Immigration and the Republican primary

The issue of undocumented immigrants is turning into a big issue in the Republican primary race and you can be certain that it will feature in a big way in the debates and that any crime committed by such a person is going to get huge amounts of attention and be promoted by Fox News and other conservative media as proof positive that these people are a serious menace and will kill us all in our beds if we don’t immediately round them up and throw them out.

Back in 2013, The Daily Show‘s Aasif Mandvi 2013 looked into this question.

(This clip aired on October 10, 2013. To get suggestions on how to view clips of The Daily Show and The Nightly Show outside the US, please see this earlier post. If the videos autoplay, please see here for a diagnosis and possible solutions.)


  1. Knight in Sour Armor says

    Well looks like the Latino vote is a no go for them *again*. Better hope there’s enough nativist/racists to stem the tide of non-white votes and women’s votes this time.

  2. jws1 says

    @#1: Those days are gone. I’m so glad I’m young enough to get to witness how whites react to no longer being dominant in numbers in a few decades.

  3. busterggi says

    Perhaps deporting all immigrants with less than three generations would satisfy the likes of Cruz and Rubio.

  4. says

    Better hope there’s enough nativist/racists to stem the tide of non-white votes and women’s votes this time.

    There will be, after a new round of voter-purges culls out the rest.

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