Jack’s Walk

I was all excited earlier this morning because it began to snow. Hooray, I said to Jack, thinking we would get a nice fresh, white blanket to cover up the dull grays and browns of a soggy December. Then the snow stopped and what few flakes had fallen melted away leaving behind only gloomy skies and the same slippery, gray landscape. Sigh.

This pretty little fungus reminded me of a flower. ©voyager, all rights reserved



  1. Nightjar says

    What a lovely little fungus! I like your depth of field here and the little white spots in the background are wonderful.

    I hope those gloomy skies don’t last for long!

  2. rq says

    A frilly skirt! I hope the weather lightens, it’s +1 here and snowing and people are warning me about the cold…

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