Web exclusive: Producer vows to bring ‘The Bob Jaskiewicz Show’ to BCTV (Fiction)

Will controversial Bolingbrook Trustee Robert Jaskiewicz have a show on Bolingbrook Community Television?  One BCTV producer is working to make it a reality.

“For too long, BCTV has broadcast shows that are either propaganda for (Mayor Roger Claar), inoffensive recordings of community events, cover band performances, overly religious programs, or unwatchable government meetings,” said Timothy Z. Deeth.  “For once, I want BCTV to broadcast a show that Roger will hate, and I will make it happen!”

Deeth said he secretly recorded a pilot of the show using impersonators to portray Jaskiewicz and members of the Bolingbrook United party.  “I figured it would make a better impression if I showed Bob a video first, rather than talk about the show.”

In one excerpt from the pilot, a Jaskiewicz impersonator introduces a segment:

Jaskiewicz Impersonator:  Now it’s time for Trash Talk, when I talk about Bolingbrook’s garbage collection policies.  Roger implies that only liberals support using trash bins, but my next guest disagrees.  He’s a resident of Naperville, and he thinks trash bins are great.

Deeth said the show would give Jaskiewicz an opportunity to promote community service groups that Claar “either ignores or dislikes.”

Jaskiewicz Impersonator:  Hey!  Look who just walked into the studio.  It’s local Girl Scout leader Jaime Olson!

Olson Impersonator:  (Walks into view of the camera.)  Hi Bob.  My troop and I are donating office supplies to Power Connection!  They serve the Bolingbrook community by running a food pantry, thrift store, and by offering vocational training classes.  Bolingbrook should be proud to be the home of an organization like Power Connection!

Jaskiewicz Impersonator: We should be.  You know, Roger rarely talks about Power Connection.

Olson Impersonator: This is the same mayor who opposed a Salvation Army Store in Bolingbrook.  I think he doesn’t believe there are poor people in Bolingbrook.  We know better, and that’s why I’m proud to help out Power Connection.

Deeth also said the show could do more than provide interviews and lectures.  “We can have musical guests and skits.  We even included an example in the pilot.”

Jaskiewicz Impersonator: Wow, look who just walked into the studio.  It’s Will County Board Member Jackie Traynere!

Traynere Impersonator:  Hi.  I just happened to be in the neighborhood with Allied Forces, the number one Triumph cover band in Chicagoland, and we decided to stop by.  Bob, you are the citizens’ trustee.  You represent the rest of Bolingbrook at board meetings, not the special interests who fund the Bolingbrook First party.  That’s why the mayor and the other trustees are always attacking you.  I know it’s hard, and their harassment can make you feel like giving up.  So I wanted to give you some inspiration.  Hit it guys!

Band plays “Fight the Good Fight.”

Deeth says he hopes to show the pilot show to Jaskiewicz in the next few weeks.  He’s optimistic that Jaskiewicz will agree to let him produce the show.  “The resistance is finally coming to BCTV!  I can’t wait.”

A spokesperson for Jaskiewicz said he would not comment until he saw Deeth’s presentation.

A receptionist for Claar said he was busy, and could not be disturbed.  “I doubt he’ll allow such a show on BCTV, and you know he always gets his way in Bolingbrook.”

In the background, a man who sounded like Claar said, “Charlene, this is the statement we’re going to post on the Bolingbrook First page about Bob’s vicious attack against the village staff.”

“Interesting,” said Charlene.  “I saw the January 23 meeting, and I don’t recall Bob accusing the staff of deliberately leaving him out of the community directory.”

“He said he ‘didn’t know if it was a clerical error or what.’ ‘Or what,’ includes deliberately leaving him out the directory. Therefore we can say he implied the village staff deliberately left him out of the directory. They didn’t, so it’s vicious attack.”

“Oooh!  I like your reasoning!  There is a problem though.  Posting this will give the impression that your trustees didn’t know about the error until after Bob mentioned it.  Their silence during that meeting also implies they were too intimidated by Bob to defend the village staff.  Some people might conclude that your trustees are weak.”

“Why would I want strong trustees?”

“Good point.”

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