Why Christians Will Win the Transgender Debate.

Image courtesy of Dennis Hlynsky via Flickr creative commons - http://bit.ly/1VWTOaW

Image courtesy of Dennis Hlynsky via Flickr creative commons – http://bit.ly/1VWTOaW

Yesterday, I posted about an article: Why Christians Will Lose the Transgender Debate. There’s been a response as to why the author of that article is wrong.

…Unfortunately, Merritt is quite wrong in arguing that “conservative Christians will lose the transgender debate.”
Some might be guilty of doing this, just as some Christians focus on theology while ignoring people, but everyone I speak to about the transgender issues is focused on people rather than ideology.

How so?

First, they are focused on the people affected by transgender activism, such as the many schoolchildren who are being negatively affected and whose cases are now coming to public attention, or the women who have been sexually abused in the past and have now become unintended victims of transgender activism. [That link goes to a youtube video made by Alliance Defending Freedom, and if you don’t like being outraged first thing in the morning, or any other time, skip it.]

Do these people not matter?

Do we overlook other victims – including innocent little children – because they are not part of the LGBT spectrum?


The reality is that transgender activists expect us to embrace someone’s self-identification absent any scientific evidence, meaning that Bruce Jenner is now to be recognized as Caitlyn simply because that is how he now self-identifies. And should his biology and chromosomes affirm that he is a man, we are still expected to embrace him as a woman.

Genitals matter! Wait, no they don’t, chromosomes matter!

In that sense, it is transgender activists who sometimes ignore science and who open the door to the very dangerous slope of “perception is reality.” (For a striking example, see my video on the man who became a woman then became a mythical dragon.)


As for the stance we must take as followers of Jesus, as I’ve said over and again, we can reach out to those who are marginalized without sacrificing our children on the altar of political correctness and radical LGBT activism.

I invited Jonathan Merritt in joining me on the front lines as, together, we resist radical LGBT activism while reaching out to LGBT individuals with compassion.

The whole article is riddled with the worst misinformation and bigotry.


  1. Siobhan says

    I like how, any time someone points to “evidence” of trans folk making someone else a victim, the “crime” of which we are guilty is… existing. No eye contact. No stalking. No assault. Nope, just a bit of suspect 5-o’-clock shadow and BAM, I’m “harassing” these people.

  2. says


    Nope, just a bit of suspect 5-o’-clock shadow and BAM, I’m “harassing” these people.

    I don’t think it even takes that. They are starting to judge by whatever their internal standard for female and male is, and running with it. These people are scaring the hell out of me, and I’m not a trans* person. I am not all kinds of standard pretty, though, and I’m a hat aficionado, so do I worry? Yes.

  3. schini says

    I find it interesting, that these people invoke science to support their positions (or, as in above quote, lament missing scientific evidence of their opposition). But if you’d press them, they would have to admit, it’s their gods will, that is the only standard (yes, I know, they imagine their god and his will). They can not change their stance, even in light of evidence or experience (like “these strange people are not monsters if you talk to them …”). That is why revealed infallible religious truth is so dangerous.

  4. says

    Is it even possible to rule out someone being a mixed sex chimera without killing them? How many samples of brain tissue would you need to take?

  5. Siobhan says

    Is it even possible to rule out someone being a mixed sex chimera without killing them? How many samples of brain tissue would you need to take?

    I’m told you could make-do with a lobotomy core sample.

    /end sarcasm

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