
  1. Beatrice, an amateur cynic looking for a happy thought says

    I’d call this ridiculous, but it’s just too evil for me to be flippant about it.
    Thirding others, good luck.

  2. says

    Thanks Jim, Alexander and Beatrice. It is ridiculous. Fucking ridiculous. The chat with my PMP, fine (it’s a good thing to make them almost fall off their chair laughing about ENORMOUS rat testicles), but I will have to move all my scrips over to the pain clinic, or lose one of my scrips (the most effective one, of course) by federal mandate.

    The piss test: in a small room with a toilet cubicle, along with two technicians. Pockets must be empty, no jacket or coat allowed. Dye is dumped into the toilet, and instructed not to flush. They wait, I go pee. I don’t flush. Tech checks the toilet, flushes. I’m not allowed out until the piss is subjected to a temperature test.

    I won’t know if I’ll fall into the “you evil person!” camp until some time later. For the moment, I’m home and safe.

  3. jimb says

    Caine @ 4:

    For the moment, I’m home and safe.

    Good to hear!

    As for the rest…I have no words. Ugh.

  4. Lofty says

    I’m not sure if this is any help, but my wife uses a horse and dog liniment called “Rapigel” on her damaged knee, it gives her temporary relief when applied 3x a day. It’s active ingredients are menthol and camphor. She’s due for some surgery on the knee in a couple of months.

  5. says

    Alexander @ 6:

    Thanks, I loved the ratball stories. Rat balls are truly amazing. Did you know that they are fully retractable? Rats can shwwoop those monsters all the way up inside.

    Ice Swimmer @ 7:

    Cursing hedgehog

    I had not, and I love it. This one in particular:

  6. says

    Lofty @ 9:

    I’m not sure if this is any help, but my wife uses a horse and dog liniment called “Rapigel” on her damaged knee, it gives her temporary relief when applied 3x a day. It’s active ingredients are menthol and camphor. She’s due for some surgery on the knee in a couple of months.

    No, that kind of thing doesn’t help much. There’s stuff here that’s similar, called Icy Hot. Cold doesn’t help at all, and the heat simply isn’t hot enough. This time out, I’ve added trigger point injections to the spinal injection. Hopefully, those will help.

    I hope your wife’s surgery goes well!

  7. says

    Speaking of rat balls, I was doing another sort and separate, and as I went to check one rat, who looked like they might have testicles dropping, he conveniently shwooped those suckers up, so I knew to put him in the Room of Mighty Testosterone™. The moment he was in there, those balls came right back out. Heh.

  8. jimb says

    Ice Swimmer @ 8:

    Cursing hedgehog

    Oohh, I like that.

    Caine @ 10:

    I had not, and I love it. This one in particular:

    Yeah, that one pretty much sums up everything, everywhere.

  9. says

    Jim @ 13:

    Yeah, that one pretty much sums up everything, everywhere.

    It does. One can frequently hear “Oh for fuck’s sake!” floating out the window chez Caine.

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