All The Day’s Stars.

Meds have arrived, Imma go collapse and sleep for many hours. Click for full size, sorry for the bad flash photography, it’s all I have right now.

Descent of Night. © C. Ford, all rights reserved.


  1. Crip Dyke, Right Reverend Feminist FuckToy of Death & Her Handmaiden says

    I wasn’t sure where this was going & wasn’t sure how I felt about its earlier (partial) incarnations, but I really, really like this now that the stars are added. Thank you so much for sharing this with us, Caine.

  2. rq says

    I saw this last night just as I was heading to bed so couldn’t get up the thumbs to comment, but the stars make the whole piece, they’re brilliant. ♥

  3. says

    Thank you so much! I did get rest, and sleep, so more stars today, and hopefully, much better photography later.

  4. voyager says

    Oh my, so much energy! It reminds me of an evening my husband and I spent setting off fireworks on an isolated beach on the east coast. The colours you’ve used in the face are the same colours as the Quebec coastal cliffs and your blues are so vibrant. It’s magical. Thanks for sharing.

  5. says

    Thank you for sharing, Voyager. That sounds like such a wonderful time! I can picture it in my head. :D Now I’m off for another early, medicated night.

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