
  1. rq says

    Indeed there was, Ice Swimmer -- three, in fact! Also a pair of cranes, but they were too far away for my phone camera to capture in appropriate glory. Also, they blend in too well with the monochrome background (both deer and cranes, in fact), so it would be an exercise in pattern recognition (but no Jesus!).
    This was up near where the abandoned building of yesterday is, maybe 15 minutes further north on the highway, another abandoned site with family history attached to it. Some old stone ruins and another burnt-out husk are all that are left of the former farm -- that, and a lot of old, twisted trees.

  2. says

    Some old stone ruins and another burnt-out husk are all that are left of the former farm — that, and a lot of old, twisted trees.

    Sounds like the basis for a good gothic short story.

    I see moss and lichen are doing well at your place as well

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