
  1. Ice Swimmer says

    The clothespin has been out for a while and the steel pipe isn’t all that new, either. The plastic doesn’t show its age visibly.

    The shade of blue on the rusty metal pipe is sometimes called porkkalansininen (blue = sininen) here because Soviets had used a lot that colour paint in the Porkkala peninsula (west of Helsinki close enough that they could have bombarded Helsinki with cannons) which was leased to them as a naval base 1944-56.

    I’d imagine you can still find the same kind of paint in Soviet era structures in Latvia.

  2. rq says

    Ice Swimmer
    Actually, I think we got our own distinctive shade of bathroom green (far right). I’ve seen the insides (and sometimes outsides) of entire buildings painted floor to ceiling with it. I’ll keep an eye out for the blue.

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