Roe v. Wade: The Movie.

This is not a movie you’ll want to see, given that it’s being made by Brian Brown of the National Organization for Marriage. Not that there’s much worry, it seems people don’t have a great deal of enthusiasm for helping to make this project a reality. At least not the “part with cold, hard cash” enthusiasm.

One of the most horrific tragedies to befall our nation was the U.S. Supreme Court’s infamous decision imposing abortion on the nation in the Roe v. Wade case. Some 60 million unborn children have died as a result of that monstrous decision.

What many people do not know is that the Roe decision is based on a pack of lies, manipulations and outright misrepresentations. Now we have an opportunity to bring the truth behind the Roe v. Wade decision to the attention of the American people with a full-length feature film starring Jon Voight, Stephen Baldwin and Stacey Dash — Roe v. Wade, the Movie.

Imposed? No, Roe was not imposed on anyone, it was simply allowed, legally. Fuck, I hate the way these fanatics twist language, making it sound as if legal terminations were somehow made mandatory. One thing is certain, their little “movie” will be a pack of lies, manipulations, and outright misrepresentations.

You can watch the trailer at the Indiegogo page, if you have the stomach for it. Right now, I don’t. It’s interesting, looking down the very long page of ‘perks’, which go up to $500,000. For that phenomenal sum, you get a speaking, lead role in the film, and you don’t have to pony up for your own transportation cost! Amazing no one has grabbed that one yet. As of today, they have $105,205 out of a two million request, with 22 days left. Uh oh. The quote is from the nom blog, begging people for money.

The Map of European Culinary Horrors.

Map created by Yanko Tsvetkov from Atlas of Prejudice 2: Chasing Horizons.

Map created by Yanko Tsvetkov from Atlas of Prejudice 2: Chasing Horizons.

I have to say, this made me laugh. One of my great grandmothers had a great love of blood based dishes, but I never did develop a taste for them. Out of all these, I don’t think Kyselo sounds bad at all, and that’s coming from someone who is not a fan of cooked mushrooms.

While European food has a very positive international reputation, it’s not all steak frites and pasta. As the map above shows, the continent also has its fair share of disgusting dishes and culinary horrors.

The map is the work of Yanko Tsvetkov and appears in Atlas of Prejudice 2: Chasing Horizons (also be sure to check out his first book Atlas of Prejudice: Mapping Stereotypes, Vol. 1)

You can see a linked list of all the foods in the map here, if you’re looking for more culinary info. Interesting reading all the way around! One thing is absolutely certain – there is absolutely nothing which would induce me to try maggot cheese. There are just some lines not to be crossed. :D