If it’s Wednesday, this must be Santa Barbara

Hey, I’m in sodden, stormy California! Just in case you hadn’t heard, I’ll be speaking at the University of California Santa Barbara tonight at 7, in Embarcadero Hall. It should work…I’m still a little bit skewed towards Midwestern time, but 7PST isn’t that bad. The fun will start afterwards when someone hands me a beer at an hour way past my usual bedtime, and I pass out in public. You don’t want to miss that!


  1. says

    Will any of the talks you’re giving in California be recorded? I’d love to hear ’em, but I don’t live anywhere near that part of the country.

  2. Robert Thille says

    If I still lived on Santa Barbara, I’d be there. Now Davis I might be able to make, but it’s still ~90 minutes in good weather.

    What are the topics of your talks?

  3. bbgunn071679 says

    “The fun will start afterwards when someone hands me a beer at an hour way past my usual bedtime, and I pass out in public.”

    Some early prep for the trip to Ireland, perhaps?

  4. sfchemist says

    It’s raining in San Francisco too. Yesterday we had 60mph winds whipping across the Golden Gate Bridge, so be careful out there.

  5. Ichthyic says

    Hey, PZ, there was a tornado warning in So. Ca. yesterday…

    Please check your bags and remove any midwestern weather phenomena you may have inadvertently brought with you.

  6. kristin.conover says

    Yeah, it’s pretty bad here today but I’m looking forward to seeing you tonight!

  7. https://me.yahoo.com/a/SaqGVG0xvJEQVwURVamS3DTCdvov0BLhXK1jOsYPPJQ-#b4893 says

    Looking forward to the 26th.

    I am trying so hard to think of a place for a beer in Sac, but to be honest, I’m down to about a beer a month now. I just don’t know. My research is lacking.

    I guess if you want local, Rubicon is probably it. That’ll also give you a chance to stay “on the grid.” Downtown Sac is so much nicer than, say, Elk Grove or Natomas.

    There’s one place called — I kid you not — “The Trap”, not far from where I live. I don’t think there’s a single timber in the place that’s level OR plumb. I don’t think you want to go there.


  8. nejishiki says

    UCSB alumnus here, wishing I were there.

    Head out to Isla Vista later, specifically Del Playa street, if you’re looking to get wasted. That was the knowledge imparted to me when I was a freshman there.

  9. Finch says

    I’d go, except that between an 8am class, and a 2 hour drive each way along (roughly) the coast when the weather says “coastal flood warning”… We San Luis Obispo people will have to catch you sometime over the weekend (Stanford or De Anza) with a 3 hour inland drive each way.

  10. ermine says

    See you in Berkely on Friday, PZ. I’m really looking forward to it. I may not be a prolific poster, but Pharyngula is the first site I check every day.

    The weather might be clearing up by Friday, but if I take into account the way the forecasts have been pushing that time further and further out all week, well.. I’d bring an umbrella if I were you!

  11. Emmet, OM says

    Next week when you’re in 9430x, I’ll be happy to buy you a beer — can’t offer accommodation or transport, but beer, I can manage.

  12. monado says

    Bad news: EBSCO has bagged exclusive rights to the electronic versions of a number of magazines, including Science and New Scientist. That’s bad because in the past they’ve been bundling desirable with not-so-desirable publications and charging more for the bundle (including unwanted stuff) than they could charge for the popular ones on their own.

    “Apparently any provider that currently has full text content from these titles is losing it.” –like Science Direct.

    As libraries try to squeeze their already squozen budgets a little further, people might want to glide over to their libraries and put in a word for anything they really, really want.