The Octopus Throne … exposed to infidel eyes!

You just can’t trust Canadians. I let a couple of them into my home, and what do they do? They reveal all my secrets, that’s what.

Man, I’m just glad I didn’t take them on a tour of the basement. There are things down there mere men weren’t meant to see.

For some reason, this seems like the perfect place to cite LOLTHULHU.



  1. TheFeshy says

    [quote]There are things down there mere men weren’t meant to see.[/quote]

    I thought you where required by law to burn those 70’s pictures of yourself in a lime-green leisure suit?

  2. says

    Those are fantastic. I wish I could send the link to some of my friends, but alas, the ones who know the “can I has cheezburger” cat would have no clue what Cthulhu was, and vice versa. Dammit!

  3. says

    Who eats chefs in a light wine sauce?!?

    Stinkin’ chardonnay-swilling yuppies, that’s who.

    A real gastronome would braise that long pig in a nice hearty stout to hide the gamey flavor. Add carrots, potatoes, diced tomatoes, mushrooms, and serve on a bed of the shattered dreams of children with a Grilled Kitten Caesar salad on the side.

    I’m from Milwaukee. We know how to prepare people, after all.

  4. llewellly says

    Will E. , your friends require greater cultural diversity. Email away. Don’t look at me like that! If people were never exposed to things they didn’t understand, they’d never encounter anything foreign to their culture.

  5. Chili Pepper says

    >A real gastronome would braise that long pig in a nice hearty stout

    Long pig is traditionally served with satay, lime juice and peanuts.

    … bloody wet-behind-the-ears cannibals, no respect for traditions, why I could tell you tales…

  6. says

    … bloody wet-behind-the-ears cannibals, no respect for traditions, why I could tell you tales… Posted by: Chili Pepper

    Traditions be damned. Long pig lends itself quite well to culinary fusion. Stick to your satay slathered cheek-meat on Ramen if you wish, but I intend to bring long pig to the masses by mixing it with rustic European peasant dishes.

  7. Umilik says

    Hey now, we Canadians are very trustworthy. Unless you’re a baby seal in Newfoundland. Then, well, maybe not so much…

  8. Chili Pepper says

    >I intend to bring long pig to the masses by mixing it with rustic European peasant dishes.

    Hmm, I may have been too hasty. I can see the advertising bumph now: “Put some ghoul in your goulash!”

  9. JohnnieCanuck, FCD says

    Cthuluh must be Canadian, eh? Just look at those captions.

    Pardon my cultural ignorance, but just where is the Octopus throne? Is there an interesting story as to how PZ got there, or is it all just photoshopping?

  10. Venger says

    I can see the quote mining now “Atheists are closet cannibals”.

    The idea of humor or sarcasm just seems to pass over the heads of the rabid theist, which is a shame because with out understanding those points their religions make no sense what so ever.

  11. says

    I can see the quote mining now “Atheists are closet cannibals”.

    The idea of humor or sarcasm just seems to pass over the heads of the rabid theist, which is a shame because with out understanding those points their religions make no sense what so ever.

    Posted by: Venger

    Well, they’ve got ceremonial cannibalism in their ritual, so, if anything, a little consumption of human beings kind of gives us something in common. And, from there, we can befriend the fundies. Then, invite them in for a drink. After that, when they are sleepy, preheat the oven to 300 degrees and mince some garlic…

  12. says

    Pardon my cultural ignorance, but just where is the Octopus throne?

    Right in the living room chez Myers, of course — would we lie to you?

    And as for scarey things in PZ’s basement: he’s never seen the wierd stuff in ours….