Mighty Kites

For me, a true sign of coming spring – a red kite sitting on the huge ash tree behind my house. They are magnificent beasts and I do wish they would sit still long enough to get really up close and in focus pictures.

© Charly, all rights reserved. Click for full size.

I have realized that I have not posted any bird pictures for a looong time. Unfortunately, there are very few birds around lately and even fewer opportunities to take pictures.


  1. quotetheunquote says

    Oh, I do love those birds! So graceful and majestic … their elongated wings and swallow-like tails make them look much larger than they really are.
    Whenever I see a picture of one, it takes me right back to a long-ago perfect summer day I spent driving into Powys (Wales) and having one soaring right over our heads. Sigh…

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