Interesting gun-related facts

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1Yeah, right, I know, I know.

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6 thoughts on “Interesting gun-related facts

  1. You gotta love Ted or should I say you’ve got to love the outlandish Ted Nudgent. Yes, he was & still is a great rock legend but please keep in mind that he like other hollywood people or musicians live in their own world. Just laugh and be glad he’s not your uncle. Waiting for some real change in 12′.

  2. Washintgon State just had a shooting of a third grader by another third grader.

    Oh, come on, that kid could have just as easily used a pencil! If someone’s determined to accidentally kill someone they’ll find a way, gun or no gun!

  3. You gotta love Ted or should I say you’ve got to love the outlandish Ted Nudgent.


    Yes, he was & still is a great rock legend but please keep in mind that he like other hollywood people or musicians live in their own world.

    No, again. Also, are you a musician?

    Just laugh and be glad he’s not your uncle.

    Laugh at people that like him? Or laugh that there are people like him?

    Waiting for some real change in 12?.

    Do you plan to stop being an idiot or something?

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