
  1. jazzlet says

    “Just let me get on with eating my tomato, I don’t care about anything else”

  2. jazzlet says

    Caine, oh yes!, All spines down, happy porcupine.

    I wonder what they eat in the wild? *wanders off to search*

  3. jazzlet says

    Huh, mostly wood, along with inner bark and pine needles in winter, but they also eat fruit. No wonder it looks so bissful, eating tomato must be like eating chocolate is for us.

  4. kestrel says

    I think that’s a crested porcupine? They have a different diet than North American porcupines, but still mostly herbivores: roots, leaves, fruit, along with the occasional insect. I think porcupines are wonderful animals. And, @Caine, #8: that was the first thing I thought of when I saw the photo! Of the wonderful noises that must accompany a meal!

  5. says

    They’re adorable and friendly! I guess a critter can afford to not be paranoid with a defense system like that!

    I also admire porcupines for their rules of engagement: they’re friendly and don’t start any trouble, but if you try to harm one you’ll end up wishing you hadn’t.

  6. Nightjar says

    That is indeed very cute!

    They are called “porco-espinho” in Portuguese, “porco” meaning pig and “espinho” meaning spine. Even better if it’s a crested porcupine, because that would be a “porco-espinho-de-crista-africano”. Hyphens, we have them all. :D

  7. rq says

    It’s the same with French, porc-épic -- that’s “spiny pig”, not “epic pig”, though if you ever catch these creatures (North American version) going at it during sexy season, it’s… pretty epic-sounding. o.O Latvian went with the straight-up translation of dzeloņcūka, so very little confusion about the identity of this animal anywhere in the world…
    Also, shoots spines with its tail. That’s pretty badass, and close enough to the truth for me never to get too close.

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