Pleistocene may have ended with a bang

The end of the most recent ice age is an intriguing time in natural history, particularly in the northern hemisphere. Evidence shows a sudden savage cold snap lasting centuries affecting a region stretching from the upper eastern seaboard of the US to the British Isles and beyond beginning about 12,900 years ago. A number of Ice-age mega-fauna which had withstood multiple cycles over millions of years also went extinct around the same time.

Scientists refer to this period as the Younga-Dryas, named after a tell-tale flowering plant that flourished in colder conditions. The prime suspect was the melting of ice sheets in North America leading to a release of fresh water in the North Atlantic causing a temporary shut down in the top of Atlantic conveyor. A new study turned up another possible factor, a big rock from space: [Read more…]

A new canyon grander than the Grand


A 3-D view of the subglacial canyon, looking northwest from central Greenland. Source J. Bamber, University Bristol

Trick question: what planet has a canyon grander than the Grand? Answer: if the science denier wing has their way, it may be coming soon to a continent near you:

The age of discovery isn’t over yet. A colossal canyon, the longest on Earth, has just been found under Greenland’s ice sheet, scientists announced Thursday in the journal Science.

“You think that everything that could be known about the land surface is known, but it’s not,” said Jonathan Bamber, lead study author and a geographer at the University of Bristol in the United Kingdom. “There’s still so much to learn about the planet.”

Former Sec of State George Shultz clearly does not believe in God

To someone who does not know anything about modern issues or parties, I might appear to be a raging lefty. But what I really am is anti-idiocy, anti-dishonesty, anti-stupidity, and pro-science, pro-fact, pro-reality. Forty years ago, at the dawn of my political consciousness, that made me a centrist to a middle of the road conservative. Today it makes me some kind of Marxist-socialist progressive. Even though the years have barely changed me, the primary difference being politics made my eyes glaze over then, but I have more patience for them now.

It turns out that former Secretary of George Shultz who served under Ronald Reagan isn’t just anti-idiocy, he’s non believer, too. At least according to the last post. Egad, the man even has solar panels on his house and recommends them for everyone! [Read more…]

You can’t believe in God AND believe in global warming


Update: Former Secretary of State George Shultz must be one of us! Hail & welcome to the non-believers sir!

Outside of the implausibility of religious claims about magic floods and rising from the dead, there is also the day-to-day ugliness that turns many off like a light switch. Racism, sexism, intolerance, a long history of brutal acts and justifying the most un-Christ-like behavoir imaginable, all given religious cover. And then there is the sheer mendacity. Take it away Rush! [Read more…]


Texas, August. There are many cruel days in the southwest, but these are the worst. It’s going to be hot, then hotter, followed by blazing hot. AC’s will fail, automobile radiators will blow out, power grids will brown out, some people will end up in the ER or the morgue because of it.

One thing we don’t need here in Texas is more heat and more drought. If you happen to live on or near the east or Gulf Coast, you might want to bookmark this page: National Weather Service Tropical Cyclone page.

A message in the mud



Our local lake is still — barely — capable of supporting wakeboard boats, something I tested out yesterday in the photo above. It won’t be much longer, Lake Travis will simply dry up into Baked Mud Canyon if we don’t get a veritable deluge of rain in the next few months. But if present trends continue there could be plenty of water. Scientists working with Antarctic sediments have found a disturbing signal: the East Antarctic Ice Sheet, the largest ice sheet on earth today, melted partly or wholly during the Pliocene. And that pushed global sea levels up almost 200 feet (65 m), the only thing between us and the kind of rise is time, the GHG concentrations are about the same [Read more…]