I thought everyone could use a little good news for a change

My labwork is finally starting to work after months of troubleshooting and more months of planning! This is the first positive feedback I’ve had in grad school since I passed my general exam a year ago!

I’ve had my first straight week where I’ve felt “okay” instead of the crippling hopelessness, worthlessness, anhedonia and despair of severe depression!

I’m home with my family to celebrate my mom’s birthday and also get to hang out with my best friend that I’ve known since first grade!

But most of all…

My mom’s cancer marker levels are officially in the normal range and she only has three more chemotherapy sessions left!



  1. Patrick Mackie says

    It’s been great to have you back and blogging, and thank you for sharing your good news.

  2. says

    Glad to hear how your mom’s doing. Wishing her a quick and full recovery. Sorry you feel bad sometimes like you described. Good luck on the lab work.

  3. katybe says

    That’s great. I bet this is going to be her best birthday party ever, for all of you.

  4. Andy Groves says

    Big virtual hug to you! One of my grad students had the same experience with his project yesterday… he can finally see it coming together and taking off. It’s a beautiful thing to see. And fabulous news about your mom too. Happy Friday…….

  5. Maureen Brian says

    Well done your mom! Well done the medics! And well done you for being back here blogging!

  6. says

    Jen, my cat and I shall celebrate for your mother tonight. Congratulations, and I sincerely hope the shitty year you’ve had takes a turn for the better.

  7. notyet says

    The news about your mom is wonderful. mine went through a bout with cancer (ovarian) over 30 years ago and we still have her with us, I wish you the same degree of good fortune. I’m glad the lab work is coming together. Most of all let me congratulate you on a week without the black cloud trying to consume you. I know how good that feels, although to be honest it has been months since I had an entire week, and every time that I hear someone who suffers from depression say that they have won even the smallest battle it gives me hope. Keep with it, give your mom my best wishes and know that you and your blog are an inspiration to many of us.

  8. poxyhowzes says


    I look forward to the day when your Mom, like me, is declared a “cancer survivor.” I’ll be standing with many, many other folks under the “Welcome Back” banner. I know you and she are doing all you can do, and then some.

    And I’m so glad your lab work is at last going better! May this be the last glitch you’ll ever have to experience on (y)our way to having Dr. Jen on FtB.

    Finally, selfish as it sounds, personal thanks for your return to blogging.


  9. rnilsson says

    I’m glad you worked out the kinks in your lab work, and I’m also glad your mom is maybe not so bad :-)

  10. Steve Caldwell says

    I’m happy to hear your good news and it’s good to see your return to blaghag.

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