Sunday Facepalm.

This is from some days back, it’s hard to keep up with the constant stream of conspirashit coming from the conservachristians. Today, we return to Rick Wiles, who for once, has dropped the commie threat he’s so attached to, in favour of the New New Nazis, who are coming to get you, Barbara.

“There is a hatred of Christianity,” Wiles warned. “The homosexuals, the leftists, the socialists, the communists, the deep state in Washington, they hate [the Bible], they’re going to team up with the Muslims, you’re going to have an alliance of God-haters that are coming together to form a new Nazism in America.”

So. Much. Crap. I don’t hate your non-existent Jehovah, dude, or your ghostie trinity and whatever. Who on earth has that kind of time, or is willing to make such an emotional investment? Not me. I wouldn’t care about theists at all if you’d just mind your own damn business. Keep your gods where they belong, in your head, your house, and your place of worship. Keep that nonsense out of government and publicly funded institutions, and we are good. I don’t know how to break this to you, Mr. Wiles, but muslims aren’t god haters. They believe in the same god you do. Abrahamaic religions, y’know. All from the same source. Glad I could clear that one up.

Now, we do have nazis. Mostly hateful, bigoted, incredibly insecure white people, who think Nazism is a dandy idea, no matter how much they try to re-brand it. All the new nazism is on them. Me, I’m anti-Nazi, anti-shite supremacist, and anti-fascist. That goes for all the lefty liberals I know, too.

“Right now, what we are experiencing is what the Jews experienced in the ’30s and early ’40s in Nazi Germany,” he continued.

Oh the fuck you are. Such a vile liar. :spits: You’re privileged out the ass, sir. There speaks the voice of arrogant privilege, that you dare compare yourself to people who truly suffered.

“That spirit of Nazism slaughtered millions of Jews, that spirit in here in America. Let me tell you something, it’s going to be different this time. The Christians are going to be rounded up.”

That “spirit of nazism”? Yeah, it’s being held by white people, in particular, white christians, who want to stomp all over everyone who doesn’t fit their tiny box of “acceptable” people. You’re a loudmouthed, lying, wannabe leader of that spirit of nazism. You fucking christians, with your endless persecution complex. You want people to believe they are being persecuted, so very badly. What you don’t want is to actually be persecuted. It’s all pretend with you. “Oh dear god, people are ignoring us on social media! The persecution!” “Look, social media doesn’t approve of our hateful bigotry! Oh, the torture! Oh, the persecution! All we said is that gay people should be executed! What’s wrong with that?”

Shut the fuck up. Just shut up. Throughout history, christians have excelled at being those who torture, imprison, and execute anyone deemed guilty of heresy, with a side specialty in genocide, like the Albigensian Crusade.

Saint Dominic Presiding over an Auto-da-fe. The whole piece may be seen here.

You christians are dripping with centuries upon centuries of blood. You should be down on your knees in perpetuity, begging for mercy and forgiveness for all your crimes against humanity.

Warning that Christians are going to be ostracized and pushed into a “digital ghetto” as their rights are methodically stripped away, Wiles declared that “the ultimate desire of these people in America right now that are in high places of power in this country, the ultimate desire is to kill you. Listen to what I am saying. They are coming for you, they plan to destroy you, they plan to destroy the church, they hate Jesus Christ, they hate you, they hate your children and they are coming for you.”

Oh, a digital ghetto. Well, that’s different, isn’t it? I’m coming for you? :Snort: I don’t think so. I fully admit, I’d be much happier if you’d all shut the fuck up, and stop trying to stick your nose up everyone else’s crotch, but I do not have time to come after you all, I’m a busy person. I couldn’t be arsed to do so anyway. All I want is for you to mind your own damn business, and deal with the fact that no, not everyone else believes as you do. You christians can’t even agree with one another. There’s something like 38,000 different factions of christianity*, and none of you agree on anything. Get your own fucking house in order, that should keep you all occupied for a few centuries.

I have absolutely no desire to kill anyone at all. Most people are not bloodthirsty like you christians, who project your bloodlust all over everyone else. Why don’t you figure out just why you’re projecting so hard? That one might keep you busy a while. Clutch your bible, and go off and have a think, and please, please be quiet a while. The noise of you being “censored” and shoved into a digital ghetto is one mighty cacophony.

*Here’s a basic list.

Via RWW, there’s video.


Merry Christmas: Outlawed!1!!

Oh, look – christian ornaments! Via Amazon.

Jim Bakker. Again. In light of his latest round of bullshit, I missed this little whiny complaint. Along with screaming for people to buy his yuck inna bucket, he’s also been busy hawking christmas crap, ornaments, cheap gifts for too much money, and so on.

Bakker said that he has been searching for Christmas ornaments that feature Jesus instead of Santa because Christmas “is the birthday of Jesus Christ” and complained that he wants to be able to buy a Christmas tree instead of a “holiday tree.”

“They outlawed ‘Merry Christmas’ a few years ago and you know it,” he said. “You couldn’t even say ‘Merry Christmas” at Walmart and the Walmart greeters told me they weren’t allowed to say it. But we all started writing and what did we do? We changed it. We changed it. We all worked together. You don’t have to lay down for it.”

Uh huh. It’s so easy to prove you’re a liar, Jim. I did a quick search for Jesus ornaments. There’s a veritable fucktonne of them. Interestingly enough, they are listed as available at Wal-mart. So are Christmas trees, the list of which goes on and on. You need to stop lying, Jim, it’s not nice. I think it’s a sin, too.

Saying Merry Christmas has never been outlawed, and you damn well know it. Wal-mart is a private corporation, and their rules do not apply to the whole country, you dipshit. There’s nothing stopping you saying Merry Christmas or whatthefuckever you want. If your big problem is not every single person in Ustates saying merry mixmush, you are privileged beyond belief, and need to shut the fuck up, and help those who are not so unbelievably privileged.

You aren’t remotely concerned with christmas, Jim. All you care about is selling your cheap gimrack, so you can stuff more money in your pockets. You’re all about Giftmas. Your ‘christmas’ tree has nothing to do with your idiotic religion. That’s pagan in origin. What would you being doing with one? And please, shut up about it already, it’s still six days until Brumalia, for pity’s sake.

Via RWW.

The Terror of…SOY!


The things which go on while I’m under my rock. Perhaps it’s just me, but none of the men in the above look to be lacking in masculine qualities. This, of course, calls into question as to what those ‘necessary masculine qualities’ might be, and I’m not sure I want to know. The concepts of masculinity and femininity are, for the best part, damn silly, and for the worst part, terribly toxic and harmful. We aren’t extruded bits of plastic labeled Ken and Barbie. We come in a wide variety of everything. Ah well, on with the show.

Popular figures among the alt-right and users of right-wing internet forum boards such as 4chan frequently used the term “soy boy” to attack their liberal critics, using the term to label their targets as politically or physically weak. Alt-right YouTube pundit James Allsup claims to have invented the term “soy boy,” which experienced brief mainstream exposure through right-wing pundits such as Mike Cernovich.

The weakness, it is argued, comes from increased estrogen levels experienced when consuming soy products and the alleged resulting feminine behavior.

Oh for pity’s sake. Soy has to be one of the most studied and investigated plants on the planet, considering its versatility and utility. There are no studies which show that soy consumption “effiminizes” the poor menfolk. For most people, soy is quite beneficial, and no, it has no impact on those precious testosterone numbers, dudes. Your testosterone is safe with soy.

In a video uploaded to his YouTube account yesterday, Paul Joseph Watson, Infowars editor, attempted to explain how the consumption of soy products is to blame for decreased testosterone levels and lower sperm counts in men, resulting in depression and feminine behavior.

“Men with high estrogen take on feminine traits. They find it harder to handle stress. They become less assertive. They become low energy. Their voices get higher. Their genitals shrink. They lose muscle tone,” Watson said.

Goodness me. You’d think there would be panic in the streets! Media would be wall to wall coverage of the great penis shrink of 2017. Talk shows would have sobbing men behind screens, talking about the horrible degredation of testicle loss and puberty voices. Interestingly enough, there have been a high number of men lately who have not handled stress well at all. These are ‘masculine’ men, too. The ones who have histories of abusive, assertive, nay, aggressive behaviour. They tend to take out their problems with a gun, which ends up with many dead people, including themselves. I think I’ll stick with the men who aren’t terrified of soy.

Later in the video, Watson attempted to correlate increased sales of soy products in the United States to unrelated articles that detail a “substantial drop” in men’s testosterone levels in the United States and “otherwise healthy and lean” young men developing enlarged breasts—or as Watson describes them, “bitch tits.”

Bitch tits. Gosh, that must be one of those necessary masculine qualities, denigrating anything deemed female. I think we can all live without that one. One of these days, you manly menly dudely types are going to have to deal with the fact that yes, men have breasts. By the way, you should be doing regular checks for lumps, just like you do for those precious testicles, because men get breast cancer too. They come in many different shapes and sizes. A lot depends on diet, true, and whether or not you work out. If you’re eating a trash diet, you’re probably gonna have hairy man teats. Have you all taken a good look at your idol Trump when he’s in his golf clothes? Yeah. He could probably do with laying off the McD’s. Going back to the image above, none of those men look like they are sporting a healthy rack.

In his pseudo-scientific explanation, Watson even claimed that soy found in infant baby formula is making children liberal “from birth.”

“Rather than people with already pre-existing left-wing beliefs being attracted to vegan-style tofu soy diets, we’re actually creating an army of soy boys from birth,” Watson said. “What a terrifying thought.”

:Cough: Excu…hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha *gasp* hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha *thud*

Okay. I’m a bleeding heart liberal, a compleat lefty. I did not grow up on soy products, because they weren’t a big thing way back when. I don’t eat much soy now. That has not affected my leftiness in the least. I’m pretty sure you can’t get leftiness in bottle. That would be rather big news. Why do I get the idea you idiots think this is just like the “commies are behind flouridation” business?

Watson warned that “soy is the silent killer” of masculine behavior and that the world is “losing an entire generation of young men to soy.”

At the end of the video, Watson issued a warning to his male viewers: “Men, if you don’t want to develop a bunch of retarded beliefs about how inviting in millions of rapey migrants is a good idea, about how anyone to the right of Michael Moore is literally Hitler, about how fantastic communism is, or about how being a white male is shameful and wrong, while literally growing tits and seeing your penis shrink at the same time, when it comes to soy just say no.”

Hahahahahahaha. My my. I look forward to the intense, saturated, “Just Say No…to Soy!” campaign. The War on Soy. Maybe that could put an end to the idiocy of the war on drugs. Okay, probably not. You fellas don’t need to be concerned with ‘rapey’ immigrants. You should be concerned with all the homegrown rapey men, y’know, the ones who tend to put all kinds of emphasis on being masculine.

Such privilege, that you literally have nothing more to do than to sit around and make up such shit. I wish I had that kind of free time. The whole mess, including video, is available at RWW.

Dammit Jim, That’s Not Biblical!

Facundus Beatus, f. 191v: The Dragon gives his power to the Beast. Commentaria In Apocalypsin, 8th Century. Click for giant size.

It’s Jim Bakker, again. The title of this post is a bit unfair; I couldn’t resist. You can’t honestly say something is or isn’t biblical, given the sheer amount of different versions and interpretations. It’s just a god mash hash. This recent tearful plea by Jim has to do with The Great Tribulation, upon which, there are many versions and interpretations, and a number of different beliefs.

“If they kill our president or they destroy him or whatever, if we elect the other side,” Bakker said, “this is it. I think maybe Trump is here to give us time to get ready because all hell is going to break loose. We’re not going to have the Antichrist show up to get the sign of the Mark of the Beast on our forehead or hand, it won’t happen without hunger. Hunger is going to be the main thing. Most people don’t get it, they don’t want to get it, but that is why I am so obsessed with you all being prepared.”

Horrendous Hyperbole, Jim! Electing democrats is not the same as murder. Really truly. It is fun to see how much you change your narrative from one appeal to the next. So now the Tiny Tyrant isn’t the Jehovah blessed saviour, he’s just a little sort of hourglass? How the mighty fall. I hate to break into this melodrama, but people who have enough money to buy your yuck inna bucket are in no danger of going hungry. There are people in this world who are going hungry. A great many people have already been displaced by climate change, and can no longer sustain themselves in their homelands. There are plenty of people living in poverty right here in Ustates, who not only can’t afford nutritious food, they’re stuck in food deserts. All manner of children cannot concentrate in school because they are consumed by hunger. And here you are, hawking your absurdly expensive crap inna bucket. There isn’t a shred of decency in you, Jim. There certainly isn’t so much as a tattered remnant of shame anywhere to be seen.

Bakker’s wife, Lori, warned that Christians who don’t think they would ever accept the Mark of the Beast will inevitably do so when they see that their children or grandchildren are starving, which prompted Bakker to bring out his newborn grandson, whom he cradled as he wept, saying, “I hear them crying, I’ve heard them crying for years and God says, ‘What will you do if these babies are starving?’”

There are babies starving right fucking now, you evil piece of shit! Do you care? No. Your answer to ‘god’s’ question: oooh, sell the rubes nasty shit inna bucket!

What happened to the rapture? Aren’t you among those who believe the rapture will happen prior to the tribulation? You seem awful certain your ‘flock’ won’t make the cut. From what I recall about what I was taught, if you fuck up and get stuck in the tribulation, those who go nobly to their deaths right away will get to do the ghostly happy dance up to Jesus. So, no need to buy your stuff, no need to starve. Just die. Should be a cakewalk for you christians, you’re always going on and on and on and on about being persecuted, and being wannabe martyrs, and there’s your chance!

The program then immediately cut away to a pre-filmed segment promoting Bakker’s $1,500 “Complete Grocery Store” survival package.

One thousand, five hundred dollars. Right. I have no words for just how gosh-darn godly and righteous that one happens to be. You are the naked face of hypocritical greed, complete with crocodile tears, and a willingness to use your infant grandchild. Evil, thy name is Jim Bakker, and you fit the new beatitude to a T.

You can see the oh so tearful Jim at RWW, if you so wish. One good thing about this nasty nonsense, I get an excuse to indulge in some fabulous art. One more from Beatus below the fold, Osma Beatus, f. 139: The Frogs:

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