
  1. nejishiki says

    Just thought of something: even if you crucify squid Jesus, he still has plenty of arms free so he can escape.

  2. Larry says

    The squid in the middle has a beard that looks like the one on The Evil Spock. Does this squid have a good, beardless, counterpart in another universe too?

  3. SEF says

    I thought it was a cephalopod angel. I also thought we saw this nativity scene (or, at least, I saw it somewhere) last year.

  4. B166ER says

    @Et in Arcadia Ego #1

    You would be too if your wife had just experienced something strait out of a Japanese hentai movie.

    No Gods, No Masters

  5. recovering catholic says

    What is that white thing the green squid is holding? A sheep? It would be nice to also have tentacamels!

  6. David Marjanović says

    Come on, PZ. You post this every year :-)

    You would be too if your wife had just experienced something strai[gh]t out of a Japanese hentai movie.

    Enemy with hentai cannon has already defeated himself.

    Insider joke. Don’t ask.

  7. felixthecat says

    I was also wondering what the green creature was holding. I think that it is a headless cuttlefish- an acephalopod as it were.

    The baby is kind of cute.

  8. puseaus says

    Just took my first attempt at cephalopod cookies (famous German recipe) out of the oven. It’s about time to reclaim the celebration of the coolest time of the year.

  9. Squeege says

    Even squids have a reason for the season. On a side note, this site has officially become one of my favorite destinations on the web. The squid nativity was the final convincing factor. (Alright, I loved your site before the squid nativity).

  10. curiosity says

    I was disturbed when the sushi bar at my college’s cafeteria served baby octopus a few weeks ago, but after seeing this image, I now understand that it was meant as a version of holy communion.

  11. Randy says

    Calimai ba rump bump bum bum… mmmm Jesus looks delicious. I think I will have a side of Holy Aioli too.

  12. The effin' bear says

    Oooh I can’t wait to see the scene where jesus takes on the money-changers and vendors in the temple!

  13. Ragutis says

    Wait, so what about the other 199,999 or so eggs?

    Also, would squid Jesus be Squesus? Maybe SqueeJee?

  14. Bill Baconhill says

    Sadly, it’s doubtful that a calamari Eucharist would ever take off.

    “This is my ink, which was discharged for you.”

  15. Occam's Machete says


    Just thought of something: even if you crucify squid Jesus, he still has plenty of arms free so he can escape.

    Maybe that’s what the Star of David is for?

    Picture the scene: (Just before Easter, on a hill in the occupied Middle East, +/- 33 AD… or is it 0 AD?).

    Roman Guard 1: Jesus Christ! Will you stop fucking squirming?
    Roman Guard 2: Oh shit, he’s got my bloody hammer again. Watch your heads!
    Roman Guard 3: Spin it round! Spin it round!
    Roman Guard 1: He nearly got you that time Max!
    Roman Guard 3: Fuck! We’re running out of nails.
    Roman Guard 2: This is like nailing fucking jelly to the ceiling!