
  1. Retrokatze says

    Damnit, another T-Shirt that goes on my long list of T-Shirts I want to own but cannot afford…

    Btw, I just stumbled across this (safe for work) and thought, I’d share. I’m not responsible for any mental anguish that may occur after clicking the link!

  2. blondin says

    Speaking of which…

    I thought I saw a Mike Huckabee promo with Chuck Norris. Was that a figment of my imagination or did anybody else see that?

  3. rootlesscosmo says

    Saint Margaret of Antioch

    was fed to a dragon but emerged unharmed because the crucifix she carried irritated the creature’s insides. The conventional iconography (an example is shown on the Wikipedia page) shows the dragon with a wisp of her clothing still clinging to its jaws, even as she bursts through its body, an image that almost makes me feel sorry for the beast.

  4. stogoe says

    I thought I saw a Mike Huckabee promo with Chuck Norris. Was that a figment of my imagination or did anybody else see that?

    No, unfortunately it was all too real. He’s got some washed-up 80s WWF star shilling for him, too. (Looked it up: Ric Flair, apparently)

  5. PeterM says

    Add Ted Nugent to recent Huckabee endorsers.

    I liked this recent Horoscope in The Onion:

    Leo July 23 – August 22

    There’s no denying that your unique scarecrow design scares the hell out the crows, but it has the disadvantage of filling your yard with infuriated Christians.

  6. JohnnieCanuck, FCD says

    I’d buy a scarecrow like that in a minute. Oh. Fills the yard… Well, maybe I could manage a Pied Piper technique and lead them off into the wilderness, or something.

    At least now we know why the dinosaurs died out. Jesus killed them for eating Him.