
  1. blf says

    Caine has either been enslaved by the evil equine empire, or else she’s misplaced the cheese and is chasing after it.

  2. says

    Oh man…avoid ‘Master’s Touch’ paint at all costs.

    That’s Hobby Lobby’s house brand, and the reason I have it? Goodwill. Every now and then, Goodwill will have mass amounts of art supplies, which I buy. In the last batch, a full, unopened tube of Master’s Touch acrylic paint, crimson. Oh holy fuck, the stench, this hideous stench, ohhhh. :shudders:

    It smelled like foil on a filling, wet corroded metal lying over rotted garlic. It went straight into the trash, a full, large tube of paint. Gave me a fuckin’ headache. Gack.


    Blf, I am indentured to the Evil Equine Empire.

    Menyambal, thanks. :staggers back out to deal with stench from hell:

  3. says

    Bacteria infected latex paint is no fun! I know someone who thought “Oh I guess it’s supposed to smell like that!” and managed to get some in her mouth. I use ethanol in a lot of stuff, because it a) gives me an excuse to have ethanol around b) fungicide uh c) rum!

  4. says

    I will note you appear to render lots of horses in mid-spook. It’s as if you’ve met some of the horses I know. Or maybe it’s some indigenous peoples’ magic you can see into horses’ inner souls and they’re all spooking all the time?

  5. says


    Yeah, this wasn’t bad latex, but I won’t be using it again. Apparently, a number of colours in Master’s Touch brand are stenchy.

    I will note you appear to render lots of horses in mid-spook. It’s as if you’ve met some of the horses I know. Or maybe it’s some indigenous peoples’ magic you can see into horses’ inner souls and they’re all spooking all the time?

    They aren’t spooky, they are in full joy of being a horse. Running. A depiction of horseness. :D

  6. says

    rq, yes, horses have been known to frolic. They are also serious warriors. In the Lakota view, horses are thunder beings, you take them seriously.

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