A fatwa to rape!

A fatwa was issued.

A Wahhabi religious cleric in Saudi Arabia, Muhammed al-Arifi, who is very influential in Jihadi circles, has recently issued a fatwa (religious edict) that permits all Jihadist militants in Syria to engage in short-lived marriages with Syrian women that each lasts for a few hours in order to satisfy their sexual desires and boost their determination in killing Syrians. He called the marriage as ‘intercourse marriage’. It requires that the Syrian female be at least 14 years old, widowed, or divorced.

Mut’ah is allowed in Islam. Mut’ah is about short term pleasure marriage. Or hiring or renting vagina for pleasure. Islam does not allow anyone to buy or rent penises. In Islam, only men are allowed to do whatever they like for their own pleasure, women are not allowed to do such things. Men can marry women or hire women for an hour or a few hours for sex. Mut’ah is exactly like buying prostitutes. The only difference between mut’ah and prostitution is in mut’ah marriage before having sex men need to say,’I am marrying her in the name of Allah’, and after sex, ‘I am divorcing her in the name of Allah’. That’s all. The money that is paid to prostitutes called ‘money’ and the money that is paid to female mut’ah partners is called ‘mhar‘. Long term Islamic marriage allows men to have four wives at a time, short term or temporary Islamic marriage or intercourse marriage or mut’ah marriage allows men to have infinite number of women.

Having sex with girls under 18 should be considered rape, but unfortunately it is not illegal in Saudi Arabia. The Saudi Fatwa allows men to have sex with 14-year-old girls. 14 is not a marriageable age in civilized countries, but Saudi Arabia is no way a civilized country. There is no minimum age for marriage in Saudi Arabia. The same is in Islam. Muslim men can legally have sex with new-born babies. We know it very well that like other religions, Islam treats anything female as nothing but mere sex objects.

It’s a man’s man’s man’s man’s man’s world. Instead of making the world safe for everyone, men made it dark and dangerous for us, half of the world’s population.


    • rohan says

      How come you say fine and appropriate fuck that shit and you say pigs are unholy go look in the mirror fucken pig

  1. Pulakkumar Ditti says

    It is not a man’s world, nor woman’s world. But a war is going on between humanism and barbarism. Let’s defeat the later.

  2. smrnda says

    Horrible. Apparently men can pretty much do anything they want sexually, even if it’s to quench their sexual desires so they can go out and kill people. So blatant that a cleric is basically saying “You’re permitted to rape so that you can be a better killer.”

    Does the Mut’ah practice basically mean that men can never really be said to commit adultery, since any sexual union can be seen as a case of Mut’ah?

    • says

      Most Muslim countries legalized prostitution. They may not need Mut’ah or Islamic prostitution system. Some Muslim countries keep both system just in case. The countries that oppose legalizing prostitution, legalize Mut’ah. Society, whether it belongs to Muslims or non-Muslims, always keen to fulfill men’s desires.

      • Usernames are smart says

        I’m surprised these rapists even bother to say, “In the name of Allah, I marry/divorce this sex toy 14 year old girl.”

        If they’re moving the goal posts so much to justify their rape and abuse, surely they could just say the rapist just has to think the magic words. Then, when evn that’s too much, they could remember to pray the magic words once a year in a little ceremony involving food, music and other diversions.

        Gah, makes me puke a little in my mouth just thinking about it.

  3. says

    What do you know about Mut’ah? Wahabis are simply rapists. They don’t believe in this particular part of Islam called Mut’ah. It really offending on behalf of you to conclude things about Mut’ah without studying about it. Wahabis don’t even believe in Misyar which is permissible in Sunni school of thought. What makes you call it Mutah? Wahabis are just showing their anger and inner savage just because of their extreme prejudice and hatred for moderate sunnis, shias or syrians. Its not about Mut’ah.

    Let me tell you a little bit about Mut’ah which is called Misyaar in sunni school of thought.
    Muta’ah is no different from Nikah(permanent marriage) but in one case and that is ‘time frame’. Both men and women are independent to set a time frame, not hours right ! and agree upon the Maher as in the permanent marriage. Woman have equal right to propose a man. A widow can decide on her own part but in case of an unmarried girl her father’s permission is needed. It is marriage with a single difference in time frame.

    It was just a little introduction of Mut’ah. Please before writing something do your homework. Don’t relate Mut’ah with those savage wahabis. they are just showing their extreme hatred and frustration. If Muta’ah was broadly in practice then we would not see rapes, frustration in both men and women, the curse of dowry, and divorce.
    Finally i regret to say your article is so immature in terms of research. Because you even don’t know that Wahabis have no relation with Muta’h and they are simply rapists and murderers.

    Hope you will approve my comment. If not then I will remember you as a coward and unrealistic writer.

    • awilson says

      Saying, “What I call Mut’ah is different from what those OTHER people call Mut’ah” doesn’t really change the validity of what she is saying. Whatever the use of Mut’ah (what is its use, exactly? To consecrate what is otherwise just an extramarital union? Why not just legitimize extramarital union?), the practice is still being used as an excuse to legitimize brutalizing women.

  4. says

    @Taslima: I have no objection over your article but you need to study before writing. Why are you relating Muta’ah with Wahabis. I need the answer because you’ve misused this term here. Wahabi’s don’t believe in Muta’ah. They only believe in rape and murder. Muta’ah is part of Shia Islam and it’a as legitimate as permanent marriage. The difference is only in time frame but the whole process is same is traditional permanent marriage. You must clarify it because it offends Shias and not wahabis.

    Waiting for your reply

  5. says

    Shame on you ! Having a hair cut or wearing some brand doesn’t make you civilized. Your language EXPLAINS your personality. If you don’t believe in Muta’ah then you must not believe in permanent marriage too. What is the difference between temporary and permanent marriage? Only time frame?
    You just tell me what do you know about Muta’ah and how much you have tried to study about it?
    Indeed I am a Muta’ah lover and not a SEX or RAPE lover.

    • neresa says

      Dude you muslim people always have to use study or the quraan or hide behind something you can justify muta`ah all you want but I still believe its sick perverted old men who are role models to young ignorant men like you who think what you are doing is right

    • says

      If you don’t believe in Muta’ah then you must not believe in permanent marriage too. What is the difference between temporary and permanent marriage? Only time frame?

      Does the woman get to decide for herself whether she gets married and if so, to whom? Does she get to make this decision without repercussions or pressure? My concern here is not about the temporary nature of the “marriage”, but about the age of the “wife” and the presence of consent.

    • Usernames are smart says

      Indeed I am a Muta’ah lover and not a SEX or RAPE lover

      No, you’re a douchebag rapist who hates and fears women.

      TrollScore™: 2/10

  6. soul_biscuit says

    Wahabi’s don’t believe in Muta’ah. They only believe in rape and murder.

    This language reveals YOUR personality, or at least the basis of your argument. Empty bigotry.

    What is the difference between temporary and permanent marriage?

    One is a blatant loophole in Islam’s proscription of adultery?

    If mut’ah is so great, why not explain why? You’re not a schoolteacher, and Taslima is not a child. Scolding her for not doing her homework will get you nowhere. If you have a position to advocate, advocate it. Don’t expect Taslima to do the work for you.

  7. says

    You guys are so dumb with your moron thinking. Ask yourselves, have you studied anything about Muta’ah or what is it actually. Seeing that ridiculous Fatwa by Wahabis you criticize Muta’ah. I wonder how can you call it Muta’ah while in wahabism there’s no concept like this. They have issued a fatwa which is specified for sexual intercourse. On the contrary Muta’ah is simple marriage with the exclusion of time frame. It exists in both Shia Islam and Sunni Islam with different names. Sunnis call it Misyaar and Shia’s call it Muta’ah.

    Here the point wasn’t to disagree with the whole article but with the very terminology used to explain that fatwa. Again I am saying don’t use this term and if you do you’ll prove your ignorance and lack of knowledge.

    Finally, Behave yourself.

    • neresa says

      Mr ignorant answer dat why would 1 marry a flippen 14 year old 4 a few hours? I’ll tell you why break her vaginaty for his sexual pleasure

    • steve84 says

      And if the minimum length of the contract were a couple of years, there may be some uses for it.

      But as it is used it’s just a way for stone age animals to have sex while upholding their stupid religious rules on paper.

  8. arab says

    Dear reader the Fatwa is a lie. There are some Shi people trying to make him bad.
    I have seen the Shaykh Arifi today when he commented on this subject.
    He said these words a dirty and not his words.
    Everyone can put his name and picture and say I am Arifi

    Do not believe this fake!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  9. fork says

    “Again I am saying don’t use this term. . .
    Finally, Behave yourself.”
    Well, that sounds like a double dog dare.

    Mut’ah is about hiring or renting vagina for pleasure.
    Mut’ah is about hiring or renting vagina for pleasure.
    Mut’ah is about hiring or renting vagina for pleasure.
    Mut’ah is about hiring or renting vagina for pleasure.
    Mut’ah is about hiring or renting vagina for pleasure.
    Mut’ah is about hiring or renting vagina for pleasure.
    Mut’ah is about hiring or renting vagina for pleasure.
    Mut’ah is about hiring or renting vagina for pleasure.
    Mut’ah is about hiring or renting vagina for pleasure.
    Mut’ah is about hiring or renting vagina for pleasure.
    Mut’ah is about hiring or renting vagina for pleasure.
    Mut’ah is about hiring or renting vagina for pleasure.
    Mut’ah is about hiring or renting vagina for pleasure.
    Mut’ah is about hiring or renting vagina for pleasure.
    Mut’ah is about hiring or renting vagina for pleasure.
    Mut’ah is about hiring or renting vagina for pleasure.
    Mut’ah is about hiring or renting vagina for pleasure.
    Mut’ah is about hiring or renting vagina for pleasure.

  10. mildlymagnificent says

    What on earth is a “time-frame” for a marriage?

    I understand the notions of setting aside normal pre-nuptial rituals or legal requirements when events preclude them – wartime marriages when leave is abruptly cancelled and so on. But these marriages once solemnised are the same as any other marriage. For life.

    I understand different “time-frames” for adultery, fornication, encounters with prostitutes or maintaining a mistress. Mistress. Does that mean that a man has to marry and divorce such a partner every time they get together?

    The more I thought about it, the more ridiculous it got. I described this “time-frame” notion to my husband who snorted scornfully. When I suggested that he needed to understand or at least look into cultural and religious issues here, he grunted “No. I understand all right.”

    He just emerged from his study to fetch a coffee. I heard mumbles of “Hypocrisy. Blatant hypocrisy.”

  11. Ysanne says

    Who gives a flying fuck if there is a permanent or temporary marriage (or pro-forma pretense of it) before people engage in sex? That’s not how one recognises rape! What’s wrong with non-marital sex in the first place? The important questions are whether the sex is consensual or not, whether it is exploitative or not, and whether all participants’ rights as persons are respected or not.
    It is very telling that neither the fatwa, nor the OP, nor a good part of the comments seem to even consider this point, and instead concentrate on the qualities of Muta’ah as a workaround for the irrelevant issue of being unmarried while having sex.

      • says

        I wonder, do these countries have the kind of rules we had not long ago in the west; that you can’t be raped by your spouse because consent is implied in the marriage contract? Is the “wife” ever asked about whether she agrees to marry this string of dudes?
        It sounds to me like religion being used as a loophole to gang-rape girls unfortunate enough to fall into the clutches of these people and claim that it’s all sanctified and shit. Makes me sick.

  12. StevoR, fallible human being says

    @12. arab : Well let’s see a clip or statement or link where he explictly denies those words and condemns them then shall we?

  13. StevoR, fallible human being says

    @15. Ysanne :

    That’s not how one recognises rape!

    Ever heard of the age of consent? A girl who is under 18 (16 in some places?) is unable to cosnent to sex by definition.

    BTW. Mohammad apparently “married” (raped) Aisha when she was nine or so. See :


    Some role model that “prophet” eh?

    • Ysanne says

      go take a look at some countries other than the US, e.g. in Europe, South America or Asia. 14 is quite a popular choice for age of consent, not surprisingly, given how most people reach puberty by that age and are already interested in having sex. (Usually some extra protections apply to people under 16 or 18, so as to compensate for the fact that teenagers are easy to exploit — which is exactly about consent.)
      Wikipedia has a nice map.
      Guess what age of consent Saudi Arabia has? None at all. The only restriction is “must be married”. So by his local legal standards, al-Arifi is almost civilised. (Not that it would help any.)
      Again, the problem is that the whole question of the woman’s consent never even enters the equation. It’s all about the “jihadis”, to “satisfy their sexual desires and boost their determination in killing Syrians”, an exceptionally disgusting way to view sex.

    • steve84 says

      14 or 16 is just fine. You just need rules in place that prevent adults from having sex with 14 year olds or people who are in authority over minors (like teachers). There is a huge difference between a 16 year old who has sex with a 15 year old, and an 18 year old who has sex with a 15 year old.

  14. says

    PS – I note that this disgusting custom appears to be set up for the pleasure of the wealthy. Would I be correct if I guessed that most people don’t take advantage of this cowardly loophole, if only because they can’t afford to? I suspect this is another teaching of “the golden rule” (who has the gold, makes the rules)

      • says

        Oh, I’m sorry. I was unclear. The “very brief marriage for money” is practiced elsewhere in the islamic world. I first heard about it in Saudi Arabia, and asked my host “how is that different from prostitution?”

        This appears to be an extra-special awful version of the same thing. Though, yes, it’s founded on violence and power* not wealth.

        (*This is hardly “power” it’s one disturbed individual inflicting their will on another. That’s very small-time, very petty, and more the rage-filled act of someone powerless and afraid than powerful and self-confident.)

  15. Scrat335 says

    Sad. This fatwah seems to be simply authorizing prostitution for the Jihadist fighters, on the surface it seems to be just fine at first glance. Unfortunately I wonder how much say the women involved in this conflict will have. I see nothing wrong with prostitution, we are all prostitutes of a kind. When someone has no choice though, that is wrong.

    I doubt a lot of the Syrian women this will apply to will have a choice.

    • steve84 says

      It’s not just prostitution. In Mali, the rebels “marry” girls, rape them, then “divorce” them. Sometimes multiple times in the same night to different men. It’s just a way for those animals to act out while pretending that they didn’t violate their “holy” book.

  16. jghillie says

    I find this site impossible to read because of the frames and all the ads. Wish you could try wordpress, which is free.

    Thank you for the post though.

    • Usernames are smart says

      Actually the problem is on your end, as in you don’t understand how to use a computer or browser.

      As for your WordPress comment, scroll down to the bottom of the page (if you can figure out how) and read the text on the right-hand side.

  17. rohan says

    I don’t give a rats ass if it is legit that clerics mother should have boiled him wen he was a egg how the fuck can u promise paradise to inocent girls making them believe being sex objects for pervertive scum like that that’s rape in civilized countrys

  18. neresa says

    I feel this is sick twisted & grotesque for an asshole,sorry ooold assshole to manipulate the islam religion to fucken suit his sexual & perveted needs through innocent young children. I say be a fucken man go masturbate or go commit suicide & women stand-up to this nonsense I know its hard but fuck that’s your daughter be brave as for u fucked up men who want to expose poor girls using Islam as a front May Allah have mercy on you

  19. neresa says

    No offense to muslim people but you guys are brain-washed to think what you guys do is in the quraan & sanctified by Allah a lot of u guys manipulate the quraan to your own sick needs,then you justify by saying its with Allahs blessing blasphemy hypocrasy blatant manipulation Lust

    • awilson says

      “No offense to [group of people], but [series of statements highly offensive to said group of people,” is a pretty stupid cop-out phrase. You’re being offensive, so own up to it. Don’t commit an intellectual dishonesty in the process.

  20. Nick Gotts (formerly KG) says

    If this fatwa has indeed been issued – and I don’t find it inherently implausible – then it is truly horrific. But do we know that it has? The video does not show Muhammed al-Arifi issuing the fatwa, it shows someone else claiming that he has done so, on the “Eretz Zen Channel” of LiveLeak. This appears to be a pro-Bashar-Assad source. Here is the same channel reporting, evidently favourably, on a “leading Islamic scholar” praising the Syrian army.

    Does anyone have another source confirming the issuing of this fatwa?

  21. Nick Gotts (formerly KG) says

  22. SamHarrisFan says

    Elimanate Religion from the surface of the earth!

    Make it illegal! Atheistic Government is all that can help us!

  23. catwhisperer says

    “Having sex will motivate the fighters to kill more enemies”
    “Fighters are allowed to temporarily marry widows”

    So basically – kill husband; rape wife; next house.

    I feel ill.

  24. martin dufresne says

    Nick Gotts is right. This “news is a hoax and it’s a shame freethought enthusiasts have relayed it without verification: http://www.alternet.org/world/exhibit-how-islamophobic-meme-can-spread-wildfire-across-internet?akid=9888.117026.a3-bVB&rd=1&src=newsletter770394&t=11
    “(…) “By the evening a simple Google search of the words, ‘Saudi Sheikh’ , Syrian, and ‘women’ brought up some 5 million references and at least 3 pages of links to articles spreading the news.”
    Is an apology in order? Or does anything goes when it comes to discrediting Muslims and attributing rape to religion rather than to men?

  25. says

    A retraction of the video is certainly in order, but I’ll point out that the video was not the only point of this post. There are outstanding issues concerning age limits and consent.

  26. Nick Gotts (formerly KG) says


    Of course there are “outstanding issues concerning age limits and consent”; and al-Afiri does appear to promulgate a thoroughly repulsive ideology. That makes it even more regrettable that Taslima Nasreen – and PZ Myers – repeated this apparently bogus story without taking the trouble to check it. Let’s hope al-Afiri’s too busy to pursue those who have repeated the story online through the courts, unlike a British Tory ex-politician who was recently – and without any doubt at all, falsely – accused of child sex abuse.

  27. says

    I hope I didn’t come off as too glib. Let me be clear:
    I in no way support the circulation of slanderous stories, no matter who’s the target, and I think it’s very unfortunate that this story was circulated here without due diligence on the fact-checking. There are plenty of truthful things we can criticize people for, some of which Taslima also brought up here. This kind of thing only serves to draw attention away from the real issues and it’s entirely counterproductive.

  28. ghost buster says

    I am confused! What did your prophet do with the 9 year old girl ? Muta’ah, Wahabis or Misyar ? Please correct my ignorance.

  29. beauti says

    Dear Dr. Deva, When I was with my ex-boyfriend, he treated me so poorly that we broke-up and I was the one who ended up in pain. I then asked for the Retrieve A Lover Spell for someone to love me as I would love them.Then 2 months later, I met someone after work who treated me like I meant the world to him. We’ve been together for five months now and still an apple in each others eye! Thank you so much i will advice anyone in help to contact Dr. Deva On his email: lakshmantemple@gmail.com

  30. Muhammed Flaifil says

    Muslims are confused People. They are not sûre about their religion, and that is why they keep making new crazy Fatwas, like the one made regarding women to breast Feed men. The Hadith they believe is so changed over the years that it Cannot be counted on 100%. And eveyone has their own interpretation of the Quran. God help us all if anyone of these muslim nations start having nucleur weapons. The Muslims think it is unfair for Israel to have NUKES, while they do not have. But I believe it is the smartest decision ever decided by humans.

  31. says

    I am thinking its funny, False propoganda against Saudi, Now I want give an example, If a Mufti, a citizen of London (Lets consider London an Islamic Country Like Saudi Arabia ) leaves london and stays in America takes its citizenship as a Citizen, If he issue fatwa from America that Muttah Nikah is Legal through Internet “. Will the world justify that Mufty of London issued fatwa. Will now taslima blame London without knowing the fact authorised by Auluma and Mufti of London. This are the types of Media propoganda only to show Islamic rules are very Illegal, Thanks can reply to me.

  32. says

    See it is false propoganda , Saudi cannot give such Fatwa, A Doctor from America does any Illegal in its Prescription cannot blame whole Dr. of America. Islam does not gives way to easy sex.


  1. […] A fatwa to rape! A fatwa was issued. A Wahhabi religious cleric in Saudi Arabia, Muhammed al-Arifi, who is very influential in Jihadi circles, has recently issued a fatwa (religious edict) that permits all Jihadist militants in Syria to engage in short-lived marriages with Syrian women that each lasts for a few hours in order to satisfy their sexual desires and boost their determination in killing Syrians. He called the marriage as ‘intercourse marriage’. It requires that the Syrian female be at least 14 years old, widowed, or divorced. Mut’ah is allowed in Islam. Mut’ah is about short term pleasure marriage. Or hiring or renting vagina for pleasure. Islam does not allow anyone to buy or rent penises. In Islam, only men are allowed to do whatever they like for their own pleasure, women are not allowed to do such things. Men can marry women or hire women for an hour or a few hours for sex. Mut’ah is exactly like buying prostitutes. The only difference between mut’ah and prostitution is in mut’ah marriage before having sex men need to say,’I am marrying her in the name of Allah’, and after sex, ‘I am divorcing her in the name of Allah’. That’s all. The money that is paid to prostitutes called ‘money’ and the money that is paid to female mut’ah partners is called ‘mhar‘. Long term Islamic marriage allows men to have four wives at a time, short term or temporary Islamic marriage or mut’ah marriage allows men to have infinite number of women. Having sex with girls below 18 should be considered rape, but unfortunately it is not illegal in Saudi Arabia. The Saudi Fatwa allows men to have sex with 14-year-old girls. 14 is not a marriageable age in civilized countries, but Saudi Arabia is no way a civilized country. There is no minimum age for marriage in Saudi Arabia. The same is in Islam. Muslim men can legally have sex with new-born babies. We know it very well that like other religions, Islam treats anything female as nothing but mere sex objects. It’s a man’s man’s man’s man’s man’s world. Instead of making the world safe for everyone, men made it dark and dangerous for us, half of the world’s population. Main tere naseeb ki barish nahi Jo tujh pe baras jaon Tujhe taqdeer badalni hogi mujhe panay ke liye….!!!! मैं तेरे नसीब की बारिश नहीं जो तुझ पे बरस जाऊं, तुझे तकदीर बदलनी होगी मुझे पाने के लिए ….!!!! 'میں تیرے نصیب کی بارش نہیں جو تجھ پہ برس جاؤں تجھے تقدیر بدلنی ہوگی مجھے پانے کے لئے "I'm not the rain of your fortune that i'll fall on you.You've to change your fate in order to get me." Reply With Quote […]

  2. […] Muhammed al-Arifi, who is very influential in Jihadi circles, has recently issued a fatwa that permits all Jihadist militants to engage in short-lived marriages for a few hours in order to satisf…. Similarly, Virginia has passed a law requiring doctors to penetrate women against their will if […]

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