Remembering the fallen

Conan O’Brien takes a moment to pay tribute to all 16 Republican candidates who fell under the Trump juggernaut. He gives us the date when they decided to call it quits as well as the reason for doing so. It is interesting that five of them (Rick Perry, Scott Walker, Bobby Jindal, Lindsey Graham, and George Pataki) dropped out even before the first actual contest, the Iowa caucuses, took place on February 1. Carl Bialik gives the full chronology of when each entered and left the race.
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Great clip of Jon Stewart from 2014

Jon Stewart was a master at political satire and when he retired last year it was by no means because he was losing his touch. Here is a clip from 2014, just a year before he stepped down, that shows the range of comedic skills that he could bring to what he did best, and that was deliver an epic rant excoriating the hypocrisy of politicians and their media enablers.
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Cringe along with Carly

Singing in public is a high-risk proposition unless you are a professional singer. Much as I dislike Carly Fiorina, I cannot help but cringe when I see the clip of her singing because I hate to see people make fools of themselves in public. I wonder who thought that singing a lullaby to Ted Cruz’s daughters was a good idea since even putting her with a roomful of puppies failed to make her seem more human.
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There is nothing like changing symbols to drive people crazy

If you had asked me which person’s face was on which US currency note, I would have been stumped. The only thing I was sure of was that it was some white guy from the distant past. Like most people, I am more concerned about the number that denotes the value rather than the ornamentation. But some people are sure upset about the decision to replace Andrew Jackson with abolitionist Harriet Tubman on the front of the $20 bill, seeing it as yet another sign of that dreaded ‘political correctness’ that is ruining America.
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