Twitter, Oh Twitter.

I keep telling myself I need to activate my twitter account, rather than let it sit and molder. I did tell myself that. Today, I’m more than happy to let it sit an molder. Banal bigots who think they are clever have gleefully harassed actress Leslie Jones away. Twitter makes a lot of noise about harassment, but it seems they never bother to actually do anything about it.

…a Twitter spokesman told the Daily Mail, “This type of abusive behaviour is not permitted on Twitter, and we’ve taken action on many of the accounts reported to us by both Leslie and others. We rely on people to report this type of behaviour to us but we are continuing to invest heavily in improving our tools and enforcement systems to prevent this kind of abuse. We realise we still have a lot of work in front of us before Twitter is where it should be on how we handle these issues.”

I don’t think you are trying enough. The article notes that asshack Yiannopoulos was right back on Twitter, joining in the harassment and encouraging others to do the same. The tweet I included above is one of the mildest. If Twitter ever decides to grow the fuck up and be responsible, I might consider doing something with my account.

Via Raw Story.


  1. says

    Those who own and run twitter remind me of cops in the deep south of the US when the KKK were regularly committing terrorism. Even if the cops weren’t participating in the bombings, arson and murders, they were participating by doing nothing. Silence equals assent.

    This sort of garbage has gone on for years on twitter, facebook, reddit, et al. They know about it and do nothing to stop it. They do nothing because they agree with it, and they are encouraging it with their silence, by not changing their policies and banning users.

    Well, they do sometimes ban users, but only those who track such republican repugnant behaviour.

  2. Saad says

    Leslie Jones’s tweets:

    I feel like I’m in a personal hell. I didn’t do anything to deserve this. It’s just too much. It shouldn’t be like this. So hurt right now.

    I leave Twitter tonight with tears and a very sad heart.All this cause I did a movie.You can hate the movie but the shit I got today…wrong

    Fragile ego white supremacist bro Robert hiding behind his computer getting offended by a black woman in a movie. What a little coward.

  3. Saad says

    White men are the biggest problem group. It’s not even close.

    Wonder what the coward’s full name is and where he works.

  4. johnson catman says

    All the more reason I do not join social networks. I have never had a Twitter, Facebook, Reddit, etc account, and do not plan to have one. I actively choose which groups to join, and I seek out the information that I want to read (such as this blog) instead of passively allowing information to be pumped to me.

  5. says

    Saad @ 3:

    Wonder what the coward’s full name is and where he works.

    I would like a large, crisp photo of the coward in question. All of them, actually, so I can dissect their faces and bodies, and decide which other animal they most resemble. It’s already obvious they are stone ugly inside.

  6. says

    “Twitter takes abuse very seriously.”

    The quoted tweeter is still there, tweeting abuse.

    “It’s against Twitters code of conduct.”

    But. He’s. Still. There.

    “Okay, so enabling abusers is part of Twitter’s business plan, but we have to pretend it’s not.”

  7. rq says

    Well. Puts the dampers on reactivating my twitter activity, too.
    What horrible shit, and I’m so sorry that Jones had to face that crap. I loooove (/s) Twitter’s statement about how “action is being taken” on the accounts. Without a word on what that action is -- suspended accounts? looking for real-life identities? reporting to authorities? -- they never say.

    Social networks have their benefits (Facebook is about the only way I can reasonably stay caught up with people on the other side of the ocean), but the cost of participation can be excessive, and it really shouldn’t be that way. These are great tools that could be used for good, and instead, there’s these poor fragile white people ruining it for everyone.

    All of them, actually, so I can dissect their faces and bodies, and decide which other animal they most resemble.

    I doubt there is an animal out there repulsive enough.

  8. Kengi says

    Without a word on what that action is…

    Memos are being furiously written and the PR department is working overtime. Soon they will know precisely how long they need to wait before releasing another general statement about taking action.

  9. says

    Tabby @ 9:

    As long as Milo has an active Twitter account, you know Twitter isn’t taking harassment seriously.

    Bingo! Yep, that’s it exactly. They slap asshack on the wrist, then let him pick up and carry on right where he left off, and nothing changes.

  10. says

    s long as Milo has an active Twitter account, you know Twitter isn’t taking harassment seriously.

    Who is actually the one who started it.
    Of course a total coincidence that it’s the black cast member who gets that abuse, right, because racism is totally over.

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