Now now, there’s NOTHING political about it!


Update 2/7/12: Clint Eastwood weighs in claiming it’s not pro Obama.

Or so says Chrysler, producer of the ad above featuring Clint Eastwood. Draw your own conclusions, but I can see why someone might think there’s a little pro Obama content going on there.

Two funny notes: 1) I overheard someone complaining that Eastwood had sold out. The quasi-logic being that he’s purportedly a conservative, and they hate Obama, or he’s conservative leaning libertarian, and they really hate Obama. Honestly, do people not understand what it is that actors do for a living? 2) Karl Rove claimed on Fox News the ad “offended him.” Translation — an optimistic message of hope in an improving economy could prove unbeatable, please don’t let the democrats realize that.


  1. Trebuchet says

    My first reaction was “Whoa, is that Clint Eastwood?”

    My second thought was “How patriotic. Too bad it’s an Italian-owned company now, after the Germans ran it into the ground.”

    That led to similar thoughts during the Budweiser commercials — they’re Belgian owned these days.

  2. Nentuaby says


    Belgian? BELGIANS are– even just fiscally!– responsible for Bud light?

    That’s… Oh, the irony. It is to lol.

  3. Crip Dyke, Right Reverend Feminist FuckToy of Death & Her Handmaiden says

    @nentuaby –

    Just goes to show, when the US develops a bad reputation, there’s no telling what horrors other nations will inflict upon us.

  4. crowepps says

    Oh, for cripe’s sake, now Republicans are complaining that someone dared to say the country wasn’t doomed, that the common man contributed to its rise and continued hard work rescue it, that came across as patriotic and uplifting, and so it must promote Obama? I thought the commercial was very well done.

    I will admit patriotic, uplifting and respectful of the common working man sure doesn’t connect in my mind to Republicans, (wholly owned subsidiaries of Koch Industries and other corporate sponsors).

  5. rowanvt says

    I still maintain that Bud-beer in any incarnation, looks, smells, and tastes* like piss. And I think there’s the reason they keep all those draft horses around.

    *yes, unfortunately thanks to working in a veterinary hospital I do indeed know what piss tastes like. Which is exactly like how it smells. Ick.

  6. slc1 says

    Actually, Mr. Eastwood is rather more libertarian these days then Rethuglican. He has come out in favor of same sex marriage and is pro choice on abortion, two stances that are verboten in Rethuglican circles these days.

  7. JoeBuddha says

    @5 – My thought exactly; the only difference between the input and the output is the temperature and a few bubbles.

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