ACLU sues over Cleveland convention rules

The city of Cleveland has put in place very strict rules governing what the public can do during the Republican convention starting July 18. The rules are so restrictive that the Ohio chapter of the ACLU has sued the city in federal court saying that such rules infringe on the free speech and other rights of the public, including the homeless who just happen to live in the 3.3 square mile area designated as the Event Zone. They are suing on behalf of three organizations: Citizens for Trump, Northeast Ohio Coalition for the Homeless, and Organize Ohio. (The lawsuit can be read here.)
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Cracking down on for-profit education

There has been a concerted attack on public education for some time now. Business interests have recognized that the total public education budget is huge and, especially in the K-12 sector, is under the control of local school boards. They have seen the opportunity for making huge amounts of profits if they could only siphon that money away into for-profit entities.
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Trump now courts the big money he once scorned

Throughout the primaries Donald Trump said that, unlike the other candidates, he was so rich that he was going to finance his own campaign and thus would not be beholden to the big money interests that contribute to campaigns and fund SuperPACs and thus get to buy access to candidates. This was one of the major factors that added to the image he created of being someone who was truly independent and not part of the corrupt political system.
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