
  1. Tethys says

    What an unusual flower. Some Aroids have a most unusual trait. They can produce heat! From wiki:

    Many plants in this family are thermogenic (heat-producing). Their flowers can reach up to 45 degrees Celsius even when the surrounding air temperature is much lower. One reason for this unusually high temperature is to attract insects (usually beetles) to pollinate the plant, rewarding the beetles with heat energy.

  2. Weed Monkey says

    A cayenne-like C.Annuum, albeit of an especially beautiful dark colour, wrapped in some decorative but no doubt scrumptious leafy vegetable. I’d dip that in some tzatziki.

  3. Lynn Wilhelm says

  4. Weed Monkey says

    Lynn Wilhelm, the title part only describes what pops up when you hover your mouse cursor over the link, the part that shows up as an actual link goes between the closing > and the </a> that closes the a href -tag.

    Um. I’m thinking of a more complicated way to write that, but can’t think of any. Maybe an example would be better.

    <a href=”” title=”hovertext”>This will be the link</a>


    This will be the link

    And now there must be some hidden typo that makes all this a garbled mess, even if it looks just fine in preview.

  5. Lynn Wilhelm says

    Thanks Weed Monkey, now I finally understand what the damn word “title” means. Let me try it here again. Click here to see the cover of this year’s catalog. He’s come up with some great covers over the years.

    Perfect! I hope I can remember…

  6. air101 says

    Hmmm…purple carrots?

    Purple Carrots


    Which reminds me, what do native English speakers use for the plural form of “Anthurium”? “Anthuriums” or “Anthuria”?


  7. Josh, Official SpokesGay says

    It reminds me of something, I’m not sure what

    Cock ‘n pussy, PZ. That’s what.

  8. Ouigui says

    This reminds me that it might be fun to point out to religious prudes that every bouquet of cut flowers is a display of dismembered sexual organs. “What’s the real message of those roses you just bought, huh? Pervert.”

  9. Weed Monkey says

    kind of reminds me of a ceramic bell I saw once. . . /innocent look

    … if you know what I mean, eh eh. *nudge nudge, wink wink*


    What’s it like?

  10. Father Ogvorbis, OM: Delightfully Machiavellian says

    It reminds me of something, I’m not sure what

    Reminds me of a chile pepper. But then, I’m notoriously clueless about some things.

  11. Birger Johansson says

    It reminds me of the long tongue of the chameleon.
    The plant is camoflaguing itself as a predator to keep herbivores away.

    It also reminds me of the docking probe of Soyuz spacecraft, but I cannot imagine any evolutionary advantage of Soyuz-mimicry.

  12. barbara eckstien says

    amorphophallus something. Can’t remember the something,but I always remember the amorphophallus. wonder why that is.

  13. adrianwhite says

    We have a similar plant here in the uk. Arum maculatum also has a common name of Jack-in-the-Pulpit, I’ll let you all work out the connotations of this!

    ps Long-time lurker, first post.

  14. RFW says

    Those who live on the Left Coast in dry-summer areas should look into the ever delightful Arum dioscoridis, another aroid. Easy to grow, truly vile looking spathe with dirty lime green and purple-black blotches, and the smell of a compost pile that’s been over-watered and has gone anaerobic. In one word, nasty: nasty looking and nasty smelling.

    Google has lots of images for your delectation.

  15. jonprice says


    Dracunculus. Mine are just starting to open – the back garden should be quite stinky in a day or two. The neighbours have been warned. :-)

    I’m still trying to offload some of the smaller plants onto friends for their own fun, but surprisingly few takers….