Prepare yourself for a megadose of the awesome

Tonight, at 8pm ET, the cast of The Skeptics’ Guide to the Universe will be bracing themselves with caffeine for their overwhelming plan to saturate the world with a non-stop 24 hour live program. I think it’s a kind of anti-homeopathy: they’ll be delivering a super-concentrated dose of an effective agent all at once to their audience. Tune in and listen, especially since it would be so sad if they were exerting themselves so magnificently to a tiny group of people.

I’m going to try and catch bits and pieces of it. Unfortunately, I’m not insane, so I will be getting more sleep than the SGU rogues, and I’m also going to be off in Fargo for Project 42. And I’m also up to my eyeballs in a grant proposal I must get done this coming week! Maybe listening to Novella in the background will make my writing potent enough to impress the agency administrators.

(Also on Sb)


  1. says

    Unfortunately they will be exerting themselves so magnificently to a tiny group of people.
    But I will be tuning in. I now have my Friday night planned, hooray!

  2. Pierce R. Butler says

    Glen Davidson @ # 3 – what are you talkin’ ’bout?

    My mama wasn’t no chick!

    Uh – how come there are still crocoducks?

  3. tdff says

    Hey! I’m a lurker, and I just wanted to pop out of hiding to let you guys know about this petition to “remove tax exemption from churches and allow them to apply like a non-profit organization.”

    I’m not familiar with the site or how legitimate this is – the site looks legit, but their goal is a measly 5,000 signatures.

    Here’s the link!

  4. sharl says

    @tdff #5:
    That site appears to be bogus, and a deliberate effort to deceive and rile up the christianist crowd. I got an alert from my ISP when I tried to access your link, and when I did finally get a look at the content, it says its intent is to petition the White House for yaddayaddayadda…; clearly, not an official WH site.

    I notice that it has a URL that starts with wwws… The real WH site, and most other sites that start with “www” don’t have any other letter with that prior to the terminating period.

    Just another internet political con, which no doubt will be trumpeted by certain activists for whom the truth is but one of a number of equally appropriate options to use in winning a discussion.

  5. tdff says

    Oh, grody! Thanks for the heads up! I’m a little concerned that they have my email address now, but oh well.

    Strangely, I’m using Google Chrome and it actually showed the little green confirmed identity icon which said “The identity of this website has been verified by Akamai Subordinate CA 3” when I clicked it.

    Hmmph. I’ll have to be more careful in the future. Thanks again!

  6. khms says

    Clearly not official?

    You do know that one can’t setup without help from the people who control, right?

    Furthermore, I note that this is https, not http. In light of this, calling the server “wwws” actually makes sense. (And I’ve encountered more than enough web servers that weren’t called “www”. In fact, on larger installations, that’s fairly common, though names like “www3” (or no www prefix at all) seem more common that “wwws”.)

    Oh, and it would make sense to use secure connections (that is, https) for official petitions. The website feeding e-petitions to the German parliament does it, too ( (and look, Ma, no www!).

  7. Breck says

    Let’s hope Shermer gives us more atheism than libertarianism this time. Leaving for Fargo right now!

  8. reisender says

    Thanks for the reminder! Saw/met these guys live in Vancouver and also just saw/met James Randi yesterday there too! Huzzah!

  9. says

    I missed this cast. Anyone know if there’s an archived version? I can’t seem to find a link to it from their 24-hr webcast page.