
  1. plunge says

    Another random bit o offtopic pharyngular fun I hadn’t seen mentioned yet:

    The Pacific Northwest Tree Octopus (Endangered)

    A hoax of Cephalopodian proportions: set up by researchers to test the ability of students to detect phony internet information. Despite, sadly (or luckily, if you were worried about the poor octopus!) being completely illusionary, not a single student in the experiment figured out that there is no such animal or ecological crisis when asked to do some work relating to researching it and its credibility, despite the hoax sites being riddled with red flags.

  2. Numad says


    It’s not Crocodilus Pontifex, but it will have to do.

  3. plunge says

    “Eight? That’s messed up, man! How are we supposed to know which lizard is our messiah?”

    What, you’ve never heard the word of Raptor Jesus?

  4. decreasethesurpluspopulation386sx says

    Eight? That’s messed up, man! How are we supposed to know which lizard is our messiah?

    Have them post over to the Uncommon Descent, and the who is banned, that one, my friend, he will be the messiah.

  5. Terrance says

    [quote]A hoax of Cephalopodian proportions: set up by researchers to test the ability of students to detect phony internet information. Despite, sadly (or luckily, if you were worried about the poor octopus!) being completely illusionary, not a single student in the experiment figured out that there is no such animal or ecological crisis when asked to do some work relating to researching it and its credibility, despite the hoax sites being riddled with red flags.[/quote]

    Not sure what is more disturbing. That post grads create a hoax, pass it off to seventh grade kids as truth, then claim scientific research has occurred? Or that this is part of a 1.8 million dollar grant?

  6. says

    Eight? That’s messed up, man! How are we supposed to know which lizard is our messiah?

    You poor lost soul, haven’t you heard of the Holy Octagon, Zeno? After all, Denyse O’Leary says that when doctrines about trinities or octagons, etc. start to make sense, run for the door. To the outside. So you’re not supposed to understand!

  7. Sean says

    A quote from the NW Tree Octopus article…

    Some of the students still insisted vehemently that the Pacific Northwest Tree Octopus really exists.

    I have this tingling feeling that I should be making some sort of comment concerning Jesus but…oh darn. The feeling left. Can’t imagine what relevance I thought was there.

  8. Great White Wonder says

    Not sure what is more disturbing. That post grads create a hoax, pass it off to seventh grade kids as truth, then claim scientific research has occurred? Or that this is part of a 1.8 million dollar grant?

    They could have simply studied the actions of the Cornell Lab of Ornithology. They managed to get a load of funding based on evidence that is even crappier than that for the tree octopus. Thanks to their little stunt, educated ADULTS continue to delude themselves. Round and round we go …

    Davis, the city planner for McCrory, and Jay Robison, who works for the Arkansas Department of Economic Development, were driving near Cotton Plant last Friday when they saw a female ivory-billed swoop behind an oncoming truck..

    Davis, who has attended workshops about identifying an ivory-billed woodpecker, said he and Robison believed it was a female because the bird had a black head and body with white wing-tipped feathers, but no red. The male ivory-billed has a red crest..

    Two researchers – one from Cornell and the other from the Arkansas Audubon Society – met Davis at the site Tuesday to gather more information about the sighting, Davis said Wednesday..

    “I took them down to where we saw the bird, and they were really excited about it. They wrote down everything,” Davis said. “I know it’s their dream to find the bird … and I hope this helps.

  9. Molly, NYC says

    Actually, I kinda like that they use the words “Darwinist” etc.

    When you see a long, turgid, abstract-laden, badly written essay with no paragraph breaks that looks like a it might take a lot of effort to figure out the writer’s point, the presence of a word like “Darwinism” tells you that you needn’t bother.

    (I don’t mean to be unfair; these people may write things well worth reading. Just not about science.)

  10. Michael Crichton says

    What, you’ve never heard the word of Raptor Jesus?

    Raptor Jesus looked like a chicken. Or some kind of big bird, anyway.

  11. RCP says

    What, you’ve never heard the word of Raptor Jesus?

    Behold! He that hath been saged hath been returned to the land of mortals.

  12. Stephen says

    Rather than a pool, how about a competition: what is the politest, most reasonable, comment that manages to get someone banned from UD?

  13. truth machine says

    That post grads create a hoax, pass it off to seventh grade kids as truth, then claim scientific research has occurred? Or that this is part of a 1.8 million dollar grant?

    The perpetrators of the hoax also seem frankly anti-environmentalist. “Greenpeas is working to save the world from humans”?

  14. Umilik says

    It’s goddamn depressing. King fucking Jesus of Poland…

    Holy Jeebus, makes you wish the communists were back. At least they were (mostly) rational.

  15. Brian says


    “Rather than a pool, how about a competition: what is the politest, most reasonable, comment that manages to get someone banned from UD?”

    That’s going to be a bit difficult to do, as most comments that fit that description, that descent from the dogma of UD, never see the light of day so to speak.

    While I can not prove this, I’ve tried posting there, and my posts never make it onto the blog. Often times very similar posts do though.

  16. stogoe says

    Three Raptor Jesuses are positioned in an equilateral triangle around you. Two of them move at 12 m/s, the third has a club foot and moves only at 8 m/s. In which direction should you run to maximize your survival, and how many seconds will you last before being caught?

    (stolen shamelessly from

  17. says

    … what really irks me is that I now have no record of what I spent at least an hour of my life writing, so I am also a little peeved. I should have copied it for posterity :(

  18. guthrie says

    Intepid, you should head over to the Pandas thumb forum, “after the bar closes”. They often keep and highlight stuff of note there, including when people get banned. They may have noticed you.