Speaking of the Trudget: Poverty Is A State of Mind.

Ben Carson. Getty Images.

I just got a post up about The Trudget and Rethuglican “compassion”, and then I see this little gem from Ben Carson, who seems to think that poverty is a state of mind, rather than a very concrete situation of having no money and no resources. When it comes to Carson, Fucking Idiot is not enough of a descriptor.

During an interview with Sirius XM radio on Tuesday, Mr Carson suggested people are poor because they learned the “wrong mindset” from their parents.

The retired neurosurgeon oversees a department that manages housing for the country’s low-income population.

His comments quickly drew sharp criticism on social media.

“I think poverty to a large extent is also a state of mind,” he said in an interview that aired on Wednesday.

“You take somebody that has the right mindset, you can take everything from them and put them on the street, and I guarantee in a little while they’ll be right back up there.

“And you take somebody with the wrong mindset, you can give them everything in the world, they’ll work their way right back down to the bottom.”

Has someone been giving poverty-ridden peoples ‘everything in the world’? I haven’t heard anything to that effect. Most people who find themselves in poverty simply want the basics, along with opportunities to get out of perpetual poverty. Unfortunately, Amerikkka is set up to keep poor people poor, and keep the filthy rich sucking the marrow out of everyone else’s bones.

Ben Carson, there simply is not enough Fuck in the universe for you.

BBC News has the full story, along with some choice responses which were tweeted.


  1. says

    You take somebody that has the right mindset, you can take everything from them and put them on the street, and I guarantee in a little while they’ll be right back up there.

    Well, that’s an easy enough hypothesis to test. I think it only fair that Dr. Carson be the first study subject.

  2. Kengi says

    Carson, who made use of the very benefits he now wants to take away, telling people they don’t need the benefits he needed. The very definition of pulling the ladder up behind you. Of course he thinks got got to where he is now solely because he’s so great and not because of the help he received. A perfect Trump circle-jerk team member.

  3. johnson catman says

    I would love to see the hypothesis tested on 45. His definition of a “self-made man” is getting a seed fund of $1,000,000 and getting his projects co-signed by his wealthy dad. As far as I am concerned, there are not enough fucks in the universe for all republicans. I would love to put them all on their own isolated world and let them try to run it.

  4. says

    Johnson catman:

    I would love to put them all on their own isolated world and let them try to run it.

    Now there’s a project I’d like to see Musk fund. All the filthy rich, you are oouuuuttttta here.

  5. says

    Funny enough, Carson is even half-right, just not the way he thinks it is.
    Yes, poverty is a state of mind. It is something that crushes minds, that damages them, that has a lasting effect even when the poverty is over. But it’s not the reason you’Re poor to start with.

  6. says

    Poverty is a lot like pain, it eats away until there’s nothing left to see. It becomes your whole reality.

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