How about savaging this poll?

Dan Savage has called on his readers to respond to a poll. Here’s the description:

“A religious right-wing conservative State Senator is trying to make [death-with-dignity] illegal,” writes a reader. “A state senator, along with a couple of anti-choice religious-based organizations, are freeping (artificially inflating the #s by getting out-of-area votes) a poll on a newspaper site in Kalispell, with a plan to get a big headline that they won the poll. Normally I wouldn’t bother with such stuff. But Montana is the smallest of small town politics–and every little thing matters.”

Go here, Sloggers, vote “no.”

I’m always happy to give Dan Savage an assist. This is the poll in question:

Should State Lawmakers Vote to Ban Assisted Suicide?


I don’t usually tell you how to vote. I think you can figure it out.