, fuck it all! All of this fawning over Tim Tebow, a very mediocre quarterback with delusions of being touched by gawd, is in bad taste.

    Yes, I fucking hate Tim Tebow. I hate even more the mass of media morons who go off about what a shining example he is. Oh fucking thank gawd he was not aborted and has been able to preform circumcisions for his daddy’s ministry and appear in an anti-abortion commercial with his mom.

  13. d cwilson says

    “Bill Maher is disgusting vile trash,” Fox News host Eric Bolling tweeted. “I can’t even repeat what he just tweeted about Tebow … on Christmas Eve. #straighttohellBill.”….

    What? Christmas is Tebow’s birthday, too?

    “If this had been a Muslim country and they had done that, and had Muhammad doing that stuff, you would have found bombs being thrown off!” evangelical preacher Pat Roberston ranted on the Christian Broadcasting Network after the show.

    Is Pat jealous?

  14. says

    Well, I believe that this was a classic gambling ruse used by Jesus. He kept Tebow winning all of these games in which he was supposed to lose, to get the odds on Tebow winning to skyrocket. Then against, a team in which Tebow is supposed to win, Jesus bets the farm against the Broncos and lets Tebow flounder. Jesus is a wicked son of a bitch.

    Jesus is a player.

  15. Zinc Avenger says

    Bill Maher is disgusting vile trash,” Fox News host Eric Bolling tweeted. “I can’t even repeat what he just tweeted about Tebow … on Christmas Eve. #straighttohellBill.

    I believe “hell” is also considered a swear word by the fundolunatics.

    @d cwilson, #17:

    Is Pat jealous?

    Does the pope shit in the woods?

  16. Ms. Daisy Cutter says


    Oh fucking thank gawd he was not aborted and has been able to preform circumcisions for his daddy’s ministry and appear in an anti-abortion commercial with his mom.

    If he’d been aborted, he still could have appeared in an anti-abortion commercial with his mom. One of those “penitent sinning whore” type anti-abortion commercials. All it would have required: a jar, some formaldehyde, and maybe a label that said TIMMY on it.

    Also, count me in with those who don’t give a fuck about swearing but can’t stand Bill Maher because he’s a woo-embracing, misogynist, fatphobic asshole.

  17. says

    It was a joke. Tebow is a clown. Clowns are funny. Or scary.

    In the meantime, I can’t stop singing that South Park Christmas tune…”You can suck all the dick you want and still be a virgin, Mary!”

  18. uzza says

    The bible doesn’t say shit about ‘fuck’, it only says not to use god’s name in vain. So they are right to complain about saying ‘jesus’, but have no reason to complain when we say ‘fuck’

    … unless fucking is God …

    … but that would be idolatry.

  19. karellen says

    Anyway, i’m aware that there’s some contention over his middle name, but i usually hear it as Jesus Fucking Christ.

    I always thought it was “tittyfucking”.

  20. unclefrogy says

    it has nothing to do with fuck or fucking at all.
    It is making fun of saint Tebow. He is the current darling of the christians he has been playing to them all along. If he was really praying to god why would he want to do it live on national TV all the time? He would be satisfied to pray “in his closet” like jesus advised and get his reward in heaven. He is just another pandering christian BS artist who happens to be making his fortune playing a violent sport. He is just pandering to the religious fans. “look isn’t he cute down their praying”. What is the difference between what he is doing and a roman gladiator saluting the emporere and the gods before his ritual combat in the arena?

    hold the presses a comedian told a joke in bad taste! your kidding that ain’t news

    uncle frogy

  21. stonyground says

    I’m not quite sure how I’m supposed to respond to the poll. Of course it was in bad taste but the fact is I don’t really care. The kind of people who get all uppity about some imagined breach of decorum totally piss me off.

    Fatwa envy is also really quite funny. Those Muzzies get so much respect because they aren’t afraid to murder people who disagree with them. It is so frustrating that we can’t get that kind of respect because if we did the same, people would regard us as a bunch of ignorant bigoted barbarians.

    Here’s a thought Pat, maybe fear and respect are two different things. If we respect you that means that we have voluntarily decided that you are a worthy individual. If we fear you that is because you are a bully, not very worthy at all in fact. What I see is a rather contemptible individual who lacks the balls even to be a bully.

  22. DLC says

    Let’s see. . . Tebow grandstands for Jesus and we’re all supposed to sit back and golf-clap ? Fuck that. He’s grandstanding, just the same as any other NFL player who dances around in the end zone. Clearly God had 100.00 on the Bills.
    Or maybe it was just an inexperienced QB playing against a tough, unforgiving opponent, who were able to capitalize on his mistakes.
    Who cares. it’s a frakkin game.

  23. janine says

    DLC, even if he was experienced, Tim Tebow cannot throw the ball well. So god shows his glory by using a mediocre quarterback to beat mediocre teams. And allows the Lions, Bills and Patriots (Who has one of the best ever quarterbacks.) to beat up the Broncos.

    The lard works in mysterious ways.

  24. anchor says

    Now they want to censor our swearing too? Take away our favorite swear-words? Jesus Fucking Christ on a stick.

  25. freelunch says

    Tim Tebow brought this on himself. Clearly he never listened to what Jesus is said to have told believers about smug public religiosity.

  26. ShavenYak says

    Wow, what crappy poll options.

    My opinion is that the tweet was in poor taste, but not because Jesus and the F-word were both in it. I just thought the same point could have been made in a funnier and less offensive way – like the SNL skit – and really didn’t see the point of bringing Satan and Hitler into it.

    Then again, it was just a joke, and there’s not any sense in getting all up in arms about it, unless the Christians are trying to one-up the Muslims getting offended over cartoons.

    There should be an “I don’t really care” option.

  27. says

    Poll Results
    Thanks for your vote.

    Did you find Maher’s joke about Tim Tebow in bad taste?

    Yes. Jesus and a swear word just don’t mix. 48%
    No. It was a joke. Cut the guy a break. 50%
    Not sure. 2%

  28. shouldbeworking says

    That’s the limit of my carpentry skills too, knowing which end of the hammer goes on the thumb.

  29. Sastra says

    This quote gave me pause:

    “I like Bill Maher, but picking on Tim Tebow’s faith (rather than his football skills) is like snatching Taylor Swift’s mic at the MTV VMAs,” another user tweeted, referring to when Kanye West interrupted the pop star’s acceptance speech in 2009.

    Say what? What sort of analogy is this? Tim Tebow doesn’t get to praise God in public if people “snatch” away his opportunity by making fun of him? It’s not enough that he can so something — he must be universally respected for it or it’s just like he can’t do it?

    Religion is not sacred. Sheesh.

    I like Bill Maher, but picking on Tim Tebow’s faith is like snatching candy from a baby.

  30. says

    Has anyone ever seen Bill Maher and Dr Michio Kaku at the same time? I never look at one without thinking of how much they look like the other.

  31. debbaasseerr says

    @ last line in 43 – not really Sastra – it might be “as easy” as, but at least the babies didn’t have it comin’.

  32. says

    The current obsession with Tim Tebow really mystifies me. I kind of understand of how these ultraconservatives and godbotherers desperately try to prove they are relevant by pointing out the handful of celebrities in their camp, but Tim Tebow? Why would they expect anyone to care what some meathead jock thinks?

    Next they’ll think I have to fight the urge to take up dog fighting every time I see Michael Vick play.

  33. peterh says

    The comment was in poor taste, but taste commensurate with its source. The poll, however, is constructed such that I cannot say it’s in poor taste without implicitly agreeing with a position I find repugnant.

  34. janine says

    I like Bill Maher, but picking on Tim Tebow’s faith is like snatching candy from a baby.

    Sastra, Tim Tebow is affiliated with the American Patriarchy Association. I am all over this candy like a fly. Just because a dangerous form of faith has a smiling jock face does not mean it is any less threatening for the likes of me.

  35. d cwilson says

    I always thought his middle name was “Tapdancing”.

    Of course, if he is a haploid that’s the result of virgin parthenogenesis, that means he’s totally lacking of a Y chromosome.

  36. McCthulhu awaits the return of the 2000 foot Frank Zappa says

    Who the fuck is Tebow? While I’m at it, who the fuck is Jesus?

    (…should be the appropriate response on the poll)

  37. neogeshel says

    not to mention who the fuck cares about whether your found it in bad taste or not? the assumption people have that their inane little opinions and reactions to this sort of thing matter is completely beyond me.

  38. Sastra says

    janine #48 wrote:

    Just because a dangerous form of faith has a smiling jock face does not mean it is any less threatening for the likes of me.

    I agree. My analogy was poorly chosen/written because I meant to imply that Tebow was an easy target, not a harmless one. Use the debbaasseerr rewrite at #45.

    montanto #46 wrote:

    Why would they expect anyone to care what some meathead jock thinks?

    I think it’s because they believe it links being “manly” with being “pious.” Plus, anyone being “brave enough” (translation: annoying enough) to be so in-your-face about their faith when in the presence of outsiders helps make the faithful feel like a special group.

    That’s one of their most powerful apologetic tools: wouldn’t you like to be as strong and noble and humble and all-around awe-inspiring as us? We’re exclusive because we’re so genuine.

  39. ButchKitties says

    Tebow doesn’t win games. The Broncos running game, defense, and their kicker win games. Tebow’s rushing stats are decent, but his passing game is a joke. The only reason Tebow doesn’t a shit-ton of interceptions is that his throws often go nowhere near their intended receiver, so also they’re nowhere near any defenders that might get the pick.

    He’s not even the best rookie QB. Cam Newton has broken all kinds of records, both passing and rushing. Andy Dalton plays for a notoriously bad team in a brutal division, and given them a real shot at the playoffs. I don’t see Newton or Dalton on the MSN front page even half as often as I see Tebow. I see tons of claims that Tim Tebow gets undue criticism for his beliefs, but it’s the opposite that’s true. The only reasonable explanation is that he is being rewarded for his piety theater. He certainly hasn’t gained his fame for being a great quarterback, because he isn’t one by any objective measures of the game.

  40. janine says

    The only reason Tebow doesn’t a shit-ton of interceptions is that his throws often go nowhere near their intended receiver, so also they’re nowhere near any defenders that might get the pick.

    Jerry Rice would struggle with Tebow throwing to him.

  41. 'Tis Himself, OM. says

    Yes. Jesus and a swear word just don’t mix. 42%
    No. It was a joke. Cut the guy a break. 55%
    Not sure. 2%

  42. madscientist says

    What a crappy poll – I want to vote for “this is one of those rare moments that Bill Maher is actually funny.”

  43. anteprepro says

    I always heard it as Jesus H. Blue-eyed All-American Christ on a crutch

    I believe the full name is Sweet White Zombie Raptor Baby Blue-eyed Jumping Jesus Haploid Tapdancing Fucking Christ on a Pogo Stick Cracker Crutch, Esq. (R-America).

  44. Crow says

    Regardless of whether Bill Maher is actually funny, I want to know why the NFL is allowing Tebow to use a game enhancing mechanism like religion in a professional sport. Game enhancing drugs are grounds for suspension, why the hell are they allowing god to help him win games?

    And don’t give me that bullshit about drugs being real.


  45. kemist says

    Someone has the idea that Jesus and swearing need a certain unspecified distance apart for propriety’s sake — like maybe Jesus has filed a court order against “fuck”.

    That would be very, very difficult to implement where I come from.

    You see, here “christ” itself is a swear word, and can be used as noun, verb, adjective or adverb. Every single one of our abundant swear words is religious. Our swear word repertoire is very rich and deeply satisfying.

    Must have something to do with having lived under a catholic theocracy.

  46. says

    The NFL allows this crap because not only is the NFL a monopoly that ruins education and holds taxpayers hostage so they will build the millionaire owners free stadiums to then charge the taxpayers huge admission fees to get into… but because the NFL is a massively right-wing organization.

    Frankly I find it a little strange that liberals are often NFL fans. That’s like being a Walmart fan or a Comcast fan, only worse.

    I became an ex-NFL fan when I woke up.

    Does anyone remember the NFL’s massive pro-war drumbeat in 1991?
    I dunno if it happened after 9/11, but I would imagine so. (I’d quit watching by then.)

  47. janine says

    Jafafa Hots, if you are not familiar with the story, check out how former NFL player Pat Tillman. After , the attacks of September 11, 2001, he quit football and joined the Army Rangers. He was killed in Afghanistan.

    As it turned out, he was killed by friendly fire. His family had to fight the Army to get the truth about his death. Also, as it turned out, it seems that he was an agnostic and probable even an atheist. He also became convinced that the invasion of Afghanistan was illegal.

    Yet the NFL and other media outlets still try to portray Pat Tillman as an unquestioning US patriot.

  48. David Marjanović says

    Yes. Jesus and a swear word just don’t mix. 38%
    No. It was a joke. Cut the guy a break. 60%
    Not sure. 2%

    Don’t they even know Jesus’s middle name?

    Haploid or Hussein?

    Teach the controversy !!

    That’s the limit of my carpentry skills too, knowing which end of the hammer goes on the thumb.

    ROTFLMAO! Day saved. :-D

    The current obsession with Tim Tebow really mystifies me. I kind of understand of how these ultraconservatives and godbotherers desperately try to prove they are relevant by pointing out the handful of celebrities in their camp, but Tim Tebow? Why would they expect anyone to care what some meathead jock thinks?

    Probably they agree with the meathead jock Lothar Matthäus, soccer player and national poet of Germany: “We must win. Everything else is primary.”

    , Esq. (R-America)


  49. Rey Fox says

    I don’t really agree with either option. Sure, Jesus and cuss words go together like PB & J, but I don’t think anyone needs to “cut him some slack” because it’s a “joke” either*. If the Jebusheads want to castigate Mahr for it, then let ’em. It’s not as if he gives a shit.

    * For a professional comedian, it was a pretty weak joke. And he should be punished for continuing the “tebowing” meme. Idiot football players have been kneeling in the end zone after touchdowns for years and years, there’s no need to coin a new term for it just because some particularly noisy white guy is doing it now.

    Meanwhile, Tebow has done the unthinkable: caused me to root for the Raiders.

  50. klatu says

    shelleyblondeau says:

    Ding! Poll Pharyngulated in 3..2..1…

    For the record I couldn’t give a f*ck about Bill Maher and whether he’s cussing on Twitter. I can’t believe anyone does, really. His anti-vax stance sent me away from him long ago.

    Eamon Knight says:

    That poll needs an option of “Yes, it’s in bad taste — More! More!”

    But, like others, I can’t talk about Bill Maher without mentioning that I despise him for his anti-vax stance. It takes more than just being a public atheist to be considered “on my side”.

    As well as these:

    I find it disheartening that so often the only criticism that skeptics have for Maher is that he’s a wooist. Of course he is, and it’s necessary to point that out. But apparently the fact that he’s a misogynistic, racist scumbag is not worth pointing out.

    Here are some heart-warming quotes from Bill:

    “And finally, new rule – and I never thought I’d be the one to say this – but DON’T show me your tits! (laughter) Last week the world’s first nurse-in was held to protest the case of a woman who was breastfeeding in public and asked by an Applebee’s manager not to leave but just to cover up a little bit. Because the wait staff got tired of hearing, ‘I’ll have what that kid’s having!’ (laughter) I’m not trying to be insensitive, here. I know your baby needs to eat, but so do I and this is Applebee’s, so I’m already nautious. (laughter) Breastfeeding a baby is an intimate act, and I don’t want to watch strangers performing intimate acts. At least not for free. (laughter) It cheapens it. But breastfeeding activists – yes, breastfeeding activists, called Lactivists (laughter) – say this is a human right and appropriate everywhere, because it’s natural. Well, so is masturbating, but I generally don’t do that at Applebee’s. (laughter and applause) Not in the main dining area, anyway. I mean next thing, women will be wanting to give birth in the waterfall at the mall! (laughter) Look, there’s no principle at work here, other than being too lazy to either plan ahead or cover up. It’s not fighting for a right, it’s fighting for the spotlight, which you surely will get when you go all Janet Jackson on everyone (makes flashing motion of opening shirt) (laughter) and get to drink in the oohs and ahhs from the other customers because you made a baby! (laughter) Something a dog can do. (laughter and applause) Only in America do women think they deserve a medal for having a kid. In China women give birth on their lunch hour and that afternoon they’re back on line painting lead onto Barbie dolls. (laughter and applause) But this isn’t really about women taking their breasts out in public – as much as I’d like them to. It’s about how petty and parochial our causes have become, and how activism has become narcissism. It’s why Al Gore can’t get people to focus on global warming unless there’s a rock concert. Melting icebergs, brought to you by Smashing Pumpkins. It’s why there will be no end to this dumb war until there is a draft, because at the end of the day, Iraq is somebody else’s problem. And by the way, there is a place where breasts and food do go together. It’s called Hooters! (laughter and applause)”


    New rule: stop acting surprised someone choked Tila Tequila! The surprise is that someone hasn’t choked this bitch sooner.


    But look at Hillary Clinton. Because the first thing a woman does, of course, is cry. [Affecting a dramatic, teary voice] “I just want to be happy. Why can’t you just love me?”


    New Rule: Old Spice will never be hip. Old Spice has introduced OS fragrance for men. Yes, that same great scent from 1938, now in a spray bottle. Yeah, because that’s what chicks dig—guys who smell like the uncle who molested them. OS: Like the men who wear it…a little too familiar.


    Oh, and did you hear this? Sarah Palin finally heard what happened in Japan, and she’s demanding that we invade Tsunami. I mean…! She says, “These Tsunamians will not get away with this!” Oh! Speaking of dumb twats… [The audience howls and applauds, followed by some groans.] Yeah, I let the cat out of the bag on that one, huh, folks?


    Maher: […] and then you have the Republicans, which are just a bunch of religious lunatics, flat-earthers, Civil War re-enactors—

    Behar: And those are their good points.

    Maher: —and bimbos! [They both laugh.] I mean, I mean, I can—I can disagree ideologically with someone, and I can respect an ideological disagreement, but the Republican Party in the last twenty, thirty years has really gone toward this non-intellectual type of person—Sarah Palin, George Bush—

    Behar: Right.

    Maher: —Dan Quayle—and, and the commentators also. They’re people—it’s not an ideological difference; they just don’t know anything. They’re bimbos. He’s a bimbo. And he’s a crazy one. I’m telling you, it is not that long before we’re gonna find Glenn Beck dressed as a woman or playing with his feces


    I thought when we elected a black president, we were going to get a black president. You know, this [BP oil spill] is where I want a real black president. I want him in a meeting with the BP CEOs, you know, where he lifts up his shirt where you can see the gun in his pants. That’s – “We’ve got a motherfucking problem here?” – Shoot somebody in the foot.”


    These things are equally irrational, and thus deserve the same scrutiny. But what’s truly beyond me is how anyone can even like this sack of shit.

  51. StevoR says

    Just voted :


    Poll Results
    Thanks for your vote.

    Did you find Maher’s joke about Tim Tebow in bad taste?

    Yes. Jesus and a swear word just don’t mix. 34%
    No. It was a joke. Cut the guy a break. 64%
    Not sure. 2%


    From reading this thread I voted ‘not sure’ as the best option because Jesus and swear words very definitely *do* mix but given some of the other noxious crap he’s uttered – see comment #69 by klatu (29th of December 2011 at 7:02 pm) among others – I don’t particularly think Maher deserves a break.

  52. McCthulhu awaits the return of the 2000 foot Frank Zappa says

    StevoR @71: It’s become a common theme, whether its polls or federal elections: Who/what is the best of the least worst? Which probably answers Klatu’s question quite nicely. Maher is the least worst of the things to watch on Friday nights – for those of us who like to stay home instead of going to the clubs and having our eardrums destroyed by OONTZOONTZOONTZOONTZ noises for several hours straight.

  53. says

    According to the Gospels, Jesus hung out with dregs of society. Of course, they never used profanity. Jesus could put up with them being pimps, hookers, beggars, etc., but if any one of them ever said “fuck”, his head would explode. That’s why they all spoke Queen’s English. Just like it says in the King James Bible.

  54. shouldbeworking says

    Spoke the Queen’s English? But Gawd is an American, it says so in the constitution. What sort of foreign liberal are you? Someone is going to say Jeebus knew French?

  55. stuka says

    Boys, BOYS! NO Teabagging in the End Zone, you know that offends the fans!

    Wait ’til you go to the Bath house after the game for that!