
  1. says

    I am just reading about them because I had no idea what they are. Apearences can be deceiving I guess. This one looks so life like, as if it wants to jump off the canvas at any moment. And that curved beak and that staring raptor eye.
    Had I seen a picture like this as a child it would give me nighmares. You have done a perhaps too good a job on that head.

  2. kestrel says

    That is great! But maybe you should rest? I know if I work on things at the “wrong” time, I just get too carried away and end up regretting it… But this is awesome!

  3. says

    I don’t need to rest. I need a neighbour who isn’t so fucking stupid, for one. Great swathes of catmint and thistle right on the border of our property, destroyed, down to bare fucking dirt, because? All the cover for fledglings gone, all the food for finches and swallows, all the support for bees, butterflies, and dragons, gone. My posing branch for bird photos, gone. My mood has not as yet recovered from that, and there’s currently a plague of fucking flies and mosquitoes.

    Anyroad, thanks to all of you!

  4. rq says

    It looks fierce -- the kind of fierce that frightens insecure folk but brings relief and support to those who need it.
    I think as a child I would have been frightened (and fascinated) by the image, too (as Charly says, it looks like a dangerous beast -- that probably loves to eat little children), but now I see some parallels with wise, educated/learned women being frightening because of their knowledge and capabilities, and I think fierce is how it should be done.

    re: the disappeared catmint and thistles, I can only sympathize. :( Can you seed a new patch of ground a bit further from the border? It might not be as massive as it was before, but it can grow into it. So sad for all the little creatures who will not have a home or food. :(

  5. says


    It looks fierce — the kind of fierce that frightens insecure folk but brings relief and support to those who need it.
    I think as a child I would have been frightened (and fascinated) by the image, too (as Charly says, it looks like a dangerous beast — that probably loves to eat little children), but now I see some parallels with wise, educated/learned women being frightening because of their knowledge and capabilities, and I think fierce is how it should be done.

    That’s right. When I started the Simurgh, I was thinking of Zeniba, in Spirited Away, who had the reputation of being a fearsome witch one should stay away from, but as Chihiro found out, she was beneficent and wise.

    The catmints and thistles will self sow, all the clippings are on the ground, full of seed. It’s just the thoughtlessness of it all.

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