Brexit Revisited v2

Because clicking on one thing inevitably leads to another, here’s a companion piece to Charly’s youtube video.

I understand that Brexit can be the source of all kinds of negative emotions – frustration, anger, betrayal, confusion, etc., and for this reason, a nice round of relaxation with yoga might be in order:

To be quite honest, it’s supposed to be funny, but at this point, I’m far more ready to cry. Or laugh-cry, at the very least. Deep breaths, I suppose.

Here’s some more meditative music:


  1. dakotagreasemonkey says

    Thanks for the Philip Glass Metamorphosis.
    Incredibly relaxing after a hectic, stressful day.
    It’s a long listen, but that actually, removed stress better than just a short listen.
    I’m so used to short 3 or 4 minute music video streams, that at first, I was checking the stream at each interlude, expecting it to be done, only to find that is was not done, and would continue!
    By the time it was done, I waited 5 minutes to check, which meant to me, I had actually relaxed.
    Thanks, again.

  2. rq says

    You’re welcome, I’m glad you enjoyed it!
    I’ve actually found I have a similar issue, it’s difficult to listen to longer pieces because I feel like they will end any moment. What this means is more longer pieces need to be posted.
    Hope you are as well as can be. ♥

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