
  1. Rey Fox says

    That angel story is apparently #1 on their most popular news now, hope yer happy. I like how they cropped everything else out.

  2. 386sx says

    “It’s got a head, wings, legs, and if that doesn’t look like an angel, I don’t know what does,” says Frederick, her son.

    He does have a point there, you know. Come on, where is everyone’s sense of wonderment and joy.

  3. Great White Wonder says

    That angel story is apparently #1 on their most popular news now, hope yer happy.

    Heh. I first saw it over at the Ivory Bill Skeptic site

    The only people more gullible and naive than creationists are the goofballs who continue to pretend that the ivory billed woodpecker is alive. As is the case with “intelligent design,” the only reason the myth survives is because of a few “professional scientists” who insist on peddling it for either egotistical reasons or because the goal (in this case, saving the environment) justifies the means, where the means includes the usual distortion of facts and/or outright lying.

  4. says

    One time, when I had been laying in the snow, I got up and there, where I’d been laying, was an angel of the lord complete with head, wings, a full-skirted robe, and, even, a bright yellow halo- though the helpful policeman said that was just where I’d peed earlier.

  5. Anton Mates says

    The Fark thread also contains a pretty good case that the moth pic was inverted in Photoshop; sounds like this is an actual hoax by the Austins.

  6. says

    What’s with the pixelations over Rummy’s hands during the final few seconds? What’s he got that’s supposed to be funny?

    You’re kidding, right? Just on the off-chance that you’re not, Rumsfeld was giving his supporters a special salute.