
As I am in Vilnius until Wednesday, I would like to take this small moment to cast a shadow (work will most likely occupy the rest of my time). Thank you, Nightjar, for those lovely photos of flowers and sunshine (really – today I got back to the hotel, refreshed Affinity, and it was… wow) – in sharp contrast, this is what we have: a look at Vilnius in evening (NB: there is still light, a month ago it would be completely dark!).

©rq, all rights reserved.

Here is a song from Estonia, to complete the Baltic triptych:

This was a trick, because I include the Secret Swedish Lapphund Ronja, who has spotted what she believes to be a treat (she was right). Because maybe that face will help you smile today.

©rq, all rights reserved.



  1. voyager says

    Thanks rq. I’ve fallen in love with your bright and cheerful girl.

    That view is spectacular. I’d like to see it as the light progresses. This amount of daylight is a bit intimate and romantic. It’s dark enough for the streetlights to stand out and up closer people’s features soften as the light fades and they begin to lean in closer….

  2. Ice Swimmer says

    A handsome dusk picture of Vilnius (we call it Vilna, Rīga is Riika and Tallinn is Tallinna). And the look in Ronja’s eyes, aww.

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