2022 can suck it!

Honestly, I am so ready for this year to be over. I started 2022 in a treatment center for eating disorders, and when I came home, I struggled for quite a while. Family drama added unnecessary stress to my already exhausted brain. These were some pretty big pitfalls but I’m going to focus on the positive.

First, I can’t believe how much I wrote this year. I don’t even know how many journals I filled up. Writing poetry has been particularly therapeutic. I’m trying to branch out by entering writing contests. I haven’t won anything to date but I have learned so much from the experience. Writing about my life seems to have intensified my emotions – which can be good and bad. I want to write something powerful but how do I keep myself from losing my mind in the process? It feels like a delicate balance and I now know when I need to take a break.

Art – my first love. I started painting again in 2022 – something I haven’t done in years. The tremors in my hands have made it difficult to use a paintbrush so I put my fingers directly on the canvas. That’s right – I finger paint. What could have been incredibly frustrating has become enjoyable. It’s a big experiment to see what I can do with my hands. I used to be so serious about my artwork but now I’m just having a lot of fun. I like getting my hands dirty.

When I came home from treatment, my relationships with my husband and daughter strengthened. I was so afraid that going away would tear my family apart, but it has done the exact opposite. I love spending time with them. I am no longer distracted – I am very present in their lives. 

And I’ve learned to cook!

2022 is coming to an end and I will gladly put it in the past. 

What’s your 2022 recap? Do you have any resolutions?


  1. didytaK says

    Using a different email address and wrote my name backward because that seemed to work yesterday. I post to the blog maybe once a day, rarely twice, but get the message I’m posting too fast, and often my posts never show up at all.

    2022 was a mixed bag for me. I lost a parent I’d been caretaking for a decade, leaving me with only 3 fulltime jobs (only one was ever paid). I took stock this year in what I really valued and what I could let go, and some of it was painful and some of it was joyful.

    On the plus side, Trump’s taxes were revealed and Pharyngula has that hilarious story of a nasty woman-hating human trafficker who tried to bully a teenaged girl and ended up arrested for human trafficking. So there are reasons to be optimistic

  2. StevoR says

    2022 was the year I lost Chokko my beloved old kelpie. Hit by a car whilst walking her.
    I am so glad this year is over and hoping this year will be better.
    (Also the year I got Roxxi, my new current dog too who I also love but still.. )
    Good riddance 2022. Let’s make 2023 a better, kinder, happier year please.

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