What a great conference!

I’ve just learned that I’m scheduled to speak at a very big conference next year. It’s going to be very exciting.

They’re even using my choice of a theme song.

(But why did she have to mention it just before I hit the road for Rochester, NY?)


  1. llewelly says

    3:00 PM
    A Kinder, Gentler Godlessness: Etiquette and Comportment for Atheist Ladies
    Amanda Marcotte and Ophelia Benson

    Best lecture ever!

  2. Hank Fox says

    How wonderful to live in a time in which the playful and educational Narwhal Song exists.

  3. https://www.google.com/accounts/o8/id?id=AItOawn01OmbrUbekysrWehp_rdSQyvR_ijS3dQ says

    Aaaauuuuuugh! Not the Narwhal Song again! My ears, my poor ears!

    You’re an evil man, PZ.

  4. Mark F says

    Memo to self: stop commenting so early in the morning, let brain fully wake up first.

    That said, I would go if it were real. How about a nice central location like Minneapolis :)

  5. Josh, Official SpokesGay says

    Best thing to wake up to evah. Yes, it did take me a few seconds to cotton on. . it was seeing “Ophelia Benson” in the same sentence with “atheist ladies.” I am embarrassed to say my literal LOL involved both coffee and snot.

  6. llewelly says

    Did you miss the bit about the knitting needles?

    The knitting needles were the best part. Fortunately, soon we will have the biotechnology to replace my eyes.

  7. blf says

    What I want to know is that, even though I knew what the “theme song” was going to be (before visiting the site), why did I click it!!?!??1?

  8. Free Lunch says

    How about a nice central location like Minneapolis

    Sadly, you miss by almost half a world. Greta Christina updated with the locale information: Darwin, Australia.

  9. Chris Hegarty says

    I wish this conference would really happen. I was suspicious from the beginning, though, as there were no cephalopods mentioned.

    Even the name is awesome. Very Big Atheist Conference? Gets the job done; tells everyone exactly what this event is about. It has the same silly quality as the Very Large Array (it’s not just Large, everyone: it’s VERY LARGE).



  10. Brian says

    That was hilarious.


    Damn you Greta Christina!

  11. Kel, OM says

    Narwhals: How Do They Cause a Commotion Simply by Being So Awesome — and What Can the Atheist Movement Learn From This?

    Who else when they read this had Dan Dennett in their head? Damn it, I’ve been listening to too many of his lectures.

  12. Screechy_Monkey says

    “I wonder who is hosting the prayer breakfast?”

    Karen Armstrong.

    She will lead us in metaphorical prayer to a symbolic figure that represents something-or-other. Then we shall eat metaphorical waffles. (I find they’re like Chinese food, and I get apophatically hungry half an hour later.)

  13. Greta Christina says

    Karen Armstrong.

    She will lead us in metaphorical prayer to a symbolic figure that represents something-or-other. Then we shall eat metaphorical waffles.

    Screechy, will you please not say things like that when I’ve just taken a mouthful of coffee? Sheesh. How hard can it be?

  14. Alan B says

    An alternative Theme Song:

    or, depending on the time of year:

    or, as a grand finale: