A Handsome Dude and a Little Tit

I do not have much luck with birdwatching lately, very little birds came visiting so far, and when some did, the pictures I have managed to make were totalski crapski. Finally some bullfinches have shown up too and I managed to get two useful pictures. Somewhat useful, because it is non-stop overcast and the light is, well, totalski crapski.

In addition to that the seasonal gloom is getting to me. Not as much as to despair or succumb to gloom, but enough not to feel like writing anything. Or even reading. Or doing anything else much. I have a whole folder full of pictures how to make a gingerbread house, and a few knife-making posts worth, but I just cannot convince myself they are worth writing. I wanted to play a PC game for a while and I cannot gather the enthusiasm needed even for that.

©Charly, all rights reserved. Click for full size.


  1. voyager says

    I hear you, Charly. It’s a bit like that here, too. The good news is that the days are getting longer and in a few weeks we’ll even be able to notice it. Keep well until the sun returns.
    Also, these bird photos are fabulous. That tit looks pretty well fed for the middle of winter. Hmmm…. so does the bullfinch. Maybe they’re just fluffed up against the cold.

  2. Nightjar says

    The middle photo is absolutely wonderful, the pose is adorable and the grey background really brings out that gorgeous orange. I love bullfinches. Sadly they aren’t very common here.

    I’m sorry the seasonal gloom is getting to you, Charly. I hope you feel better soon and I look forward to your posts whenever you feel like writing them.

  3. Ice Swimmer says

    The bullfinch and the blue tit talk for themselves. They are gorgeous.

    The seasonal gloom is also a guest here to some extent. I hope the lengthening days will pull us up.

  4. rq says

    We have the feeder our, but I’ve seen very few birds this year. Though that might have something to do with not being home during the day.
    Thank you for sharing these two colourful beauties! It’s good to see that Giliell isn’t the only one sharing tit pics.

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