
  1. Qrazyqat says

    When I was a teen I used to hunt in southern Minnesota and I never could get close enough to a crow out in hunting territory to shoot one. Not when I had a gun, that is. I was a decent stalker but when crossing a field where the flock could see me, from an enormous distance, they’d fly off… if I had a gun. I even tried holding the rifle on the side opposite them, blcoking it with my body, and they’d fly off. No gun, no flight.

    Interesting. A long string of coincidences? Maybe. Reading my body language? Maybe. Just interesting.

    You know, these animals’ lives depend on their being able to read signs. Funny how we’re so often surprised to find they can read them really well.

  2. MonoApe says

    V. v. true. As a younger man, I enjoyed wandering out with a gun to find something to ‘put under a pastry sky’. Rabbits and wood pigeon (yumm) recognised the ‘long pointy stick’, and ran as though their lives depended on it.

    Sans ‘stick’, they eyed me with wariness.

    Corvids (crows, magpies, etc.) were even more finely tuned to it. If I was ‘out on a mission’, they’d be flying to the next county before I’d climbed over the gate to the field. If all I carried was a camera, they’d casually walk away if I got within 30 metres.

    I only carry a camera nowadays.

  3. woozy says

    Not to over anthropomorphize but crows are damned smart animals. Don’t have explanations just how the crows “knew” you had a gun or knew your intent, but I have no doubt that they did “know”.

  4. Bride of Shrek says

    When I first read the title of the post I thought it said “sharp pointy EARS” and my initial thought was they’d be buggered on Vulcan then. I kid you not.

    …I mention this only to make you all feel better in the knowledge that when you’re feeling stumped or a bit daft, there is someone out there who is really thicker than you.

  5. DocAmazing says

    Already posted this link at Greg Laden’s site, but movie fans with long memories may remember a difficult-to-watch film from 1982 called “White Dog” that involved similar themes:

    Excellent film, but not for the faint of heart.