Who Knew There Are So Many Countries!?!

©  DonkeyHotey.

Oh, the Tiny Tyrant hath opened his big mouth again. Get ready for a big ol’ wave of cringing embarrassment:

Addressing how he first became acquainted with Japanese Prime Minister Abe — who Trump referred to by his first name, Shinzo — Trump made the off-hand comment, appearing to go off-script from his prepared remarks.

“So my relationship with Shinzo got off to quite a rocky start because I never ran for office, and here I am,” Trump remarked. “But I never ran, so I wasn’t very experienced. And after I had won, everybody was calling me from all over the world. I never knew we had so many countries.”

Wow, he found out there’s more to the world than Amerikka. I’m sure we’re all so proud. There’s video, if you want it.

There’s Always A Loophole.

BCD means – Bad Conduct Discharge.

Most people are aware of the Sutherland Springs, Texas shooting. The man who did the shooting, Devin Kelley, had been discharged from the USAF for domestic violence against his wife and child. After the court martial and a brief amount of prison time (1 year), Kelley was given a bad conduct discharge, which allowed for him to still own and purchase guns. A dishonorable discharge would have barred him from owning or purchasing guns.

Domestic violence and guns are deeply intertwined in America. The reason that at least one sensible restriction against gun ownership cannot be enacted, domestic violence conviction – no guns, is because it would strip too many cops of the right to carry a gun. The gun madness in this country is deep, and I don’t know how in the hell we can stop it, let alone change it. Especially when we have the Idiot King saying that more guns are needed, yes, more, more! The fucking idiot also went on to tar all people with mental illness, saying the shooter was deeply mentally ill. He wasn’t, he was angry.  The Tiny Tyrant is tweeting this utter crap from Japan, a country with very strict gun control, and guess what? Hardly any gun deaths at all:

In 2014 there were just six gun deaths in Japan, while there were 33,599 in the United States.

I’ll just let that sit there.

Via Raw Story, one, two.

In the meantime, a Fox Idiot said church is the ideal place to be shot dead:

Fox News host Ainsley Earhardt asserted on Monday that the dozens of people killed at a church in Sutherland Springs, Texas had gone to the right place to be shot because they were close to Jesus at the time of their death.

The War on Giftmas Begins.

The AFA (American Family Association) has already begun working on their annual  manufactured war on xmas.

This Christmas season I am asking our AFA family to stand for the Christian faith by wearing and sharing our new “Keep Christ in Christmas” wristband. These wristbands are great conversation starters. In fact, I want to send you a wristband absolutely free just for asking. We also invite you to order more wristbands (at discounted prices) to share with your friends and family or even your entire church. And since they are so inexpensive, you’ll want to give one to anyone who asks about them.

Oh, that FREE business, always comes with a catch, doesn’t it. It’s getting to be that it’s quite rare to find christians without a hand being held out for money.

You might ask why we think this is an important battle. Well, secular liberals in our nation are bent on minimizing and even removing any mention of Christianity from the public square. And no other time of the year reminds people of Jesus Christ and America’s Christian heritage more than the Christmas season. For this reason, politically correct forces want to use their influence to distance our culture from anything that would remind people of the Savior – even Christmas.

You can mention christianity all you want, I’m not obligated to listen. This is not a christian country, it’s a secular one. Or it’s supposed to be, anyway. Keep your religion out of government and publicly funded institutions, and I don’t really give a fuck what you blather on about. I’m also not interested in distancing anyone, while I am interested in being as inclusive as possible. Might be nice if you folks just spit out the truth of the matter – you want to be exclusive and divisive. Lovely holiday sentiments, I’m sure. Every year, people say ‘Merry Xmas’ to me, and I reply with a cheerful ‘Merry Giftmas’, which always gets a laugh. Most people aren’t terribly hung up about it, and exchange and express all manner of greetings with good cheer and acceptance. If there’s anything which defies the notion of a loving god, it’s christian assholes who invent nonsensical ‘wars’ and snarl at anyone who lets slip with a ‘happy holidays’, ‘season’s greetings’, or ‘merry solstice’. Truly, holiday greetings are no skin off your collective noses.

Every year, when this bullshit surfaces, it’s always explained, every.single.time. that good, bible believin’ christians shouldn’t be celebrating xmas anyway. Personally, I don’t care if you do, but when you’re celebrating the same commercial and traditional stuff (trees, decorations, gifts, Santa, all that) as everyone else, you hardly have the high road, y’know.

And as you request your free wristband or order more, please remember that your prayers and financial contributions keep AFA in the battle to restore Christian values in America.

Yes, I knew money was going to be mentioned again.

May God bless you and your family during this wonderful time of year as we celebrate the God who came to earth as a child.

No. Even if you want to posit that Jesus was real and all that, the little tyke wasn’t born in December, and not on the 25th. That was just the church co-opting other festivals and rites. You’re celebrating the Winter Solstice and Saturnalia. So Happy Solstice Celebrations to you!

Via AFA. There’s video, if you wish.

Sunday Facepalm.

Synonyms for rough language: obloquy, scurrility, vulgarity, revilement, abuse, invective, ribaldry, abusive language, reviling, scurrilousness.

Oh, there’s no end to the defenders of the Great Vulgarian™. This time around, it’s Mary Colbert, who makes the case for the Tiny Tyrant’s rough language.

Colbert said that Christians who oppose Trump because of his use of “rough language” must also “have a problem with Jesus because he spoke to the Pharisees and Sadducees and said, ‘You vipers, you snakes.’ He referred to Herod as a fox and then there is the account of the woman he called a dog. So if you want to find offense, you’ll find offense in anything.”

Oh look, someone in the bible isn’t consistent, what a shocker. Yes, Jesus was often an asshole, and easily irritated, to say the least. That shouldn’t make being an asshole an admirable thing. From Mark 7:

7:25 For a certain woman, whose young daughter had an unclean spirit, heard of him, and came and fell at his feet:
7:26 The woman was a Greek, a Syrophenician by nation; and she besought him that he would cast forth the devil out of her daughter.
7:27 But Jesus said unto her, Let the children first be filled: for it is not meet to take the children’s bread, and to cast it unto the dogs.
7:28 And she answered and said unto him, Yes, Lord: yet the dogs under the table eat of the children’s crumbs.
7:29 And he said unto her, For this saying go thy way; the devil is gone out of thy daughter.

That’s right shitty behaviour, but it’s also not “grab them by the pussy”, and it certainly doesn’t justify Trump in any way.

Colbert said that Trump “is a man of his word, he says what he means and he means what he says.

No. Just no. Trump is not a “man of his word” at all, in any fashion. He spews shit, turns right around and denies spewing shit, spews different shit, lather, rinse repeat. Trump is also quite well known for going back on his word when it comes to things like paying employees or his bills. Trump doesn’t mean what he says, he doesn’t have the slightest idea of what he means, he just brays, and if he thinks at all about what he said, it’s after he’s vomited words all over the place. As for “means what he says”, is that like the whole healthcare and wall business? Because he didn’t get very far with that nonsense, did he?

Well, what character does that imitate? Who is that? God. God says what He means and He means what He says, so I believe that God saw in the character of Donald Trump a fighter.”

:chokes on tea: Jehovah is one of the most awful, evil, psychopathic characters ever invented. The Tiny Tyrant is an awful, evil, amoral narcissist. Yeah, okay, it’s a good fit, but that doesn’t make it right. Trump is not ‘god’, and he’s not emperor, and he’s not specially chosen.

“The church has had its butt kicked for the last 100 years,” Colbert said, adding that God chose a brawler like Trump because He knew that America could not survive with a “mamsy-wamsy, love and peace kind of a president.”

The ‘church’ needs its collective arse kicked a whole lot more. Seems to me that uStates could really do with a mamsy-wamsy, love and peace kind of a president. A real president, one who knows how to do the job, and doesn’t think pursuing peace, inclusivity, and justice is stupid. I’d be good with that. I’d certainly be happier with that than a madman always eyeballing nukes.

The full story and video is at RWW.