Maybe it’s to prevent evolutionists from exercising in air conditioned rooms…

I’m hearing lots about this CHE story that documents an omitted category in a list of subjects eligible for a class of grants…and the omission conveniently knocks out evolutionary biology. I’m suspicious, and everyone is suspicious, and for good reason—this is an administration that elevates incompetent ideologues to positions of unwarranted power in the halls of science, so seeing that kind of selective deletion isn’t too surprising.

However, Matt Brauer at the Panda’s Thumb finds two other deletions: exercise physiology, and…Heating Ventilation and Air Conditioning Technology? Unless there’s a passage in the Bible that says Jesus hates ducts, this sounds like a case of incompetence being a bigger factor than ideology.


  1. Alex says

    This is easy. It’s so when us atheist, evolutionist evil doers find our place in hell after we die, we won’t be able to build air conditioners to help keep us cool. Geesh.

  2. says

    Oh, dammit Alex! You beat me to it.

    If it looks like a duct, sounds like a duct, and acts like a duct, Michael Behe calls it forced induction and you know we’re heading for that big internal combustion engine Down There.

  3. George says

    It may be hard to figure which are the purposeful deletions and which are not. Or in the spirit of conspiracy perhaps a couple additional entries were left off to create a cover explanation….

  4. natural cynic says

    It’s kind of surprising that exercise physiology is on the deleted list since the big boss chimpy is such a fanatic when it comes to pumping pedals and pumping iron. Or is this just more evidence that Dick is the real man in charge?

  5. JakeB says

    Apropos of nothing except the stargazing fools, modern Baal-worshippers, who refuse to acknowledge our noodly overlord, Astronomy Picture of the Day ( has characterized His Manifestation as a sort of “gigantic owl monster”. “Gigantic Owl Monster”. Absurd! I ask you! They know not what they see.

  6. Mechanophile says

    Apologies to Martin Niemoller, but I felt inspired: :)

    First, they came for evolution, and I did not speak out, for I was not a biologist.

    Then, they came for global warming, and still I did not speak out, for I was not an earth scientist.

    Then they came for the HVAC systems, and there was no one left to speak out for me.

    In all seriousness, though, it’s always difficult to tell the difference between incompetence and malice with these people.

  7. RBH says

    Mechanophile wrote

    In all seriousness, though, it’s always difficult to tell the difference between incompetence and malice with these people.

    With these folks, on the malice-stupidity scale I now default to malice.

  8. NelC says

    I think the kind of wilful ignorance required for some forms of incompentency leads directly to malice. When you know you’re right and you’re being proven wrong, the only ways to shut people up are obfuscation, and when that doesn’t work, acts of malice.

  9. jeonjutarheel says

    Odd about ex phys, how do they think we learned how to best train our soliders?

  10. Matt T. says

    Any form of sufficiently advanced stupidity is almost indistinguishable from evil. Don’t remember where I read that, but it’s definately struck a chord with modern times.

  11. William Gulvin says

    I say Occam’s Razor suggests that it’s stupidity. But to quote Margaret Atwood, ” . . . stupidity is the same as evil if you judge by the results.”

  12. says

    When it comes to newsies and politicos I usually go by the principle: Do not attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity and incompetence.

    With the Shrub administration, however, I tend to bend that rule. They’ve proven extremely good at doing malicious things and making them look like simple stupidity and incompetence.

    Surely, they can’t all be idiots. Can they?

    – JS

  13. Simon C says

    Maybe somebody told them about Maxwell’s Demon and they didn’t want to take any chances?

  14. Doozer says

    Any form of sufficiently advanced stupidity is almost indistinguishable from evil. Don’t remember where I read that, but it’s definately struck a chord with modern times.

    Posted by: Matt T

    I stold it from Clarke, sorta…

  15. David Harmon says

    “Any sufficiently advanced stupidity is indistinguishable from malice.”

    I’ve been tossing around this version of the phrase for a couple of months now. It’s a composite of Clarke’s Third Law and, IIRC, a “Klingon proverb”: “Do not attribute to malice what can adequately be explained by stupidity”. But as NelC roughs out, “adequately” only goes so far, and the neocons are well beyond that point. Of course, “malice” isn’t quite the same as “evil”, but from the receiving end it can look much the same.

    William Gulvin: What book is the Atwood quote from?

  16. William Gulvin says

    ” . . . stupidity is the same as evil if you judge by the results.” From “Surfacing” by Margaret Atwood; ISBN 0385491050. Actually, in this instance, I believe that “evil is the same as stupidity” might well be just as applicable.