Phase one, complete.

The painting is done. I’ll have to do heat setting after the last three horses are dry, then in a couple days, the big test, washing it. After that, it’s all yours, Giliell, assuming it makes it out of the wash okay.  Sorry about the gate lines, it’s really windy out, so I had to clip it down on the gate.


© C. Ford.


  1. says


    That is utterly awesome.

    Oh, thank you so much! It’s quite messy, just being a test piece, but I’m happy with the overall look.

  2. kestrel says

    @Marcus: I do sculpt, actually have some horse sculptures I did a while back that are still here somewhere.

    @Caine: Gorgeous! I like the… palomino, I guess? The yellow one. Actually they are all pretty cool TBH.

    @Giliell: Two thumbs up! Congratulations! That is SO awesome!

  3. says


    Gorgeous! I like the… palomino, I guess? The yellow one. Actually they are all pretty cool TBH.

    I love the yellow one. I can’t get the colours to come out right in the photo -- the fabric is more tan than anything, not yellow, so in the pics, it doesn’t look like it stands out, but it does.

    @Giliell: Two thumbs up! Congratulations! That is SO awesome!

    Just so you know, (and this will motivate me to finish), this is the horse I’m doing for you (I just have to get a back on, edges done, and make it hangable):

  4. kestrel says

    OHHHH! ***faints*** That is SO BEAUTIFUL! Like a flying weather vane horse keeping the world safe. And there’s a star around it! I love stars!

    WOW. :-)

  5. blf says

    it has been contaminated by horses! At least one of which is green, like peas!! And the mildly deranged penguin just sniffed it and says there’s NO cheese!!!

  6. says


    I want to make it into a painting.

    I’m not stopping you! This was a painting first, on a small piece of leather, then I did it in colour pencil, then thread.


    Hmmm, getting ideas already. Maybe a small quilt with some fake Trapunto to pop out the horsies?

    That would work!

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